Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #16379, comment 81

10/11/2012 06:13:54 PM (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #16379, comment 81

    initial v1  
    33>  * What if the existing page we find isn't published? Even if the user *can* publish pages (and they might not be able to), we probably shouldn't publish a non-published item. (3.4 only allows published pages to be selected.) At that point, we might need to settle for `blog-2`. We *could* show a conflict note if we detect one.
    5 Right, I don't think we should publish an existing non-published page without them knowing.  My gut says that throwing an error would be the best approach.  Something along the lines of "You'll need to __publish your "blog" page__ before you can use it for your latest posts page.".  Mostly because personally I'd never want my blog directory to be blog-2.
     5Right, I don't think we should publish an existing non-published page without them knowing.  My gut says that throwing an error would be the best approach.  Something along the lines of "You'll need to __publish your existing "blog" page__ before you can use it for latest posts.".  Mostly because personally I'd never want my blog directory to be blog-2.
    77>  * What if the existing page can't be edited by the user? That means they can't change the title or slug. If for some reason, the user can't *create* pages, I've already coded it so a dropdown shows of existing pages. We might need to do the same for when the user can't edit pages either.