#16305 closed defect (bug) (invalid)
Editor causes errors when making changes
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Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 3.1 |
Component: | General | Keywords: | |
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After I switched to a new server and moved over my wordpress files and database I have ran into an editor issue. Whenever I make a change on a file it causes an error. I know my coding is correct because when I edit the file in dreamweaver and then ftp it over it works fine.
Change History (9)
14 years ago
I found out it's only the header.php file in the editor. I'm getting this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/content/80/7256080/html/wp-content/themes/TheSource/header.php on line 96
and all I did is change the number 7 to 5
14 years ago
Can you give more info, please?
Source code for your theme header.php file would be good (at least, the part where the error is).
14 years ago
You know when I switch over database it messed up a lot, for example on functions.php file it add two extra lines, which then made it so it wouldn't work (which I fixed), so I wouldn't doubt it if it added some kind of extra coding to the header.php file.
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Edited by ocean90: Please use the code tags.
14 years ago
bspr3663, this is not a Wordpress error. Ergo, this is not the place to ask for help about it. Theme developer or http://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting would be better places. Keep in mind that wordpress.org/support is run by volunteers, meaning, no one is obligated to help you.
As to errors, my guess would be that you have wrong file or end of line encoding. But, can't tell for sure, would need to see the file itself.
14 years ago
- Keywords database editor error removed
- Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
- Resolution set to invalid
- Status changed from new to closed
See Moskjis's comment.
14 years ago
- Keywords database editor error added
Are you guys sure it's not a wordpress error. Cause the code works, it is properly coded, why I know this is because if I ftp the file it displays the website correctly and also updates the file in wordpress. But when i edit the file in wordpress and update the file it displays the error. So if I update the file in dreamweaver and then ftp it works. If I need to get help from somewhere else I will, just wasn't sure if you understood the problems I am having.
14 years ago
Have you tried reuploading Wordpress files themselves? Maybe some of them are corrupt. Other than that, can you reproduce this problem on clean Wordpress install? I can't.
If you can, more information about your environment would be needed.
And the errors are?