5 | | To answer potential critics now who may point out that at the moment a majority of the individuals on the core team work at Automattic, each individual earned their position here based on merit, not anything else, and their condition for being here in that capacity is thinking and acting independently. Potential for a conflict, sure. Actual conflict, no way, and I will verify that and stand behind that, as will Mark Jaquith. Mark and I have discussed Akismet at length (very recently, in fact) and we hope that this topic will come up again in the future web the time is appropriate. Possibly after some improvements in 3.2. |
| 5 | To answer potential critics now who may point out that at the moment a majority of the individuals on the core team work at Automattic, each individual earned their position here based on merit, not anything else, and their condition for being here in that capacity is thinking and acting independently. Potential for a conflict, sure. Actual conflict, no way, and I will verify that and stand behind that, as will Mark Jaquith. Mark and I have discussed Akismet at length (very recently, in fact) and we hope that this topic will come up again in the future when the time is appropriate. Possibly after some improvements in 3.2. |