Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #23333, comment 53

02/07/2013 03:42:21 PM (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #23333, comment 53

    initial v1  
    1 After reading this entire thread, I'm pretty torn, with excellent points presented from both ends. I understand the desire to move forward, but I almost feel this consideration would go better with a complete rework of the Admin css/ui. The whole idea of using icon fonts, flat icons, etc seems to be geared towards mobile usage and I know mobile is a huge priority, but until the admin css is reworked, replacing icons seems to be similar to putting lipstick on a pig, since the mobile experience is still painful at best.
     1After reading this entire thread, I'm pretty torn, with excellent points presented from both ends. I understand the desire to move forward, but I almost feel this consideration would go better with a complete rework of the Admin css/ui []. The whole idea of using icon fonts, flat icons, etc seems to be geared towards mobile usage and I know mobile is a huge priority, but until the admin css is reworked, replacing icons seems to be similar to putting lipstick on a pig, since the mobile experience is still painful at best.
    33My two cents.