#22477 closed defect (bug) (fixed)
The WYSIWYG editor deletes empty em, strong, b, i tags
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 3.5.1 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 3.5 |
Component: | TinyMCE | Keywords: | |
Focuses: | Cc: |
I recently was working on a clients website and used a span tag to insert an image true CSS and after I viewed the content in visual and switched in html mode all my empty span tags ware gone..
Change History (24)
12 years ago
Thank you I changed the editor but this is a problem that needs to be solved at some point. I will be glad to help out it seams that the general editor has issues rendering the HTML visual. I just found another problem with the <tr> tag if you put a space like < tr> it will change it to "<tr >" I'm not sure if this is a bug.. I know writing code on the page directly is not the right way but I'm forced to do it sometimes...
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12 years ago
- Keywords close added
Yes, TinyMCE treats all empty elements that don't have meaning in html as empty space, same as browsers treat them. <span></span>
, <div></div>
, even <p></p>
are not displayed in the browser. If they have any attributes, they are not removed.
< tr>
is invalid html, you can't have a space after the opening <
. You can have space before the closing >
, so <tr >
is valid and works as expected.
in reply to:
↑ 4
12 years ago
Replying to azaozz:
, even<p></p>
are not displayed in the browser. If they have any attributes, they are not removed.
From my testing, <div></div>
actually persists even without an attribute.
However, <span class="test"></span>
disappears anyway.
12 years ago
- Cc ruud@… added
Tried something similar as Sergey:
3.4.2: <i class="test"></i> gets 'translated' into <em class="test"></em>
3.5: <i class="test"></i> disappears
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↑ 4
12 years ago
- Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 3.5.1
- Severity changed from normal to major
Replying to azaozz:
Yes, TinyMCE treats all empty elements that don't have meaning in html as empty space, same as browsers treat them.
, even<p></p>
are not displayed in the browser. If they have any attributes, they are not removed.
Apparently that's not entirely the case, see comment:7.
12 years ago
Yeah, that's wrong.
A list of elements to remove when empty is defined in TinyMCE's Schema class: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce-schema.js#L705
Also replacing <i> with <em> and <b> with <strong> is affected by the schema. In 'html5' they are not replaced: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce-schema.js#L694
The elements listed for removal when empty 'ol,ul,sub,sup,blockquote,span,font,a,table,tbody,tr,strong,em,b,i'
will not be removed if they have an id or name attribute: https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/blob/master/jscripts/tiny_mce/classes/html/DomParser.js#L516
So we have couple of options: edit the "remove when empty" list in the Schema class and/or extend the DomParser class to not remove these elements when they have any attribute (both would be good to submit for merging upstream).
12 years ago
Per IRC with azaozz:
- Deleting <span> tags is not a regression. Leave this for 3.6 or later. We can possibly submit a patch for TinyMCE's DomParser to leave removeEmpty elements that still have certain other attributes (
, specifically) just as it handlesid
- For 3.5.1, revert https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/commit/6e2a6b5ff657f58c66859256f4ad87f4d9f27423 to restore TinyMCE 3.4.9 (and WP 3.4) behavior. We should be able to make this change in our wp-tinymce-schema.js file.
↓ 20
12 years ago
- Type changed from defect (bug) to enhancement
I just create a template page when I'm using advanced html/css... What could be a nice fix is a html tag inside tinyMCE like
And inside these tags there will be no formatting it will simply generate the html inside without touching it...
12 years ago
- Owner set to azaozz
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
In 23221:
12 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Reopen for trunk.
This doesn't fix removal of empty spans, only restores the TinyMCE behavior for <i>, <b>, <em> and <strong>. There are other fixes/improvements that are needed, so leaving this open until these are patched upstream.
12 years ago
- Milestone changed from 3.5.1 to Future Release
- Severity changed from major to normal
12 years ago
For reference: [23222] reverts this commit in TinyMCE:
12 years ago
- Keywords close removed
- Milestone changed from Future Release to 3.5.1
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from reopened to closed
- Summary changed from The WYSIWYG editor deletes all empty <span> tags to The WYSIWYG editor deletes empty em, strong, b, i tags
- Version changed from 3.4.2 to 3.5
Hijacking this ticket, that way milestone:3.5.1 is an accurate reflection of all of its changes.
We can open a new ticket for the upstream adjustments.
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↑ 12
12 years ago
Replying to hali6sic6:
...And inside these tags there will be no formatting it will simply generate the html inside without touching it...
Thinking you're looking for "previews" that use elements with contenteditable="false"
inside the editor. That prevents any editing/changes in them. This is on the "to do" list: #21812.
12 years ago
Thanks for the fixes! this allows me to use twitter-bootstrap icons by using the method shown on their site. see #23037
↓ 23
11 years ago
- Keywords needs-refresh added
This still seems to happen as per the original ticket - the WYSISWYG editor strips empty <i> tags when switching from Visual to Text - this make it impossible to use Font Awesome, amongst others.
in reply to:
↑ 22
11 years ago
- Keywords needs-refresh removed
Replying to DonSailieri:
This still seems to happen as per the original ticket - the WYSISWYG editor strips empty <i> tags when switching from Visual to Text - this make it impossible to use Font Awesome, amongst others.
Confirmed with Chrome 35 in both 3.9 and current trunk. See also #23037.
Both tickets were closed on a completed milestone, please create a new one.
I was able to reproduce this. It seems to only happen when switching between visual and text tabs. If you edit in text and add <span></span> the publish/update it does save the tag.