Make WordPress Core

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#19971 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Tableteer Ticket for WP3.4

Reported by: georgestephanis's profile georgestephanis Owned by: georgestephanis's profile georgestephanis
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Administration Keywords: close
Focuses: Cc:


This ticket is a placeholder / catchall / touchstone for the tableteers focusing on ensuring the admin UI works well on the iPad and Kindle Fire for 3.4

Change History (8)

#1 @helenyhou
13 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 3.4

#2 @sabreuse
13 years ago

  • Cc sabreuse@… added

#3 @jane
13 years ago

It It would be better to stick to specific tickets with descriptive titles and issue descriptions. Umbrella tickets are not used for regular development like this, only in very specific cases. Can you start specific tickets for each issue you are going to work on, and close this ticket as invalid? Thanks.

(Side note: For future reference, only core/lead team members are meant to mark things as tasks/blessed.)

#4 @georgestephanis
13 years ago

  • Keywords close added
  • Type changed from task (blessed) to enhancement

Whoops! Sorry! I was talking to Azaozz in the IRC channel as I posted this, and he suggested I make one, so I figured it was okay. In the future I'll post it and ask someone else to bless it.

#5 follow-up: @helenyhou
13 years ago

  • Milestone 3.4 deleted
  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from new to closed

Tasks broken out into #20012 #20013 #20014 #20015

#6 in reply to: ↑ 5 ; follow-up: @koebenhavn
13 years ago

Sould we then contact a core lead team member directly if we have a new task we think should be marked as such ?


Replying to jane:

It It would be better to stick to specific tickets with descriptive titles and issue >descriptions. Umbrella tickets are not used for regular development like this, only in very >specific cases. Can you start specific tickets for each issue you are going to work on, and >close this ticket as invalid? Thanks.

(Side note: For future reference, only core/lead team members are meant to mark things as >tasks/blessed.)

Tasks broken out into #20012 #20013 #20014 #20015

Version 0, edited 13 years ago by koebenhavn (next)

#7 in reply to: ↑ 6 ; follow-up: @jane
13 years ago

Replying to koebenhavn:

Sould we then contact a core lead team member directly if we have a new task we think should be marked as such ?

We check all incoming tickets. We decide which things will be tasks at the beginning of each release cycle, during the scoping dev chat. After that point in the cycle, new feature requests are on hold until the next cycle. If you catch an urgent bug, then that can be brought to someone's attention in the dev chat, but we will still see the ticket. There are a number of people on the core team who get emails with every single trac ticket that is made, and every comment made on every ticket, so if you make a ticket and it doesn't get turned into a task it doesn't generally mean that no one has seen it, but that your request is not seen as a priority that should displace the tasks to which resources are already committed.

#8 in reply to: ↑ 7 @nemgavekort
12 years ago


Last edited 12 years ago by SergeyBiryukov (previous) (diff)
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