5 | | While it's true that it will require work of the plugin authors who have chosen to create top-level menus for their plugins, it seems like a reasonable amount of work to ask of those authors. Ben, above, was correct in pointing out that it should actually be far easier for plugin authors to create 1-color icons that are a good match for the core set -- replicating the exact lighting effects, shadows, and shading in the current core icons takes far more effort. Helveticons and the Noun Project pretty much prove that there's no limit to what you can do with 1-color icons. There's certainly plenty of time for new icons to be designed. Will out-of-date plugins look out-of-date? Yep. That's a symptom of something else, though. |
| 5 | While it's true that it will require work of the plugin authors who have chosen to create top-level menus for their plugins, it seems like a reasonable amount of work. Ben, above, was correct in pointing out that it should actually be far easier for plugin authors to create 1-color icons that are a good match for the core set -- replicating the exact lighting effects, shadows, and shading in the current core icons takes far more effort. Helveticons and the Noun Project pretty much prove that there's no limit to what you can do with 1-color icons. There's certainly plenty of time for new icons to be designed. Will out-of-date plugins look out-of-date? Yep. That's a symptom of something else, though. |