Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #22316, comment 292

05/13/2023 06:40:38 PM (16 months ago)


  • Ticket #22316, comment 292

    initial v1  
    55This is a concern of mine about the suggested change to the UX to ''prevent installation'' of a dependent without its dependencies - particularly (but not exclusively) for manual uploads.
    7 We would need to parse the `Requires Plugins` header, detect whether all dependencies are installed, and if not, block the install. So each dependency would need to be manually installed in the exact right order before allowing a dependent's "Install" button to be clicked or allowing a manual upload of the dependent. While this is something we as developers are used to, it may be much less familiar for general users. Installing the dependent that they want, then being told to install the extras it needs, may be a smoother process for them.
     7We would need to unzip the archive, parse the `Requires Plugins` header, detect whether all dependencies are installed, and if not, block the install and delete the uploaded ZIP and unzipped archive. So each dependency would need to be manually installed in the exact right order before allowing a dependent's "Install" button to be clicked or allowing a manual upload of the dependent. While this is something we as developers are used to, it may be much less familiar for general users. Installing the dependent that they want, then being told to install the extras it needs, may be a smoother process for them.
    99The feature plugin and PR currently allow the installation of a dependent without its dependencies, but in order to activate it, the dependencies will need to be installed and activated, which is what I believe you mention after: