7 | | I'm still torn about whether we should keep using backcompat-names (mt_*, wp_*, camelCase) or cut the duplication and give them sensical names in the context of modern WordPress. API consumers will already have to change some code to use the new method, but I'm not sure if field name changes would be too much of an additional burden. |
| 7 | I'm still torn about whether we should keep using backcompat-names (mt_*, wp_*, camelCase) or cut the duplication and give them sensical names in the context of modern WordPress. API consumers will already have to change some code to use the new method, but I'm not sure if field name changes would be too much of an additional burden. |
| 8 | |
| 9 | Also, should we add a filter to let plug-ins modifying the $post_data array after it's generated? |