24 | 26 | 20419-post-obj.patch -- This changes the behaviour a little bit, because instead of allowing a whitelist of post_status it's allowing anything that's not "publish". That's OK IMO because really the only status I know about that matters w/r/t post_status is "publish" because that's the "it's public, therefore it's permanent" status. Including a patch with that scenario: 20419-russian-reversal.patch -- I don't like this nearly as much, and if you see the diff you'll understand why. Unless I'm being dense and missing something, there are a lot of maybe-edge-cases it doesn't account for -- namely if it's falling back to faking a $post object when an ID-only is passed to it, it could break things. Also it has to add an extra param to the "wp_unique_post_slug" filter in order to not break things, and allow plugins to take advantage of the new functionality. |