8 | | You can find **[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtlrJLahvLsCdGVEMVpRSWNIdVBKVDVaSlJqSkRlbWc#gid=0 more detail in this Google Spreadsheet]** about how each of these plugins are violating, including a list of those plugins with incompatible license in header and those plugins that include embedded Apache 2.0 licensed libraries: |
9 | | |
10 | | |
11 | | - 1-blog-cacher |
12 | | - absoluterss |
13 | | - accessible-helper |
14 | | - achievements |
15 | | - add-indent-blanks |
16 | | - add-meta-tags |
17 | | - add-mootools-core-more-132 |
18 | | - addquicktag |
19 | | - admin-dashboard-site-notes |
20 | | - adminer |
21 | | - adminimize |
22 | | - adseasy |
23 | | - advanced-category-column |
24 | | - advanced-featured-post-widget |
25 | | - affiliates |
26 | | - after-the-deadline-for-buddypress |
27 | | - ajax-campaign-monitor-forms |
28 | | - al3x-file-manager |
29 | | - ampachenowplaying |
30 | | - android-market-qr-codes-wp-plugin |
31 | | - and-the-winner-is |
32 | | - annotated-trash |
33 | | - article2pdf |
34 | | - atd-for-comments |
35 | | - audio-tube |
36 | | - authenticator |
37 | | - author-box-1 |
38 | | - author-box-2 |
39 | | - author-box-reloaded-pack |
40 | | - auto-expire-passwords |
41 | | - automated-editing |
42 | | - aweber-comment-optin |
43 | | - baap-mobile-version |
44 | | - backup-scheduler |
45 | | - backwpup |
46 | | - bad-behavior |
47 | | - balsamico-news |
48 | | - balsamico-vinegar-news |
49 | | - bangla-author-bio |
50 | | - banner-manager |
51 | | - basic-for-azimuth-web-site |
52 | | - bc-oauth |
53 | | - beauty-orange-wordpress-code-prettifier |
54 | | - better-author-bio |
55 | | - better-wordpress-syntax-based-on-geshi |
56 | | - bibly |
57 | | - blip-slideshow |
58 | | - blockq |
59 | | - bloglovin-follow |
60 | | - bluemelon-gallery |
61 | | - bons-empregos-plugin |
62 | | - bookmark-share-simple |
63 | | - bookmarks-shortcode |
64 | | - bp-community-blogs |
65 | | - bpcontents |
66 | | - bp-fadmin |
67 | | - bp-group-dice |
68 | | - bp-group-livechat |
69 | | - bpgroups |
70 | | - bp-labs |
71 | | - bp-mcsg |
72 | | - bp-rss-character-fixer |
73 | | - bp-wiki |
74 | | - bt-actve-discussions |
75 | | - buddypress-activity-as-blog-comments |
76 | | - buddypress-activity-stream-ajax-notifier |
77 | | - buddypress-activity-stream-atgroups |
78 | | - buddypress-activity-stream-bump-to-top |
79 | | - buddypress-activity-stream-extras |
80 | | - buddypress-activity-stream-hashtags |
81 | | - buddypress-block-activity-stream-types |
82 | | - buddypress-community-stats |
83 | | - buddypress-edit-activity-stream |
84 | | - buddypress-featured-members-widget |
85 | | - buddypress-group-for-community-admins-and-mods |
86 | | - buddypress-group-forum-extras |
87 | | - buddypress-groups-autojoin-admins |
88 | | - buddypress-groups-directory-extras |
89 | | - buddypress-links |
90 | | - buddypress-member-profile-stats |
91 | | - buddypress-pending-activations |
92 | | - buddypress-profiles-manager |
93 | | - buddypress-restrict-email-domains |
94 | | - buddypress-restrict-group-creation |
95 | | - buddypress-restrict-messages |
96 | | - buddypress-russian-months |
97 | | - buddypress-sitemap-generator |
98 | | - buddypress-xmlrpc-receiver |
99 | | - bug-of-the-day |
100 | | - bug-tracker |
101 | | - business-directory-news |
102 | | - buysellads |
103 | | - bwp-external-links |
104 | | - bwp-google-xml-sitemaps |
105 | | - bwp-minify |
106 | | - bwp-polldaddy |
107 | | - bwp-recaptcha |
108 | | - bwp-recent-comments |
109 | | - bybrick-accordion |
110 | | - bybrick-columns |
111 | | - cacoo-for-wordpress |
112 | | - calendar-translation |
113 | | - category-coloumn |
114 | | - cats-jobsite |
115 | | - cdn-sync-tool |
116 | | - censor-me |
117 | | - cent2cent |
118 | | - chartbeat |
119 | | - check-capslock |
120 | | - chess-game-viewer-control-panel |
121 | | - chinese-poem |
122 | | - cleaner-dashboard |
123 | | - clply |
124 | | - codelibs |
125 | | - commenters |
126 | | - commenters-info |
127 | | - comment-redirect |
128 | | - comments-needed |
129 | | - community-yard-sale |
130 | | - complete-post-list-by-alphabetically-ordered-categories |
131 | | - connections |
132 | | - constant-footer |
133 | | - contact-form-7-to-database-extension |
134 | | - content-table |
135 | | - creative-commons-configurator-1 |
136 | | - croppr |
137 | | - cstris |
138 | | - curateus |
139 | | - custom-affiliate-links-cloaker |
140 | | - custom-class-selector |
141 | | - custom-fields-for-many-dates |
142 | | - custom-field-template |
143 | | - custom-image-src |
144 | | - customize |
145 | | - custom-login-and-admin-urls |
146 | | - custom-login-page |
147 | | - custom-post-type-selector |
148 | | - custom-post-type-taxonomy-archives |
149 | | - cutecaptcha |
150 | | - db-toolkit |
151 | | - debug-objects |
152 | | - decent-comments |
153 | | - default-blog-options |
154 | | - device-theme-switcher |
155 | | - devmx-teamspeak3-webviewer |
156 | | - diagnosis |
157 | | - dichtungen-german |
158 | | - disable-activity-akismet |
159 | | - displetreader-wordpress-plugin |
160 | | - disruptive-talk |
161 | | - dlmenu |
162 | | - domelhornet-for-sociable-2 |
163 | | - dsidxpress |
164 | | - dssearchagent-wordpress-edition |
165 | | - dynamic-dates |
166 | | - dynamic-subpages |
167 | | - dynamicwp-image-flipper |
168 | | - easy-admin-color-schemes |
169 | | - easyapns |
170 | | - easy-sermon |
171 | | - eb-enquiryblogbuilder |
172 | | - ecsstender-take-control-of-your-css |
173 | | - editorial-calendar |
174 | | - ellipsis-adnet-code-snippet-plugin |
175 | | - email-address-encoder |
176 | | - enable-latex |
177 | | - enhanced-youtube-shortcode |
178 | | - esaudioplayer |
179 | | - evarisk |
180 | | - event-shortcode |
181 | | - excanvas |
182 | | - export-opml |
183 | | - facebook-awd |
184 | | - facebook-comments-counter |
185 | | - facebook-feed-grabber |
186 | | - facebook-like-a-lot |
187 | | - facebook-likes-you |
188 | | - facebook-recommend-widget |
189 | | - facelook-facebook-badge-wordpress-plugin |
190 | | - factolex |
191 | | - fahrraeder-portal |
192 | | - fanpage-connect |
193 | | - favicon-switcher |
194 | | - fbalbum-for-wordpress |
195 | | - fb-event-list |
196 | | - fbpromotions |
197 | | - feedaggregator |
198 | | - ffdirect |
199 | | - financial-toolbox |
200 | | - finanzinform |
201 | | - finanz-nachrichten |
202 | | - fixed-admin-menu |
203 | | - flash-video-player |
204 | | - flot |
205 | | - flower-photos |
206 | | - folder-menu-vertical |
207 | | - foliopress-wysiwyg |
208 | | - form-to-post |
209 | | - friendfeed-activity-widget |
210 | | - friendfeed-api-core |
211 | | - friendfeed-comments |
212 | | - friendfeed-widget |
213 | | - front-end-editor |
214 | | - gaboinked-chipin-sidebar-widget |
215 | | - game-of-the-day |
216 | | - gaming-news-rss-feed |
217 | | - generalstats |
218 | | - genesis-admin-bar-plus |
219 | | - genesis-js-no-js |
220 | | - geographical-redirect |
221 | | - geo-mashup |
222 | | - geoplugin-currency-shortcode |
223 | | - gianism |
224 | | - gitweb-widget |
225 | | - glass |
226 | | - gliffy-plugin-for-wordpress |
227 | | - glossom |
228 | | - glow |
229 | | - good-old-gallery |
230 | | - google |
231 | | - google-buzz-for-sociable |
232 | | - googlecards |
233 | | - google-code |
234 | | - google-friend-connect |
235 | | - google-image-proxy |
236 | | - google-latitude-history |
237 | | - google-maps-in-posts |
238 | | - google-plus-google |
239 | | - google-plus-widget |
240 | | - google-rank-checker-seo-tool-with-google-api |
241 | | - google-recommend-widget |
242 | | - google-search-from-dashboard |
243 | | - google-syntax |
244 | | - google-translate-for-sociable |
245 | | - gosquared-livestats |
246 | | - gplus-badge |
247 | | - gpx2chart |
248 | | - gravatar-hovercard |
249 | | - gravatar-wordpress-plugin |
250 | | - groups |
251 | | - growyn-search |
252 | | - gwyns-imagemap-selector |
253 | | - handygebuehren-german |
254 | | - header-image-description |
255 | | - heiv-gallery-3 |
256 | | - hierarchical-custom-fields |
257 | | - hotelclub |
258 | | - hover |
259 | | - html5-and-flash-video-player |
260 | | - html5-slideshow-presentations |
261 | | - html-as-admin-logo |
262 | | - html-compress |
263 | | - hubpages-widget |
264 | | - humanstxt |
265 | | - icaughtsanta-falling-snow |
266 | | - idxpro-wordpress-plugin-an-mls-listings-quick-search-widget |
267 | | - ie-6-countdown |
268 | | - imagetext |
269 | | - image-zoom |
270 | | - img-title-removal |
271 | | - indextank |
272 | | - infograph |
273 | | - inlinks |
274 | | - inquiry-form-creator |
275 | | - instagram-gallery-widget |
276 | | - invasive-species-of-the-week |
277 | | - iprotect |
278 | | - issuu-embed |
279 | | - jabbakam-post-embed |
280 | | - janrain-capture |
281 | | - javascript-image-loader |
282 | | - jigoshop |
283 | | - job-listing-rss-plugin |
284 | | - jquery-slider |
285 | | - jquery-slides |
286 | | - jquery-visualize-for-wordpress |
287 | | - jrss-widget |
288 | | - jstat |
289 | | - juick-xp |
290 | | - jush-javascript-syntax-highlighter |
291 | | - jush-wordpress |
292 | | - jw-share-this |
293 | | - kalendi-calendar |
294 | | - keep-blanks |
295 | | - keyboard-key-thumbs |
296 | | - keywords-by-datadump |
297 | | - kkprogressbar |
298 | | - knowners |
299 | | - koolkit |
300 | | - kostenlose-kreditkarten-anbieter |
301 | | - kreditkarten-validierung |
302 | | - lastfm-rps |
303 | | - latest-apple-movie-trailers |
304 | | - latex-everything |
305 | | - lazy-widget-loader |
306 | | - like-button-plugin-for-wordpress |
307 | | - like-for-tags |
308 | | - lim4wp |
309 | | - link-to-bible |
310 | | - list-plugins |
311 | | - livegrounds |
312 | | - livesearch |
313 | | - login-required |
314 | | - mac-dock-gallery |
315 | | - macme |
316 | | - mailchimp-comment-optin |
317 | | - make-safe-for-work |
318 | | - malaria-no-more |
319 | | - marctv-jquery-colorbox |
320 | | - marketamerica |
321 | | - mashable-news-plugin |
322 | | - matches |
323 | | - media-custom-fields |
324 | | - media-element-html5-video-and-audio-player |
325 | | - media-finder |
326 | | - menu-on-footer |
327 | | - meulareta |
328 | | - mexiko-aktuell |
329 | | - milyen-nap-van-most |
330 | | - minimum-comment-length |
331 | | - mint |
332 | | - minty |
333 | | - mixmarket-store |
334 | | - mm-breaking-news |
335 | | - mm-email2image |
336 | | - mmo-quotes |
337 | | - mobile-comply |
338 | | - mobile-device-redirection |
339 | | - mobileesp-for-wordpress |
340 | | - mobileposty-mobile-site-generator |
341 | | - mobile-smart |
342 | | - modal-dialog |
343 | | - mogul-functions |
344 | | - moneypress-amazon-le |
345 | | - moneypress-buyat-master-edition |
346 | | - moneypress-cafepress-edition |
347 | | - moneypress-cafepress-le |
348 | | - moneypress-commission-junction-edition |
349 | | - moneypress-commission-junction-le |
350 | | - moneypress-ebay-edition-r2 |
351 | | - movable-anything |
352 | | - movie-news-rss-plugin |
353 | | - mu-central-taxonomies |
354 | | - multilingual-press |
355 | | - multi-page-toolkit |
356 | | - multiple-template-images |
357 | | - music-news-rss-plugin |
358 | | - my-calendar |
359 | | - mygooglepluswidget |
360 | | - mypixs |
361 | | - mystique-extra-nav-icons |
362 | | - mytwitter |
363 | | - my-video-uploads |
364 | | - my-youtube-videos |
365 | | - native-rss |
366 | | - nik4wp-nikim-for-wordpress |
367 | | - nplogin |
368 | | - ns-countdown |
369 | | - ns-like-this |
370 | | - ns-utilities |
371 | | - obstcha |
372 | | - openestate-php-wrapper |
373 | | - opengraph |
374 | | - opengraph-and-microdata-generator |
375 | | - optimized-latex |
376 | | - orangebox |
377 | | - owa |
378 | | - page-identifier-column |
379 | | - page-management-dropdown |
380 | | - paloose-xml-processor |
381 | | - paypal-target-meter |
382 | | - pay-with-tweet |
383 | | - photographer-connections |
384 | | - php-analytics |
385 | | - php-image-cache |
386 | | - pimp-my-feed |
387 | | - pingdom-status |
388 | | - pin-it-on-pinterest |
389 | | - pixelstats |
390 | | - placester |
391 | | - planeteye-maps |
392 | | - popularity-stats |
393 | | - portable-phpmyadmin |
394 | | - post-feature-widget |
395 | | - posts-from-images |
396 | | - posts-in-posts |
397 | | - posts-per-cat |
398 | | - post-taxonomy-column |
399 | | - post-views-summary |
400 | | - praized-community |
401 | | - praized-tools |
402 | | - prettify-gc-syntax-highlighter |
403 | | - prettify-wordpress |
404 | | - print-me |
405 | | - private-category |
406 | | - progress-bar |
407 | | - project-honey-pot-spam-trap |
408 | | - promotion-slider |
409 | | - prospress |
410 | | - protected-post-personalizer |
411 | | - protocolby |
412 | | - pubsubhubbub |
413 | | - pushie |
414 | | - pwaplusphp |
415 | | - qodys-framework |
416 | | - qodys-optiner |
417 | | - quote-post-type-plugin |
418 | | - radslide |
419 | | - reference-2-wiki |
420 | | - related-games |
421 | | - replace-wp-version |
422 | | - replytocom-redirector |
423 | | - reposter-reloaded |
424 | | - reprint-my-blog |
425 | | - require-thumbnail |
426 | | - rest-in-peace-artikel-5 |
427 | | - retrospective |
428 | | - rico-ajax-menu |
429 | | - rico-bookmark-tree |
430 | | - role-scoper |
431 | | - root-cookie |
432 | | - rootspersona |
433 | | - rota |
434 | | - rps-attach-caption-expand |
435 | | - rps-image-gallery |
436 | | - rps-sitemap-generator |
437 | | - rss-image-feed |
438 | | - rss-poster |
439 | | - salmon |
440 | | - sam-broadcaster-wordpress-plugin |
441 | | - sasongsmat |
442 | | - schmancy-box |
443 | | - scrapeazon |
444 | | - sd-blogs-overview |
445 | | - sd-count-per-day-overview |
446 | | - sd-meeting-tool |
447 | | - sd-questions-and-answers |
448 | | - sd-simple-antispam |
449 | | - secure-html5-video-player |
450 | | - seo-facebook-comments |
451 | | - seo-image-renamer |
452 | | - seopress |
453 | | - seo-rank-reporter |
454 | | - seo-share-address |
455 | | - share-and-follow |
456 | | - share-and-get-it |
457 | | - sharepress |
458 | | - shashin-permalinks |
459 | | - shibboleth |
460 | | - shopp-campaign-monitor |
461 | | - shopp-constant-contact |
462 | | - shopp-mad-mimi |
463 | | - shopp-mailchimp |
464 | | - shopp-sendloop |
465 | | - shopp-zendesk |
466 | | - shoptalk |
467 | | - shortcode-collection |
468 | | - shorten-url |
469 | | - show-authors-in-page-list |
470 | | - silverlight-gallery |
471 | | - simple-adsense |
472 | | - simplecomments |
473 | | - simple-counters |
474 | | - simple-custom-fields |
475 | | - simple-quotation |
476 | | - simpler-ipaper |
477 | | - simplicy-twitter-press |
478 | | - slide2comment |
479 | | - slyd |
480 | | - sm00sh-for-sociable-1 |
481 | | - smarter-archives |
482 | | - smart-slideshow-widget |
483 | | - smilies-themer-toolbar |
484 | | - smooth-streaming-video-player |
485 | | - smugmug-for-wordpress |
486 | | - social-linkz |
487 | | - social-media-manager |
488 | | - social-media-mashup |
489 | | - social-medias-connect |
490 | | - social-media-tabs |
491 | | - social-networks |
492 | | - songkick-concerts-and-festivals |
493 | | - sopa-blackout-plugin |
494 | | - sort-page-list-by-last-name |
495 | | - spaceface-and-the-rest |
496 | | - spam-captcha |
497 | | - special-recent-posts |
498 | | - special-teaser-widget |
499 | | - spider-fc |
500 | | - spirulina-news |
501 | | - sports-news-rss-plugin |
502 | | - stack-overflow-flair-widget |
503 | | - statrix |
504 | | - stereo-3d-player |
505 | | - sticky-slider |
506 | | - store-locator-le |
507 | | - styles |
508 | | - sublimevideo |
509 | | - suicide-squirrel-alert-broadcasting-system |
510 | | - superbuttons |
511 | | - switch-theme |
512 | | - tagcloud-html5 |
513 | | - tdlc-birthdays |
514 | | - teamspeak3-viewer |
515 | | - tecinfor-wave |
516 | | - template-modules |
517 | | - terms-descriptions |
518 | | - textile-live-preview-ajax-version |
519 | | - tf-faq |
520 | | - th0ths-movie-collection |
521 | | - th0ths-quotes |
522 | | - th23-media-library-extension |
523 | | - the-excerpt-re-reloaded |
524 | | - thesis-settings-export |
525 | | - threewp-activity-monitor |
526 | | - timezonecalculator |
527 | | - tm-wordpress-redirection |
528 | | - touchscreen-handyde-news |
529 | | - trafficanalyzer |
530 | | - traffic-manager |
531 | | - transposh-translation-filter-for-wordpress |
532 | | - tsviewerwidget |
533 | | - tweester |
534 | | - tweet-and-get-it |
535 | | - tweetbackwp |
536 | | - tweet-map |
537 | | - tweet-mypost |
538 | | - twitter-anywhere-plus |
539 | | - twitter-likebox-lightbox-promoter |
540 | | - twitter-shortcode |
541 | | - twitter-trackbacks-bar |
542 | | - twivatar |
543 | | - ultimate-flash-xhtmlizer |
544 | | - ultimate-maintenance-mode |
545 | | - ultimate-sidewiki-blocker |
546 | | - umatter2us |
547 | | - unprintable-blog |
548 | | - update-message |
549 | | - upload-theme-via-url |
550 | | - usc-e-shop |
551 | | - uservoice-idea-list-widget |
552 | | - v7n-rss-feed |
553 | | - varnish-http-purge |
554 | | - video-chat |
555 | | - video-embed-thumbnail-generator |
556 | | - videojs-pro |
557 | | - video-thumbnail-image-extractor |
558 | | - virtual-sidebar |
559 | | - visual-subtitle |
560 | | - vsm |
561 | | - webdesign-newsticker |
562 | | - webdesign-newsticker-german |
563 | | - webfish-dropdown-menu |
564 | | - web-invoice |
565 | | - web-page-speed-checker |
566 | | - website-legal-info |
567 | | - weekday-stats |
568 | | - weever-apps-for-wordpress |
569 | | - welcome-pack |
570 | | - welocally-places |
571 | | - whats-my-status |
572 | | - whisperfollow |
573 | | - wildflowerizer |
574 | | - wiqet-photo-voice-and-webcam-video-personal-presentation-plugin |
575 | | - woocommerce |
576 | | - woocommerce-delivery-notes |
577 | | - woocommerce-drop-down-cart-widget |
578 | | - wordpress-activity-o-meter |
579 | | - wordpress-amazon-associate |
580 | | - wordpress-bootstrap-css |
581 | | - wordpresscom-popular-posts |
582 | | - wordpress-debug |
583 | | - wordpress-friendfeed-comments |
584 | | - wordpress-hook-sniffer |
585 | | - wordpress-mobile-pack |
586 | | - wordpress-mobile-pack-hunt |
587 | | - wordpress-plugin-framework-reloaded |
588 | | - wordpress-plugin-seo-and-facebook-opengraph-and-google-schema |
589 | | - wordpress-social-login |
590 | | - wordpress-sphinx-plugin |
591 | | - wordpress-wiki-that-doesnt-suck |
592 | | - wordpress-word-trainer |
593 | | - wordsocial |
594 | | - word-stats |
595 | | - world-weather |
596 | | - wowpth |
597 | | - wp-admin-bar-removal |
598 | | - wp-apontador |
599 | | - wp-app-maker |
600 | | - wp-auto-save-management |
601 | | - wp-ban-user |
602 | | - wp-beautifier |
603 | | - wpbook |
604 | | - wpbook-lite |
605 | | - wp-bootstrap-highlighting-of-code |
606 | | - wp-buzzed |
607 | | - wp-client-file-share |
608 | | - wp-code-highlight |
609 | | - wp-code-prettify |
610 | | - wp-core-contributions-widget |
611 | | - wp-custom-fields-search |
612 | | - wp-dokuwiki |
613 | | - wp-e-commerce |
614 | | - wp-e-commerce-show-personalisation |
615 | | - wp-e-commerce-simple-product-options |
616 | | - wp-facebook-applications |
617 | | - wp-fb-autoconnect |
618 | | - wp-gold-charts |
619 | | - wp-google-fonts |
620 | | - wp-google-maps |
621 | | - wp-google-plus-connect |
622 | | - wp-google-ranking |
623 | | - wp-highlightjs |
624 | | - wp-ie-enhancer-and-modernizer |
625 | | - wpinvoice |
626 | | - wp-issuetracker |
627 | | - wp-itheora |
628 | | - wpit-php-chrome-console |
629 | | - wp-jtweets |
630 | | - wp-marquee |
631 | | - wp-missed-schedule |
632 | | - wp-mpdf |
633 | | - wp-multilingual |
634 | | - wponios-rest-api |
635 | | - wp-online-store |
636 | | - wp-orbit-slider |
637 | | - wp-overview-lite |
638 | | - wp-passport |
639 | | - wp-permalauts-extended |
640 | | - wp-phpbb-bridge |
641 | | - wp-pirates-search |
642 | | - wp-pngfix |
643 | | - wp-post-formats |
644 | | - wp-prettyphoto |
645 | | - wp-proftpd |
646 | | - wp-publication-archive |
647 | | - wp-quick-deploy-revisited |
648 | | - wp-resume |
649 | | - wp-rss-poster |
650 | | - wp-simplesyntaxhighlighter |
651 | | - wp-slidesjs |
652 | | - wp-stats-dashboard |
653 | | - wpstorecart |
654 | | - wp-super-edit |
655 | | - wp-super-heatmap |
656 | | - wp-symposium |
657 | | - wp-tagcanvas |
658 | | - wp-time-machine |
659 | | - wp-total-deindexing |
660 | | - wp-tube |
661 | | - wp-tumblr-embeder |
662 | | - wp-tweet-search-tooltip |
663 | | - wp-urlcache |
664 | | - wp-worker-catalog |
665 | | - wp-xhprof-profiler |
666 | | - xdata-toolkit |
667 | | - xmasb-quotes |
668 | | - xpandable-author-tab |
669 | | - xve-various-embed |
670 | | - yak-for-wordpress |
671 | | - yank-widget |
672 | | - youtube-activator-11 |
673 | | - youtube-feeder |
| 8 | You can find **[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtlrJLahvLsCdGVEMVpRSWNIdVBKVDVaSlJqSkRlbWc#gid=0 more detail in this Google Spreadsheet]** about how each of these plugins are violating, including a list of those plugins with incompatible license in header and those plugins that include embedded Apache 2.0 licensed libraries. |