Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #22316, comment 295

05/14/2023 05:38:43 PM (21 months ago)


  • Ticket #22316, comment 295

    v3 v4  
    22> If dependents can't be installed without their dependencies, what does this mean for uploading plugins to the site?
    4 Thinking that dependencies should be listed on the screen after the zip is uploaded (where the version info is shown). That list should include the status of the dependency (installed, activated), and prevent/revert the installation if any are missing or not activated. The list can also include the "More Info" links to open the dependency plugin's modal where the plugin can be installed and/or activated.
     4Thinking that dependencies should be listed on the screen after the zip is uploaded (where the version info is shown). That list should include the status of the dependency (installed, activated), and block the installation if any are missing or not activated. The list can also include the "More Info" links to open the modal for the dependency plugin where the plugin can be installed and/or activated.
    6 Then if all dependencies are installed and activated from the modals, the UI can be "unblocked" so the uploaded plugin/theme can be installed.
     6Then if all dependencies are installed and activated from the modals, the UI can be "unblocked" so the uploaded plugin/theme can be installed (this would need a bit of JS).
     8But maybe better to take it one step an a time. Maybe improve/change/fix the "main" workflow first, then look at the "upload a zip" workflow and implement the same features.