Opened 15 years ago
Closed 8 years ago
#13841 closed defect (bug) (invalid)
Some HTTP Transports do not respect transfer timeouts
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 3.0 |
Component: | HTTP API | Keywords: | has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh |
Focuses: | Cc: |
While doing some testing I found that fopen, fsockopen and streams do not respect transfer timeouts.
Out fopen transport cannot support a transfer timeout properly because we do not pass the 3rd optional parameter to fopen for stream context. We don't do this on purpose because the 3rd parameter was not added until php 5, and that is partially what the streams transport is designed to cover. So in short, unless we want to conditionally use the streams context here for php versions > 5, we cannot reliably use transfer timeouts.
The streams timeout was missing the context for timeout, which does support "microtime". However, unsure at this point why, but the timeout needs to be divided by 2, so that the timeout happens requested timeout.
With fsockopen, we need to actually test for the timeout during the while loop, because the stream_set_timeout applies to each pass of fread and not the total process.
Attachments (14)
Change History (54)
15 years ago
Using the 'timeout' option for streams is kind of iffy because it is only supported on PHP5.2.1+. Granted majority of PHP5 hosts are going to have upgraded to at least PHP5.2.3 by now, there are likely still enough people on dedicated or shared hosts that are running PHP5.1.6 (since CentOS doesn't have an official release for PHP5.2.x yet or if they do it is a recent one which still might not have people upgrade to it yet).
I have a fix for only adding Fopen Transport when PHP4 is used and not when PHP5 is used. I think right now, it will go Streams -> Fopen -> Fsockopen, which is not how it should be on PHP5. It should be Streams -> Fsockopen. There is really only so much you can do for Fopen, so if that set_stream_timeout isn't working then I'm not exactly sure what the fix is for it. I'm surprised really that it isn't working because that is how PHP says you are supposed to set the Timeout for stream connections and for PHP4 connections.
I'm thinking about implementing the Socket way, but I believe that is also PHP5+. It may fix a lot of the issues with the Streams and provide another reliable transport.
Thanks for the additional information. When I first got into this, I figured, "Well, it isn't like the Language itself is going to have bugs, so I just follow the normal way of implementing this. Right?" Wrong. Thankfully, WordPress has many people working on the HTTP API, because I don't believe one person alone could have discovered all of these problems alone in PHP or at least discovered workarounds.
14 years ago
- Keywords 3.2-early needs-refresh removed
Same patch, just refreshed for current trunk.
14 years ago
This should likely go in after #16236. At which point it will require another refresh, since a fairly large amount of code changes will happen to the transports in that commit.
14 years ago
In the case of the Streams transport, do we need to be good citizens and close the file handle when it times out?
There's code such as this being mentioned on
while (!feof($sock) && !$info['timed_out']) { $file .= fgets($sock, 4096); $info = stream_get_meta_data($sock); } fclose($sock);
Do you have some form of reference for the / 2 timeout as well? It'd be useful to have something to point to.
14 years ago
See fclose().
See See stream_get_meta_data() as well as stream_set_timeout()
When the stream times out, the 'timed_out' key of the array returned by stream_get_meta_data() is set to TRUE, although no error/warning is generated.
timeout float
Read timeout in seconds, specified by a float (e.g. 10.5).
By default the default_socket_timeout php.ini setting is used.
Dividing by 2 makes not much sense to me, maybe sivel can say more. I've kept that in the refreshed patch.
Next to all this, not much left in patch.
↓ 16
14 years ago
I'm finding that both fsockopen and Streams ignore the timeouts, as well as curl in some cases
fsockopen: By adding the usage of stream_get_meta_data()
I'm questioning it's compatibility, the Streams class should generally be used in preference to this to start wtih, so the compatibility I'm questioning is systems where Streams is not available and it ultimately falls back to FSockopen.
streams: the /2 does indeed seem to work as advertised, passing 4 in causes it to timeout after ~8s, with /2 it times out ~4seconds in.
curl: seems to have problems with file streaming and timeouts
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↑ 15
14 years ago
Replying to dd32:
streams: the /2 does indeed seem to work as advertised, passing 4 in causes it to timeout after ~8s, with /2 it times out ~4seconds in.
Thanks for looking into this, I think this is really an interesting point worth to look more into. I've seen that it's made use of stream_set_timeout() in parallel just some lines later on. I started to review it (re-wrote those three lines as I found the calculation somewhat complicated, see example in patch) but could not finish so far. I'll try to test in isolation to find out if it's intended or a side-effect.
14 years ago
- Keywords needs-testing added
I have refreshed the patch, so that we can do testing and get this in early in the 3.3 dev cycle.
13 years ago
- Keywords 3.4-early added
- Milestone changed from 3.3 to Future Release
That doesn't look like it closes/deletes/whatever the $stream_handle
Too late in the cycle for this though.
13 years ago
Patch closes file handles and unsets response string before returning the error (since these would have both happened had the timeout not occurred).
I noticed shortly after uploading that there are a couple of whitespace changes needed for coding standards, but don't have a chance to update it at the moment -- should be able to do so tomorrow.
13 years ago
Closes file handles and unsets variables appropriately before returning the timeout error.
13 years ago
- Cc kpayne@… added
Patch 13841.7.diff works for me. I was able to replicate the divide-by-two results, too. I went in a different direction with the unit test, though.
There's no need for a full fledged server, you just need a socket to ignore your request. The unit test code is longer, but it runs faster and there's no dependence on a third party server.
13 years ago
- Milestone changed from 3.4 to Future Release
Looks good, but had no discussion during 3.4. Pushing to 3.5.
13 years ago
Haven't had a chance to update the unit test yet, but added an additional handle close in 13841.8.diff that was missing in the previous patch.
↓ 31
13 years ago
Ported unit test to phpunit, in 13841-unit-test.2.diff, but instead of the test failing gracefully without the proper patches, it just hangs, since the SimpleSocketServer is designed not to respond (ever).
in reply to:
↑ 30
13 years ago
Replying to DH-Shredder:
Ported unit test to phpunit, in 13841-unit-test.2.diff, but instead of the test failing gracefully without the proper patches, it just hangs, since the SimpleSocketServer is designed not to respond (ever).
Yep. If the test is running without the patch and WP_TESTS_FORCE_KNOWN_BUGS is true, then the tests will hang. I tried to get fancy here to avoid another external call when writing the test.
I can move this off to a local fork, or child process. It would probably be best to just move it to the new site, though.
The test just needs a URL that will take "a while" (> 2 seconds) to respond so we can test the timeouts, but will eventually respond so the tests won't hang if the patch isn't available.
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↑ 33
11 years ago
Replying to coolmann:
Any chances to see this added to WordPress 3.8.1? :)
No, 3.8.1 will just be for regressions (things that worked in 3.7 and got broke in 3.8) and security fixes. Looks like this will be 3.9 at the soonest.
11 years ago
- Keywords 4.1-early needs-refresh added; 3.4-early removed
- Milestone changed from 4.0 to Future Release
Patch needs to be refreshed, and too late for this in 4.0. Punting.
8 years ago
- Milestone Future Release deleted
- Resolution set to invalid
- Status changed from new to closed
Marking as invalid due to no traction in 6 years and we no longer use these transports since the switch to Requests. Requests may suffer from some of the same issues, and if so, should be fixed upstream.
Some info about my test setup:
Some code for your themes functions.php:
Comment out the transport that you want to use.