Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #14750

09/01/2010 05:32:00 AM (14 years ago)


  • Ticket #14750 – Description

    initial v1  
    33Menus and their menu items should be included in the WXR. Switching can_export to true should mostly rectify this.
    5 However, that introduces some issues. Including them in the post type and taxonomy dropdowns is not intuitive. You either need to export everything, or just export the menu tax and item PT (and you need to know to select both).
     5However, that introduces some issues. Including them in the post type and taxonomy dropdowns is not intuitive. You either need to export everything, or just export the menu tax and item PT (and you need to know to select both). Not every post type is going to be "content" that belongs in the dropdown, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be somehow portable. (Same with taxonomies.)
    7 Thus to me it makes sense that can_export might need to be split into A) showing it in the export UI, and B) can it be included in the WXR file. We can then handle our own UI, perhaps with a checkbox, "Export menus and menu items." Or something.
     7Thus to me it makes sense that can_export might need to be split into A) showing it in the export UI, and B) can it be included in the WXR file. We can then handle our own UI, perhaps with a checkbox, "Export menus." Or something.
    99That of course brings up another concern, which is that menu items have associated posts, which means they need to also be exported. So really you should not be able to export just menus and menu items, unless of course all of your menu items are custom links (but how can we know that?). Ironically, a simplified export.php from 2.9 would have served us well here, as we'd always just export everything.