Make WordPress Core

Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#16636 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

Blank bar on the top

Reported by: mossackanme's profile mossackanme Owned by: mossackanme's profile mossackanme
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: critical Version: 3.1
Component: Themes Keywords: reporter-feedback
Focuses: Cc:


I just updated to Django this morning, but I met a unique and weird condition, my every wordpress instalation showing a wide horizontal line on the top of page, like bar but blank (have the same colour with theme's body background).
Please see all of them:

I have no idea about this weird problem.

Attachments (1)

WeirdBlankBar.jpg (110.8 KB) - added by mossackanme 14 years ago.
Screenshot column

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

14 years ago

Screenshot column

#1 @kawauso
14 years ago

  • Keywords close added

It's a compatibility issue with the new Admin Bar. This is more of a support issue really, but check your theme has a proper wp_footer() call.

#2 @mossackanme
14 years ago

  • Cc mossack.anme@… added
  • Keywords close removed

Below is my footer.php code in , what should I do?

			<div id="footer">
				<span id="owner-link"><?php include("/home/xxx/public_html/yyy/zzz/copyright-inline.php"); ?></span> <span class="meta-sep">|</span> <?php include("/home/xxx/public_html/yyy/zzz/copyright-highlights.php"); ?>
				<span class="meta-sep"><?php include("/home/xxx/public_html/yyy/zzz/poweredby-inline.php"); ?></span>
			</div><!-- #footer -->
		</div><!-- #footer-wrap-inner -->
	</div><!-- #footer-wrap -->

</div><!-- #wrapper .hfeed -->

<script type="text/javascript">
	function AddToFavorites()  
    var title = document.title; var url = location.href;  
    if (window.sidebar) // Firefox  
        window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, '');  
    else if(window.opera && window.print) // Opera  
        var elem = document.createElement('a');  
        elem.setAttribute('rel','sidebar'); // required to work in opera 7+ ;  
    else if(document.all) // IE  
        window.external.AddFavorite(url, title);  

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<?php wp_footer(); ?>

<?php the_theme_option( 'erdt_analytics' ); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-13082724-1");
} catch(err) {}</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function recordOutboundLink(link, category, action) {
  try {
    var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-13082724-1");
    pageTracker._trackEvent(category, action);
    setTimeout('document.location = "' + link.href + '"', 100)
<!-- <?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries. <?php timer_stop(1); ?> seconds. -->

#3 @bigonroad
14 years ago

Using IE7 at work here: No blank bar

#4 @mossackanme
14 years ago

Please use Firefox to replicate the problem. So, the admin bar/the call to the bar is not fully compatible with Firefox, what should we do? My theme(s) has normal wp_footer() call.

#5 @mossackanme
14 years ago

  • Owner set to mossackanme
  • Status changed from new to reviewing

any idea(s)?

#7 @kawauso
14 years ago

  • Keywords close added

#8 @ocean90
13 years ago

  • Keywords close removed
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from reviewing to closed
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