Make WordPress Core

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 months ago

#13239 reopened enhancement

Filter locate_template template_names variable

Reported by: chrisjean's profile chrisjean Owned by:
Milestone: Future Release Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.0
Component: Themes Keywords: has-patch dev-feedback
Focuses: Cc:


I recently encountered a situation where it would be very helpful to supply alternate template file locations; however, this cannot be accomplished as the locate_template function is being used and that function's arguments are not filterable. So, I created a patch that adds the filter.

This patch adds two filters: locate_template and locate_template-TEMPLATENAME. This allows for both general and specific filtering.

The following example shows how this could be used to modify the location of a BuddyPress template file.

function filter_member_header_template( $template ) { 
    return dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/buddypress/members/single/member-header.php';
add_filter( 'locate_template-members/single/member-header.php', 'filter_member_header_template' );

While the value of this example is debatable as BuddyPress could be updated to support alternate template locations, the value of the patch itself is high. This opens up a new ability for plugins to modify template file locations, giving plugins a hook into the content rendering process without requiring themes to be modified.

Attachments (25)

13239.diff (921 bytes) - added by chrisbliss18 15 years ago.
Add filters to locate_template
13239.c2c.diff (852 bytes) - added by coffee2code 14 years ago.
13239.c2c.2.diff (1.9 KB) - added by coffee2code 14 years ago.
Amended version of my previous patch w/ extra hook added
13239.c2c.3.diff (1.3 KB) - added by coffee2code 14 years ago.
Only one filter added, but can do everything, including templates outside theme's directory
13239.c2c.4.diff (1.3 KB) - added by coffee2code 14 years ago.
Use path_is_absolute() to check for absolute paths
13239.5.diff (371 bytes) - added by wpmuguru 14 years ago.
13239.6.diff (1.3 KB) - added by coffee2code 13 years ago.
Refreshed my latest patch to cleanly apply against trunk.
13239.7.patch (360 bytes) - added by meloniq 12 years ago.
#22355 (template stacks) sounds better to me, but before it will get included into WP (and if even will), I would suggest adding simple filter in locate_template() to make possible to hook into this function with 'custom implementations of template stack'…
13239.2.diff (1.6 KB) - added by DrewAPicture 12 years ago.
24944.diff (617 bytes) - added by georgestephanis 12 years ago.
An alternate method.
13239.duckpunch.diff (1.2 KB) - added by georgestephanis 12 years ago.
13239.3.diff (2.1 KB) - added by DrewAPicture 11 years ago.
Hook docs + pre_locate_template
13239.8.diff (2.3 KB) - added by MikeSchinkel 11 years ago.
Based on 13239.2, adds hook docs, follows new brace standard, captures/uses $filepath and adds short-circuit.
13239.8a.diff (2.3 KB) - added by MikeSchinkel 11 years ago.
Fixed typo in 13239.8.diff
13239.load-template.diff (674 bytes) - added by markjaquith 10 years ago.
how I would do it
template.php.diff (1.4 KB) - added by aristath 10 years ago.
adds a 'locate_template' filter
13239.template.php.diff (1.4 KB) - added by aristath 10 years ago.
adds a 'locate_template' filter (including inline docs)
13239.template.php.2.diff (1.5 KB) - added by aristath 10 years ago.
13239.template.php.3.diff (1.6 KB) - added by aristath 10 years ago.
locate_template.patch (521 bytes) - added by sebastian.pisula 9 years ago.
22355.patch (1.2 KB) - added by jfarthing84 9 years ago.
This patch may be relevant here.
22355.1.php (1.7 KB) - added by tifosi 8 years ago.
Update of 22355. Loop issue, extra filter, parenthesis tweaks.
22355.1.patch (1.7 KB) - added by tifosi 8 years ago.
Wrong file extn
22355.2.patch (1.8 KB) - added by tifosi 8 years ago.
Assoc array for locations
template.diff (3.1 KB) - added by kylejennings83 8 years ago.
Proposed alternative patch

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (151)

15 years ago

Add filters to locate_template

#1 follow-up: @nacin
15 years ago

  • Keywords commit tested removed

I have spoken about this extensively with apeatling and jjj. We may be able to add a specific, targeted hook, or introduce a function or argument that exposes filters. But, I do not like the idea of "generic" filters that will run over and over again, especially against an area of the API that has so many file_exists checks and filters already running, so you can do nearly anything you want.

#2 @nacin
15 years ago

I understand you want to use this within the theme. We now have get_template_part() for that, so I'm not really sure what the use case might be that calls for one over the other.

#3 @coffee2code
14 years ago

I intended to write a ticket very similar to this one, so I'm glad to see it's already here.

There are at least three benefits to having such hooks:

  • Ability to alias a template file with another :
    • Statically (make requests for '404.php' use 'error.php')
    • Dynamically (i.e. if an admin is requesting 'searchform.php' serve them 'advanced-searchform.php')
  • Ability to hide a template : having locate_template() return "" would effectively make it seem as though the template doesn't exist
  • Ability to skip use of a template or certain type of template (i.e. prevent WP from searching for page-*, single-*, etc if you know you'll never use them or never want them used)

The attached patch, 13239.c2c.diff:

  • Refreshes the original patch
  • Adds a third filter, one that operates before the function returns, sending the template ultimately located
  • Passes $load and $require_once along to all filters to provide additional context
  • Removes extra file_exists() call

@nacin: I agree with your concern about the file_exists() call that the original patch is adding to every template searched for by locate_template(). My patch omits that part, so there is no overhead being added, other than calling some additional filters, which we're generally cool with.

My suggestion for @chrisbliss18, if my patch is accepted, would be to hook "locate_template-$template_name" and return "", which will cause the foreach to continue. Then separately hook "locate_template_located" and see if $template_names contains the template you want to override (the same template you hooked via "locate_template-$template_name"). If so, you can perform your own file_exists()and what have you and return your desired target template. You should be able to accomplish this without firing any unnecessary file_exists().

(Just as a related note: I ran across the issue while working on my Disable Search plugin. get_search_form(), the recommended and widely used method for themes to display the site search form, calls: locate_template(array('searchform.php')) and if it's found, requires it and immediately returns. Without one of the hooks in the attached patch, there is no way to suppress display of the search form without removing or renaming the template file. One could argue that this is ticket-worthy itself, but it's an example of something that could be improved via this ticket.)

The hooks for locate_template() allow overriding of core template-location functionality. Use of one of the filters could actually reduce the file_exists() checks if template(s) are being removed from being searched for since the hooks operate before any file_exists() are performed.

Some tangential relation to what scribu is doing #14310, but this applies closer to the metal and has more general applicability.

#4 @coffee2code
14 years ago

In thinking about this a bit more, I do like what @chrisbliss18 what trying to achieve. While I suggested a way to achieve it using my previous patch, it could be facilitated more directly with an amended patch, 13239.c2c.2.diff. This patch incorporates my previous patch and introduces an additional hook, "locate_template_path-$template_name" which fires on a per-template_name basis.

Like the intent of @chrisbliss18's original patch, this allows for a custom override location to be defined for a given template. However, unlike the original patch this does not automatically trigger a file_exists() to achieve this. Instead, it sends the filter an empty string as the default value. Only if the hook actually returns a path will a file_exists() be attempted.

Patch also adds PHPDocs about the filters.

14 years ago

Amended version of my previous patch w/ extra hook added

#5 @idealien
14 years ago

  • Cc idealien added

Was going to submit a similar enhancement but will merely add the use case I was thinking of for +1 validation of the potential for this.

A plugin creates custom post type(s) and has output that currently can be handled by shortcodes / widget and css modifications. Having the ability to register a template part would make for a more consistent implementation at the theme level as well as giving reference code for those customization situations were CSS alone is insufficient.

#6 @nacin
14 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 3.1

This looks good, but there are a lot of new filters and bits there. Do we really need all three?

(N.B. This can be punted in a week without a commit.)

#7 @coffee2code
14 years ago

After some consideration, I believe that the locate_template filter is the only absolutely necessary filter; two of the other three provide some specificity for hooking. I believe everything can be done with just that one. While the others may be nice to have, we'll still be fully served with just adding the locate_template filter. My latest patch, 13239.c2c.3.diff eliminates all but that filter.

However, there is one thing that can't be done simply with the addition of that filter: allowing templates to be located outside of the current theme's (or its parent's) directory. This is the functionality @chrisbliss18 was ultimately requesting. The latest patch addresses this by checking to see if an absolute path was provided as part of the template name. If so, then the template is checked first without the prepending of STYLESHEETPATH or TEMPLATEPATH.

Here's a simple plugin (tested) using the filter to allow a plugin to override theme templates with templates contained in the plugin's templates/ subdirectory:

Plugin Name: Plugin that can override theme templates
Version: 0.1
Author: Mr. WordPress
Description: Templates in this plugin's templates subdirectory will override the same-named template from the theme.

if ( !function_exists( 'add_plugin_template_path' ) ) :
 * The plugin's templates/ subdirectory may contain overrides for any theme template file
function add_plugin_template_path( $template_names ) {
	$new_template_names = array();
	foreach ( (array) $template_names as $tn ) {
		$new_template_names[] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/templates/' . $tn;
		$new_template_names[] = $tn;
	return $new_template_names;
add_filter( 'locate_template', 'add_plugin_template_path' );

The case for the other filters can be made at a later date if they end up being desired.

14 years ago

Only one filter added, but can do everything, including templates outside theme's directory

#8 @nacin
14 years ago

  • Keywords 3.2-early added
  • Milestone changed from 3.1 to Future Release

#9 @scribu
14 years ago

  • Cc scribu added

#10 @DJPaul
14 years ago

  • Cc DJPaul added

#11 @sorich87
14 years ago

  • Cc sorich87@… added

#12 @scribu
14 years ago

Related: #12877

#13 @andrewlawson
14 years ago

I've also been looking for this feature. The request topic I submitted is at for anyone interested.

I also wrote a patch at, although it's a little different to yours.

#14 @chrisbliss18
14 years ago


Your last patch, 13239.c2c.3.diff, has a problem in its check for the absolute path. It assumes that any absolute path must begin with a forward slash. A better way to test for an absolute path is to use the path_is_absolute() function.


I too considered filtering a set of search paths rather than the $template_names variable. I ended up not liking that idea as it is overly-restrictive to the way plugins and themes can modify behavior. For instance, the filter code must know the exact name of the template file it wishes to provide/replace and have that file available in the non-standard directory it has access to.

I can see this limiting at least two desirable abilities for code to use this filter:

  1. This would prevent code from providing an interface for users to select the templates they wish to use, requiring the code and template files to be custom-tailored for each specific application.
  2. It would make it impossible for code to override ID or slug-specific templates unless the filter code also had access to a full set of any possible ID or slug-specific templates.

My original intent for this patch was to open up a new ways for plugins to step in during the rendering process. Rather than limiting plugin's to having an all-or-nothing approach to modifying the front-end, they can have creative solutions that replace specific views or individual components (since control over locate_template() also gives control over get_template_part()), potentially introducing new ways for plugin and theme devs to collaborate to create powerful tools for users without resorting to proprietary implementations for this collaboration to occur.

Unfortunately, the patch you have produced guts most of that added value.

#15 @andrewlawson
14 years ago

  • Cc andrewlawson added

My patch wasn't to replace yours, I'd simply written it before I came across this ticket.

I can see the benefit of filtering $template_name instead of a list of directories, although there could be a problem with your patch:

Windows systems don't use '/' at the beginning of absolute paths, so

if ( $template_name{0} == '/' && file_exists( $template_name ) ) {

on line 1084 won't work. The only way to get around that is to just do

if ( file_exists( $template_name ) ) {

but that may cause problems for non-absolute paths depending on where the filter callback is defined.

I know windows isn't ideal for development, never mind production, yet it's still used for both and needs to be accommodated for.

The only solution I can see is to use two filters; one to filter a list of directories, and another to filter the template names.

Last edited 14 years ago by andrewlawson (previous) (diff)

#16 @scribu
14 years ago

  • Keywords 3.3-early added; 3.2-early removed

#17 @coffee2code
14 years ago

At @chrisbliss18's suggestion, using the more robust path_is_absolute() to check for an absolute path in 13239.c2c.4.diff. That should address the concern of absolute path detection under Windows as well.

(On a related note, I proposed #17754 to improve path_is_absolute() since it could see more use with this patch applied.)

14 years ago

Use path_is_absolute() to check for absolute paths

#18 @wpmuguru
14 years ago

I propose that the filter be moved to after the existing template search is complete.

The use case is loading templates contained within plugins. If it's moved to after then a plugin can contain logic to load either a template in the theme or one within the plugin. For example, a plugin can have a default template but the site owner can create a custom version of it and store the custom version in their theme.

14 years ago

#19 @coffee2code
14 years ago

I agree there is benefit to having a filter after the template search is complete. I proposed it as part of the attached patch 13239.c2c.2.diff. Since @nacin wasn't so sure about as many filters as I originally proposed, I ultimately decided 13239.c2c.4.diff was most robust.

One capability lost with the filter solely located after the template search is that you can't preempt the template search. Something I'm keen to do is prevent WP from having to do file_exists() checks for certain template formats that I know will never exist (such as all the $id based templates -- category-15.php, post-245.php, etc -- that I never use).

I'd be on board with also having the post-template-search filter that you favor (which I originally called 'located_template_located', but I don't mind whatever name it gets), but I'd like not to lose the pre-template-search filter.

#20 @coffee2code
14 years ago

Additionally, the post-template-search filter doesn't allow you to re-prioritize template preference search order, exclude certain templates from being located even if present, give preference to parent templates over child templates (maybe you don't want child themes to override a particular template), among other things.

You may be able to do some of that with the post-template-search filter, but in many instances you'd have to perform additional (and likely duplicate) file_exists() checks to determine if the already located template should be replaced with something else under current conditions.

To address the use case you mention: A plugin could make use of the pre-template-search filter to give preference to child and parent theme templates over itself, allowing the plugin's template to be the last resort if the theme doesn't otherwise provide an override.

#21 @scribu
14 years ago

  • Milestone Future Release deleted
  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from new to closed

Reading through this discussion again, the filter is exactly what I proposed in #14310, except the patch on #14310 provides more context.

As such, closing as duplicate.

Last edited 14 years ago by scribu (previous) (diff)

#22 @scribu
14 years ago

On second though, given the history of that ticket, I should have closed that one as dup. If anyone else thinks so too, feel free to make the switch.

#23 @coffee2code
14 years ago

  • Resolution duplicate deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

There may be some overlap, but I still think this has merit on its own. I acknowledged #14310 in my initial comment here. I still contend this solution is more robust.

One drawback in what appears to be the most current patch for #14310 is that it requires that the template type be specified to hook the filter.. i.e. add_filter( 'author_template_hierarchy', ... ). If I'm interested in processing all template location requests, I'd have to register hooks against all possible types.

That aside, #14310 operates at a higher level. I want lower level access via locate_template(). Not all template requests go through get_query_template(), but if you care about templates in the child OR parent theme, then locate_template() will be called. For instance, get_search_form() uses locate_template() to find searchform.php. Being able to short-circuit that is part of the impetus for my patch. #14310 won't let me intercept location of that template file.

I also think themes and plugins are more likely to call locate_template() to find specialized templates than to call get_query_template(). Even if they aren't, if the hook is in locate_template() you'll be able to intercede regardless of which of two functions are used.

I won't go so far as to close #14310 as a dup of this. I think what it hopes to accomplish could be done with my patch for this ticket, but its specificity might make things slightly easier in certain situations (i.e. you want to modify the template search order for just the 'author' templates). However, I'd like for my proposed patch for this to continue on for further consideration.

#24 @coffee2code
14 years ago

Marked #18151 as a duplicate.

#25 @SergeyBiryukov
14 years ago

  • Milestone set to Future Release

#26 @husobj
13 years ago

  • Cc ben@… added

I would also second a filter to preempt the template search as per coffee2code's comments above.

#27 in reply to: ↑ 1 @mikeschinkel
13 years ago

  • Cc mikeschinkel@… added

Replying to nacin:

I have spoken about this extensively with apeatling and jjj. We may be able to add a specific, targeted hook, or introduce a function or argument that exposes filters. But, I do not like the idea of "generic" filters that will run over and over again, especially against an area of the API that has so many file_exists checks and filters already running, so you can do nearly anything you want.

It may be moot by now in that this idea might be accepted, but we are running into situations where we really need for hook functionality in load_template(), so +1 to adding more hooks here.

#28 @shawnkhall
13 years ago

The way around unnecessary hooks then is to implement only the portion from the c2c.2.diff above:

$template_name = apply_filters( "locate_template-$template_name", $template_name, $load, $require_once ); 

Put that right inside the template_names loop and it'll prevent unnecessary execution for invalid templates. This one change would address the problems identified by most within this thread and others (#16541).

#29 @anmari
13 years ago

  • Cc anmari@… added

#30 @scribu
13 years ago

A more low-level filter proposal for load_template(): #21062

13 years ago

Refreshed my latest patch to cleanly apply against trunk.

#31 @coffee2code
13 years ago

Attached 13239.6.diff as a refresh of my latest patch so that it applies cleanly against trunk as of r21446.

#32 @iandunn
13 years ago

  • Cc ian_dunn@… added

#33 @DeanMarkTaylor
12 years ago

  • Cc DeanMarkTaylor added

#34 @iandunn
12 years ago

Any chance this could be considered for 3.6?

Call me anal-retentive, but I want my theme directory to look like this, not like this.

#35 @rmccue
12 years ago

Considering this was marked 3.2-early, and then 3.3-early, this sounds like it should be in by now.

#36 @wonderboymusic
12 years ago

FYI: yesterday, there were 76 open tickets still tagged 3.2-early. I have been going through them - anyone that wants to help, have at it.

#37 @rmccue
12 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Future Release to 3.6

Bumping to 3.6 as per wonderboymusic's triaging. Patch still applies cleanly to trunk.

#38 @iamfriendly
12 years ago

  • Cc richard@… added

#39 @fjarrett
12 years ago

  • Cc fjarrett@… added

12 years ago

#22355 (template stacks) sounds better to me, but before it will get included into WP (and if even will), I would suggest adding simple filter in locate_template() to make possible to hook into this function with 'custom implementations of template stack'...

#40 @meloniq
12 years ago

  • Cc meloniq@… added

#41 @meloniq
12 years ago

As in comment of my above patch:
#22355 (template stacks) sounds better to me, but before it will get included into WP (and if even will), I would suggest adding simple filter in locate_template() to make possible to hook into this function with 'custom implementations of template stack'...

#42 @coffee2code
12 years ago

@meloniq: The comment associated with your patch doesn't justify your reasoning for placing the filter where you've put it in the function. If you've seen all the other patches to the ticket, there is no dispute about having a filter in locate_template() since that's what they're all doing.

Your patch places the filter after the file_exists() checks, which means that when the filter is used, a number of file_exists() checks will have been performed unnecessarily. It also assumes that the file specified via the filter exists since it won't go through the check itself. You pretty much lose the template hierarchy fallback approach employed in locate_template(), as well as the ability to easily locate a custom template in either a parent or child theme.

#43 @meloniq
12 years ago

@coffee2code, sorry, just noticed that my patch is duplicate of patch submitted by @wpmuguru - I could leave just an comment... As I said in my previous comment, I like more the idea with 'template stacks' ( see #22355 ) where You can simply register new template location with priority, so plugins like WPEC, WC or BP could register template location with lower priority, and included template will be loaded from this location only if theme or child theme does not have it...

Suggested filter after the parent/child checks seems to be safe, does not require extra testing (3.6 is close), and gives full control over this what happening in locate_template()... so before we will find perfect solution to get out from this limited hierarchy (child->parent), with which everyone would agree that is the way to go - this filter would allow for it (load templates from other locations).

Note: file_exists() doesn't seems to be an expensive function, and it have cache:

#44 @DrewAPicture
12 years ago

13239.2.diff refreshes @coffee2code's 13239.6.patch. I also swapped out STYLESHEETPATH and TEMPLATEPATH for get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() respectively.

The filter introduced with 13239.2.diff works as expected.

Would be nice to get this in for 3.6, even if we end up taking a more far-reaching approach in the future in #22355.

#45 @ocean90
12 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 3.6 to Future Release

#46 @georgestephanis
12 years ago

#24944 was marked as a duplicate.

12 years ago

An alternate method.

#47 follow-up: @georgestephanis
12 years ago

Just added 24944.diff as an alternate way -- just letting things choose to duck punch what file to use. Less complex, possibly less elegant.

#48 in reply to: ↑ 47 @meloniq
12 years ago

Replying to georgestephanis:

Just added 24944.diff as an alternate way -- just letting things choose to duck punch what file to use. Less complex, possibly less elegant.

Patch '24944' does not seems to respect value of $load variable, do not loads the template if true is passed.

#49 @georgestephanis
12 years ago

Good call, I'll have a new one up shortly.

#50 @georgestephanis
12 years ago

meloniq: new patch included that just skips the population of $located if the filter returns something.

#51 @talbet
11 years ago

  • Cc talbet.fulthorpe@… added

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by rmccue. View the logs.

11 years ago

#53 @rmccue
11 years ago

  • Keywords commit added

I need more duck-punching in my life!

On a serious note, given this was 3.2-early, then 3.3-early, and we're in 3.9 territory now (*and* I need this filter), marking for commit. Patch looks good, assuming we're happy with the name. (pre_locate_template might better match the existing style, ala pre_get_option)

#54 @georgestephanis
11 years ago

Plz plz plz plz plz to haz

#55 @SergeyBiryukov
11 years ago

  • Keywords needs-docs added
  • Milestone changed from Future Release to 3.9

11 years ago

Hook docs + pre_locate_template

#56 @DrewAPicture
11 years ago

  • Keywords needs-docs removed

13239.3.diff adds hook docs and renames the filter hook to pre_locate_template for naming consistency.

#57 follow-ups: @coffee2code
11 years ago

I still prefer @DrewAPicture's update in 13239.2.diff of my most recent patch. It permits customization of the template search stack (via the filter) and allows for templates to be located outside of the theme or its parent theme directories while still retaining the benefit of WP's file existence checks, its hierarchical template search, and adds the use of get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() rather than constants.

I'm not a fan of bailing on everything locate_template() does if the filter as proposed by @georgestephanis returns a specific template to load. You lose all the locating functionality of the function, forcing any hooking code to likely duplicate that to ensure the template exists. More than anything, though, I have concerns it makes it harder to play well with others; it'll become a problem if multiple functions hook the filter since the first invoked callback may have chosen a template to load, leaving subsequent callbacks unable to determine how the template was chosen and unable to influence the template selection process (short of ignoring any previous filtered selection and hoping a later callback doesn't override its own selection).

#58 in reply to: ↑ 57 @MikeSchinkel
11 years ago

Replying to coffee2code:

I still prefer @DrewAPicture's update in 13239.2.diff of my most recent patch.
I'm not a fan of bailing on everything locate_template() does if the filter as proposed by @georgestephanis returns a specific template to load. You lose all the locating functionality of the function, forcing any hooking code to likely duplicate that to ensure the template exists. More than anything, though, I have concerns …

Very much agree.

BTW, we use our own version of locate_template() so that we can implement "skins" which is similar in concept to child themes but for specific sections of a site and all contained within the same theme. For example, the /about/ section could have a red-ish skin, the /products/ section a green-ish skin and so on (it's more complex than that, but hopefully you get the idea.)

It would be nice to be able to implement things like skins without having to bypass standard WordPress API functions, in this case locate_template().

adds the use of get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() rather than constants.

I would suggest not calling those functions twice but instead capturing the return value the first time called. Is there a good reason not to capture to a variable instead of calling at least one of them twice?

#59 in reply to: ↑ 57 @rmccue
11 years ago

Replying to coffee2code:

More than anything, though, I have concerns it makes it harder to play well with others; it'll become a problem if multiple functions hook the filter since the first invoked callback may have chosen a template to load, leaving subsequent callbacks unable to determine how the template was chosen and unable to influence the template selection process (short of ignoring any previous filtered selection and hoping a later callback doesn't override its own selection).

You've convinced me on this point alone. I preferred the other patch, but after considering it, the array filter is more flexible.

+1 on either patch, but preference to 13239.2.diff.

pls can has?

#60 follow-up: @rmccue
11 years ago

Also worth mentioning: I don't think we should pass $load and $require_once to the filter.

#61 in reply to: ↑ 60 ; follow-up: @DrewAPicture
11 years ago

Replying to rmccue:

Also worth mentioning: I don't think we should pass $load and $require_once to the filter.

I agree if if we end up going with 13239.2.diff (plus hook docs). Those booleans are far less important if all we're doing is filtering the template names.

11 years ago

Based on 13239.2, adds hook docs, follows new brace standard, captures/uses $filepath and adds short-circuit.

#62 in reply to: ↑ 61 ; follow-up: @MikeSchinkel
11 years ago

Replying to DrewAPicture:

I agree if if we end up going with 13239.2.diff (plus hook docs).

I just added 13239.8.diff based on 13239.2.diff with the following changes:

  1. Adds hook docs.
  2. Follows new bracing coding standard (i.e. don't use single line if() without braces.)
  3. Added spaces in expressions to be consistent with WordPress coding standard
  4. Added ability to short-circuit loading a template file by having the filter return false.
  5. Captured value of expressions that called get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() into variable $filepath so those functions need not be called twice (and so that value is easier to debug within locate_template()).

#63 in reply to: ↑ 62 ; follow-up: @rmccue
11 years ago

Replying to MikeSchinkel:

  1. Captured value of expressions that called get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() into variable $filepath so those functions need not be called twice (and so that value is easier to debug within locate_template()).

I thought you meant something more like:

$stylesheet = get_stylesheet_directory();

// ...
} else if ( file_exists( $stylesheet . '/' . $template_name ) ) { 
         $located = $stylesheet . '/' . $template_name; 

(Ditto for template directory.)

The code currently calls get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() once per iteration.

(The else if ( $filepath = file_exists( $filepath = get_template_directory() . '/' . $template_name ) ) line also means $filepath ends up being true rather than the path. :) )

#64 in reply to: ↑ 63 @MikeSchinkel
11 years ago

Replying to rmccue:

I thought you meant something more like: ...

Why would you want to evaluate the expression $stylesheet . '/' . $template_name twice?

The code currently calls get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() once per iteration.

Not for the one the matches, it's called twice.

(The else if ( $filepath = file_exists( $filepath = get_template_directory() . '/' . $template_name ) ) line also means $filepath ends up being true rather than the path. :) )

Doh! Stupid typo (so hard (for me) to get these right the first time. It's not for lack of trying.)

13239.8a.diff will come next.

11 years ago

Fixed typo in 13239.8.diff

#65 follow-up: @georgestephanis
11 years ago

Just a bit of clarification, the reason I had included the option to fully duck-punch the functionality -- and pass in the $load and $require_once was so that it could -- for example -- clock analytics on how long each template include takes to run on average, and cache ones as determined by the back-end.

The ability to add an absolute path and have it included is spiffy for the latter part, but there's no good way to clock the time it takes for the include to evaluate, short of faking a duck-punch with the existing filter and snagging the arguments passed in via a debug_backtrace()

If that's something that we don't wanna support, that's fine, just wanted to drop in an explanation of why it had been there.

#66 in reply to: ↑ 65 @MikeSchinkel
11 years ago

Replying to georgestephanis:

If that's something that we don't wanna support, that's fine, just wanted to drop in an explanation of why it had been there.

I only removed those in the patch I uploaded because others suggested they were not needed. I personally have not strong opinion on that topic either way.

#67 follow-up: @obenland
11 years ago

  • Keywords 3.3-early commit removed

How about casting $template_names to an array within the filter on line 475?

We could omit the false === $template_names check and remove the typecasting from the foreach loop, while not changing the outcome for the function. Added benefit would be a reduced type ambiguity, plugins could always expect an array.

#68 in reply to: ↑ 67 @MikeSchinkel
11 years ago

Replying to obenland:

How about casting $template_names to an array within the filter on line 475?

Funny, that was how I wrote it initially. I reverted because I didn't want the filter to have to check for a one element array with no value which is what would happen if a false value or an empty string value was passed (which admittedly would be a very rare edge case.)

We could omit the false === $template_names check and remove the typecasting from the foreach loop, while not changing the outcome for the function.

Actually the purpose of the false === $template_names was to allow the filter to return false if the hook wants to short-circuit template loading. So omitting would change the outcome in some cases. I myself have the same need in a library I've written where I want to run my own load_template() because I want to be able to add a $view variable into the template scope.

(Another option way to solve my specific use-case besides short-circuiting would be to add a filter in load_template() that would get passed the name of global variables to add to the scope and then let the hook add or remove them as needed. The return value would then use an extract() on the array returned. But I don't know what other use-cases for short-circuiting might exist so I don't know if my use-case is the only one.)

Last edited 11 years ago by MikeSchinkel (previous) (diff)

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by helen. View the logs.

11 years ago

#70 @casben79
11 years ago

Would it be possible to add a filter to the full path right before its passed back?

Here is the use case I have.

I have a plugin which supports templating of small parts of output (, it currently has some rather messy code like below:

if( file_exists( $wpss_templatepath . '/' . $slider . '_full-width-image.php' ) ){
    $include = $wpss_templatepath . '/' . $slider . '_full-width-image.php';
} elseif( file_exists( $wpss_templatepath . '/full-width-image.php' ) ) {
    $include = $wpss_templatepath . '/full-width-image.php';
} else {
    $include = $wpss_default_path . '/full-width-image.php';

if I clean that up to something like this:

$templates = array(
$include = locate_template( $templates );

if( $include === '' ){
    $include = $wpss_default_path . '/full-width-image.php';

and there is a filter on the full path in locate_template() like so:

return apply_filters( 'after_locate_template', $located, $template_names );

This would allow my plugin (and any other plugin whose author uses locate_template() to template the output) to be modified by another plugin of mine ( which is designed to tweak template files by creating a file in a completely different path (/wp-content/theme-overrides/) and hooking into template_include

Using this combination, any user would be able override any templating that uses locate_template() without modifying the theme (EG: premium themes)

#71 follow-ups: @nacin
11 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 3.9 to Future Release

I still have mixed feelings about this filter. As I mentioned in IRC, the a root question is whether the template hierarchy should be something you can butcher.

As I've also argued previously (elsewhere, apparently), a huge benefit of the template hierarchy in WordPress is that it's predictable. You can open up any theme and understand how it works. It's one of the most important and easy-to-understand concepts in WordPress.

That said, rmccue has been kicking around an alternative idea that would allow one to filter the directories in which a file is searched. See #27322 . Now that's interesting, because it simply adds a layer on top of the parent/child relationship, versus munging the well-established template hierarchies. Between that and the template_include filter, and the existing other filters (such as in get_query_template()), should be a significant amount of power.

#72 @casben79
11 years ago

Im not at all suggesting messing with the template hierarchy, but being able to programmatically control the location of small subsets of the code, locate_template() is also used in get_template_part() which really has nothing to do with the overall template hierarchy.

The overall hierarchy is already very easy to butcher at the moment using the template_include filter, which is at the moment the only place my plugin can effect the changes people make to the templates.

#73 in reply to: ↑ 71 ; follow-up: @MikeSchinkel
11 years ago

Replying to nacin:

As I've also argued previously (elsewhere, apparently), a huge benefit of the template hierarchy in WordPress is that it's predictable. You can open up any theme and understand how it works. It's one of the most important and easy-to-understand concepts in WordPress.

Gotta agree with this. Standardization is super important.

That said, rmccue has been kicking around an alternative idea that would allow one to filter the directories in which a file is searched. See #27322 .

Yes, this is really nice and would address the 'skins' use-case I mentioned above.

Replying to casben79:

locate_template() is also used in get_template_part() which really has nothing to do with the overall template hierarchy.

Gotta agree with that, too, because that's where some of the biggest limitations come from. And also get_header() and get_footer().

The overall hierarchy is already very easy to butcher at the moment using the template_include filter, which is at the moment the only place my plugin can effect the changes people make to the templates.

And that it true too. Currently if people want to butcher it they can. They just do it in less standardized ways.

So…I think casben79 identified the biggest pain point, the template parts (and the headers and footers.) Maybe we could enable them to be changed? I've had to bypass get_template_part() in some of my projects because the simple two level hierarchy stored in the theme root doesn't allow for maintainable template parts.

Or, maybe it's time to consider adding more robust template parts hierarchy to address complex use-cases?

#74 in reply to: ↑ 73 ; follow-up: @rmccue
11 years ago

Replying to MikeSchinkel:

Or, maybe it's time to consider adding more robust template parts hierarchy to address complex use-cases?

IMO, more complex cases like this are best handled by the theme itself. There's nothing stopping you adding a mytheme_get_template_part that handles any sort of use cases you need, backed by locate_template in the same way that the normal get_template_part is. Introducing more complicated part hierarchy into core removes the flexibility of doing it yourself.

#75 in reply to: ↑ 74 @MikeSchinkel
11 years ago

Replying to rmccue:

IMO, more complex cases like this are best handled by the theme itself. There's nothing stopping you adding a mytheme_get_template_part that handles any sort of use cases you need, backed by locate_template in the same way that the normal get_template_part is.

But then you have a theme that nobody except the developer of the theme and its (small group of) loyal users understand.

Introducing more complicated part hierarchy into core removes the flexibility of doing it yourself.

How does adding flexibility to enable get_template_part() to support a new but defined structure removes flexibility? If a structure for template parts were added to core you'd still be able to do exactly what you suggested if you don't like the new structure.

That said, doesn't the flexibility you speak of contradict @nacin's assertion that the predicability of the template hierarchy (and thus of a potential template parts hierarchy) is a plus?

#76 @SergeyBiryukov
11 years ago

#28689 was marked as a duplicate.

10 years ago

how I would do it

#77 follow-up: @georgestephanis
10 years ago

markjaquith: While that solves for my desire for fragment caching, it doesn't help with this ticket's explicit purpose -- alternate template locations. I'd be delighted to have it rolled in, but it's more for #24944's more limited scope than this.

As we discussed in person, it'd also be nice to have the requested array of template files available to the filter, but it looked really difficult to pull in there, so it's not a hill worth dying on.

#78 in reply to: ↑ 77 @obenland
10 years ago

Replying to georgestephanis:

markjaquith: While that solves for my desire for fragment caching, it doesn't help with this ticket's explicit purpose -- alternate template locations.

Would #22355 help with that?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by georgestephanis. View the logs.

10 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by georgestephanis. View the logs.

10 years ago

#81 @programmin
10 years ago

Maybe I don't understand the use of this, but I thought we basically had this through frontpage_template and archive_template filters - how would this feature be different, and would it affect current code using those filters?

#82 @coreyw
10 years ago

Wakeup WordPress, its 2015 here, and we still have to put our template files in the root of our theme directories... very sad.

Like putting your theme meta in the comments of a style.css in the theme root isn't bad enough, you're making me put my main templates (index, 404, page, etc) in the root also, and not letting me change that? So now I'm mixing functions.php, bower.json, package.json, style.css, screenshot.png, AND my templates? Disgusting. You're already searching subdirectories (at least one) for custom page templates, why not do the same for the main templates. But allow any subdirectory level.

Or keep the default the same, but for the love of all that is holy add a filter to locate_template(), or have locate_template recursively iterate an array of directories that we can add to with a filter. Is that so much to ask? This ticket has been open for FIVE years already, and nothing has happened to help.

I know you're saying "write code and submit patch", well others have already done that and I see that nothing happens. Or it moves at a glacial speed. Lets get this moving.

10 years ago

adds a 'locate_template' filter

#83 follow-up: @aristath
10 years ago

The above patch adds a 'locate_template' filter to the 'locate_template' function. So basically it's just line 514 on
The rest is just applying WordPress Coding standards to that function...

#84 @fovoc
10 years ago

I give my +1 for merging this patch

#85 @DrewAPicture
10 years ago

The proposed filter in template.php.diff would need proper hook documentation.

10 years ago

adds a 'locate_template' filter (including inline docs)

#86 @aristath
10 years ago

@DrewAPicture thanks for the feedback!
Docs added.

#87 in reply to: ↑ 83 @brianwelch
10 years ago

Replying to aristath:

This would be great! +1, because we really need something like this.

#88 follow-up: @coreyw
10 years ago

Thank you @aristath, but that patch is almost worthless without $template_names being passed to the filter.

In fact it might even be better to put it in the foreach loop, so that you can check each template name passed to see if it exists somewhere other than the default locations.

Last edited 10 years ago by coreyw (previous) (diff)

#90 in reply to: ↑ 88 ; follow-up: @aristath
10 years ago

Replying to coreyw:

Thank you @aristath, but that patch is almost worthless without $template_names being passed to the filter.

Jeez... I don't know what I was thinking, you're absolutely right!
Added in

In fact it might even be better to put it in the foreach loop, so that you can check each template name passed to see if it exists somewhere other than the default locations.

The break inside the conditionals there would prevent the filter from being processed if I added it after those, so this is an alternative suggestion:

In there I removed the break from the conditionals and afterwards I'm checking if ( '' != $located ).
If that's true, the filter is applied and after that it breaks the foreach.

#91 in reply to: ↑ 90 ; follow-up: @coreyw
10 years ago

Replying to aristath:
That looks good @aristath. For the alternate suggestion (inside the foreach), I would pass $template_name (singular) instead of $template_names though. And only break if the filter returns a value. Thanks for creating these diffs. Hopefully they will be included soon.

Last edited 10 years ago by coreyw (previous) (diff)

#92 in reply to: ↑ 91 @aristath
10 years ago

Replying to coreyw:

Replying to aristath:
That looks good @aristath. For the alternate suggestion (inside the foreach), I would pass $template_name (singular) instead of $template_names though. And only break if the filter returns a value. Thanks for creating these diffs. Hopefully they will be included soon.

We can do that...
However I'm not sure which one of the 2 diffs is preferable.
That's why I haven't submitted another diff... Waiting to see what others think too.

#93 @coreyw
10 years ago

I vote to use both methods, nothing wrong with multiple filters.

#94 in reply to: ↑ 71 @strider72
9 years ago

Replying to nacin:

As I've also argued previously (elsewhere, apparently), a huge benefit of the template hierarchy in WordPress is that it's predictable. You can open up any theme and understand how it works. It's one of the most important and easy-to-understand concepts in WordPress.

There's potential for a developer plugin here. Imagine a plugin that shows a list, at the top of any given page, of all the templates being loaded for the current page. It would be a perfect complement to this patch.

9 years ago

This patch may be relevant here.

#95 @nacin
9 years ago

There's potential for a developer plugin here. Imagine a plugin that shows a list, at the top of any given page, of all the templates being loaded for the current page. It would be a perfect complement to this patch.

This can already be done with get_included_files() in PHP, and it's already done in a WordPress-aware way in the excellent Query Monitor plugin by @johnbillion.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by johnrom. View the logs.

9 years ago

#97 follow-up: @johnrom
9 years ago

I would be perfectly happy if we could implement the directory filter portion of this and talk about the rest later. I don't see any downside to allowing a filter of the directories. If there is some "after-locating" functionality that is desired later, I think we could open another ticket for that and discuss it. However, the fact of the matter is, six years later, we still can't get basic template files out of the root of our themes. I will gladly put some hours in if we can come to the consensus that this is something we want.

#98 @aristath
9 years ago

the fact of the matter is, six years later, we still can't get basic template files out of the root of our themes


Well, technically we can... but we have to use hacky methods and just ignore the "WordPress way" (simply because there isn't one).

I will gladly put some hours in if we can come to the consensus that this is something we want.

I can afford a couple of hours too... Though I don't think that coding it is the issue here.
We've got the people and we've got the skills. The actual code & docs won't take more than half an hour to write (ok, maybe an hour if we include writing unit tests etc). What we lack is communication and a core commiter to step in and say "Yes, let's do this".

#99 @MikeSchinkel
9 years ago

the fact of the matter is, six years later, we still can't get basic template files out of the root of our themes

+1 too.

#101 @DrewAPicture
9 years ago

#37302 was marked as a duplicate.

#102 @Hrohh
8 years ago

+ 1 too

#103 @tifosi
8 years ago


Would really appreciate this. Very strange that this is not done, particularly as it's possible for main templates such as page.php etc via the template_include filter. Something that a lot of plugins such as woocommerce use for custom theming.

But, not possible for template partials such as header.php, which hook into the non-filterable locate_template.

I know it's possible - as used in get_template_part() - to use a relative path in the first argument, but that's a really clunky hack that needs some rethought, and essentially negates the argument that we shouldn't be messing with the theme layout/structure. Remember this has nothing to do with the template hierarchy - that's template_includes territory.

A theme being able to on-the-fly restructure the subfolder destinations for template files & partials would allow for a cleaner/leaner theme directory structure.

Having read through all the patches my preferred solution is actually the last: 22355.patch. It adds a top loading filter to allow additions (or changes) to the standard parent & child theme paths, as well as adding new custom ones. I'm sure I read somewhere that the STYLESHEETPATH & TEMPLATEPATH defines were deprecated. Aren't the stylesheet & template options table settings used now?

As well as this I've added a final locate_template filter, so that if the template_locations filter hasn't been used and the template files e.g. header.php have been moved to /partials/header.php then a generic template search could be done.

It's essentially the solution I've used for my theme framework via a custom locate_template function which get_header / get_footer & get_template_part would use. details the messy/childish restrictions on default template structure. Time for WodrPress to grow past this I think.

I've no objections to a filter on load_template as well ( 13239.load_template.diff )

I've added a patch 22355.1.patch above.

Note, I've removed the theme_compat location search that has crept in in the last 12months. Not sure if we should be using this OCD security risk any more. Theme developers should know what files are needed. A broken theme during development should be enough to show they've _done_something_wrong.

Come on guys... this has been going on for 6 years, would be nice to see WordPress to clean this up.


add_filter( 'template_locations', function( $locations ) {
    array_walk( $locations, function ( &$v, $s ) { $v .= $s; }, '/partials' );
    return $locations;
}, 10, 1 );

add_filter( 'template_locations', function( $locations ) {
    $locations[] = get_template_directory() . '/partials';
    $locations[] = get_template_directory() . '/templates';
    return $locations;
}, 10, 1 );

add_filter( 'locate_template', function( $location, $template_names ) {
    if ( in_array( 'header.php', $template_names ) ) {
        $location = ( is_child_theme() ) ? get_stylesheet_directory() : get_template_directory() . '/partials';
    return $location;
}, 10, 2 );


Version 7, edited 8 years ago by tifosi (previous) (next) (diff)

8 years ago

Update of 22355. Loop issue, extra filter, parenthesis tweaks.

8 years ago

Wrong file extn

8 years ago

Assoc array for locations

#104 @tifosi
8 years ago

Alternative patch: 22355.2.patch. Turned locations array into associative. Manipulation of array in filters by key.


add_filter( 'template_locations', function( $locations ) {
    unset( $locations['theme-compat'] );
    array_walk( $locations, function ( &$v, $k, $s ) { $v .= $s; }, '/partials' );
    return $locations;
}, 10, 1 );

add_filter( 'template_locations', function( $locations ) {
    unset( $locations['theme-compat'] );
    $new_locat = [
        'template-partials'     => get_template_directory() . '/partials',
        'template-templates'    => get_template_directory() . '/templates'
    return array_merge( $new_locat, $locations );
}, 10, 1 );

add_filter( 'locate_template', function( $location, $template_names ) {
    if ( in_array( 'header.php', $template_names ) ) {
        $location = ( is_child_theme() ) ? get_stylesheet_directory() . '/header.php' : get_template_directory() . '/partials/header.php';
    return $location;
}, 10, 2 );

#106 in reply to: ↑ 97 @retlehs
8 years ago

However, the fact of the matter is, six years later, we still can't get basic template files out of the root of our themes.

Come on guys... this has been going on for 6 years, would be nice to see WordPress to clean this up.

another +1

#107 @zackTTG
8 years ago

Love the @tifosi patches -- let's fix this!


#108 @corradomatt
8 years ago

+1 -- we're sooooo close!

#109 @KalenJohnson
8 years ago

+1 this is important to me

#110 @Twansparant
8 years ago

Yes please! +1

#111 @tifosi
8 years ago

With the work in 4.7 on #18302 it's a good time for this to be looked into. The new filepath functions: get_theme_file_path() and get_parent_theme_file_path() were introduced in 4.7 after my patch, so may be more contemporary functions to use than get_template_directory.

Allowing for more subtle custom folder structures would avoid the excessive butchering such as

#112 @simenschi
8 years ago

+1 Yes please!

#113 @leanderbraunschweig
8 years ago

+1, very useful

#114 @Rhand
8 years ago

Yeah, would be really great to have this out of the way. Plus one by moi.

#115 @swissspidy
8 years ago

#40258 was marked as a duplicate.

#116 @kylejennings83
8 years ago

I guess I have just introduced a duplicate ticket #41362, but I would like to drive attention to it to see whether or not my method would be a good alternative patch.

I followed the pattern used by @scribu in the accepted ticket #14310 to add the ability to move both all templates, and templates by type using the $type variable that's passed into get_query_template(). I think it's a good idea to use this pattern as it provides some consistency in naming conventions.

The Patch:

A couple examples

moving all templates

function move_templates($path){
    return 'templates';
add_filter('templates_path', 'move_templates');

moving templates by type


function move_team_pages($path = '', $type = null){
    $parent = get_page_by_title( 'team' );

    $parent_id = $parent->ID;
    $obj = get_queried_object();

    if($obj->post_parent == $parent_id)
        $path  = rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . 'team';

    return $path;

add_filter('page_templates_path', 'move_team_pages');

FWIW moving the templates, especially based on type is hugely beneficial if you're building large application, I added a lot of examples of how I like to organize my themes, ticket:41362#comment:3

Proposed patch:

Last edited 8 years ago by kylejennings83 (previous) (diff)

8 years ago

Proposed alternative patch

#117 follow-up: @dnavarrojr
8 years ago

Wow... 7 years and still not resolved. I'm at a total loss.

My question is, what is the correct method for adding a template part from a plugin that creates a custom post type?

For example, I create a CPT called "tacos" and I want to control the content area of my CPT using a template in my plugin folder. I don't want to put it in the theme folder because what happens when the user changes themes, but keep using my plugin?

I would think just adding a filter to add my template folder into the hierarchy would be a simple thing, but apparently not...

#118 in reply to: ↑ 117 @johnrom
8 years ago

Replying to dnavarrojr:

I would think just adding a filter to add my template folder into the hierarchy would be a simple thing, but apparently not...

This is completely possible using the template_include filter. This ticket specifically reflects certain template parts not included in that filter, such as header and footer.

Also, with a plugin you would probably want more control over how your template is loaded. I'd look into something similar to WooCommerce's locate_template function as it allows you to pass the exact variables you need to the template and keep your template clear of business logic.

#119 @dingo_bastard
8 years ago


My question is, what is the correct method for adding a template part from a plugin that creates a custom post type?

It is a bit complicated, but it is possible:

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by sergey. View the logs.

7 years ago

#121 follow-up: @Mizner
7 years ago

+1 It's time.

#122 in reply to: ↑ 121 @kylejennings83
7 years ago

Replying to Mizner:

+1 It's time.

Bumping my alternative patch which follows some naming conventions established in ticket .

#123 @johnbillion
6 years ago

#47563 was marked as a duplicate.

#124 @tripflex
4 years ago

So seeing as it has been 10+ years since this ticket was opened, and any similar tickets are closed and referenced as dupes to this one, what needs to be done to get something into core for this?

Does something need to be submitted to move this along at all?

Is the concern in adding a filter in the locate_template or load_template functions?

Specifically my issue is trying to override a sidebar template file from my plugin, which yes can be done by filtering on template_include but that means I have to maintain the full template file, and not just the sidebar template file, which my plugin replaces when the user enables the setting.

Because of this, my only solution is to force checking a user is using a child theme, and then manually copy over a file from my plugin into the user's child theme just to accomplish this (and not have to maintain and override the main archive template that calls get_sidebar)

#125 @tripflex
4 years ago

  • Keywords dev-feedback added

Can anybody provide any insight or help into this at all? What do we need to do to get *something* into core that would allow us to manage this. Even if it's just adding an action AFTER loaded so developers can use buffering to hack together something to deal with this.

Right now there is zero way to do this without having to manage the ENTIRE template through template_include as mentioned above, which is kind of crazy when it comes to WordPress

@johnbillion closed #47563 as duplicate, even though that one is get_template_part whereas this one is locate_template (which yes ends up calling locate_template) ... but in the end, this has been open for over 10+ years and is the "crutch" for closing other tickets, but this one has clearly died :(

Can someone from core dev team provide some kind of guidance, this is something so simple but seems it's been made out to be much more complicated than necessary.

#126 @revxx14
14 months ago

#60153 was marked as a duplicate.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.