Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #14525, comment 28

05/24/2012 09:35:58 AM (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #14525, comment 28

    initial v1  
    2525We could then set "importer" to be a mock object that does not need to talk to blogger at all. And on the flip side, we could test the importing without the need for the UI.
    27 The changes to incorporate SimplePie have moved us slighty more towards this approach but it would need a lot of effort to make it so that it could be easily unit tested. Unfortunately that's a little more of a commitment to the importer than I'd like to make. I do plan to incorporate image migration (as none of the other tools do that very well) and something for processing of internal links. I've already put in place some processing for the GeoTags but that needs a little work as I spotted that there are some get_latitute etc methods to use.
     27The changes to incorporate SimplePie have moved us towards this approach but it would need a lot of effort to make it so that it could be easily unit tested. Unfortunately that's a little more of a commitment to the importer than I'd like to make. I do plan to incorporate image migration (as none of the other tools do that very well) and something for processing of internal links. I've already put in place some processing for the GeoTags but that needs a little work as I spotted that there are some get_latitute etc methods to use.