Make WordPress Core

Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#23996 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Twenty Thirteen: Gallery Captions display incorrectly in IE 8

Reported by: celloexpressions's profile celloexpressions Owned by: lancewillett's profile lancewillett
Milestone: 3.6 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.6
Component: Bundled Theme Keywords: has-patch commit
Focuses: Cc:


The captions are always displayed over the images, with white text but no background. See screenshot.

Note: emulating IE 8 with IE 10

Attachments (7)

twenty-thirteen-gallery-captions-ie8.png (143.7 KB) - added by celloexpressions 12 years ago.
Screenshot of gallery with captions in IE8 (on index.php page)
23996.diff (425 bytes) - added by obenland 12 years ago.
Avoid galleries not being displayed on single.
23996.2.diff (527 bytes) - added by kovshenin 12 years ago.
23996.3.diff (721 bytes) - added by celloexpressions 12 years ago.
Fix gallery caption display for IE 7&8
23996.4.diff (362 bytes) - added by kovshenin 12 years ago.
23996.5.diff (658 bytes) - added by obenland 12 years ago.
23996.6.diff (738 bytes) - added by obenland 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (24)

12 years ago

Screenshot of gallery with captions in IE8 (on index.php page)

#1 @kovshenin
12 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 3.6

Reproduced on IE8 under Windows 7. The gallery is not displayed at all on a singular page, unless IE is switched to Compatibility View.

12 years ago

Avoid galleries not being displayed on single.

#2 @obenland
12 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added; needs-patch removed

IE8 does not support CSS3 transitions or transparent backgrounds. We could provide a fallback with a solid color, but this might make it worse than it is now. I'd prefer to leave it as is, it's an old browser.

I added a fix for the non-displaying galleries.

#3 @RDall
12 years ago

  • Cc robert@… added

#4 @kovshenin
12 years ago

Replying to obenland: I think a fallback solid color is better, because it at least ensures that the text is readable. Think the white captions applied to something on a white background, like the bottom-left example in the attached screenshot.

#5 @lancewillett
12 years ago

+1 for a solid background for IE8 captions.

#6 @lancewillett
12 years ago

In 23943:

Twenty Thirteen: avoid galleries not being displayed on single in IE8, props obenland. See #23996.

#7 @celloexpressions
12 years ago

Solid background would be fine. If you're willing to use filter: alpha(opacity=x), that would allow it to only display on hover (set to 0 on .gallery-caption, maybe 80 on .gallery-item:hover .gallery-caption), in which case the solid background is no problem (and the whole caption+background would be slightly transparent if using less than 100).

The two issues here for 8 are really just opacity and using rgba, 9 also doesn't get the transition (10 does), but that's just extra.

12 years ago

#8 @kovshenin
12 years ago

Unfortunately [23943] didn't do the trick for IE8. Here's what I see:

23996.2.diff attempts to fix the gallery display in non-compat mode and adds a semi-transparent background. I also noticed that the ie.css stylesheet is not loaded at all during Compatibility View.

#9 @obenland
12 years ago

Is it just an IE8 issue or can we catch IE7 with that too?

12 years ago

Fix gallery caption display for IE 7&8

#10 follow-up: @celloexpressions
12 years ago

23996.3.diff adjusts to fix captions for both IE7 and IE8, as well as only displaying them on image hover (as is the behavior in other browsers). Sorry, it's my first patch so I probably didn't do it quite right but it should work against what's in core now (in the future, should the patch require applying previous patches first or work against core, and what if a patch has already been committed as in this case?).

I can confirm that the single view galleries still don't work (note: there is another bug in the emulator that makes it look fine if you're using IE10 as 8), although I think that's a separate issue, should it move to a separate ticket?

Last edited 12 years ago by celloexpressions (previous) (diff)

#11 in reply to: ↑ 10 @SergeyBiryukov
12 years ago

Replying to celloexpressions:

(in the future, should the patch require applying previous patches first or work against core, and what if a patch has already been committed as in this case?).

Patches should be made against current trunk, without requiring previous ones. 23996.3.diff seems correct in that regard.

#12 @obenland
12 years ago

  • Keywords commit added

Patch looks really good. Nice job kovshenin and celloexpressions!

#13 @lancewillett
12 years ago

  • Owner set to lancewillett
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 23959:

Twenty Thirteen: display gallery captions correctly in IE7 and IE8. Props celloexpressions and kovshenin, fixes #23996.

12 years ago

#14 @kovshenin
12 years ago

  • Keywords commit removed
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Sorry to be such a pain, but [23959] is not doing it either. Since .3 dropped the .ie8 part, the .gallery-item selector is not specific enough and is being overridden by .gallery-columns-* .gallery-item selectors in the main stylesheet, at least for IE8. 23996.4.diff should hopefully fix that.

I'm using IE 8.0.7601.17514 running Windows 7.

12 years ago

12 years ago

#15 @obenland
12 years ago

  • Keywords commit added

Nice catch, kovshenin, thanks!

Apparently the last, big, image in each gallery in the new Theme Unit Test prevented me from seeing the bug kovshenin saw.
Irregardless, .6 should fix this once and for all.

#16 @kovshenin
12 years ago

Woot! .6.diff works like a charm.

#17 @lancewillett
12 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

In 23963:

Twenty Thirteen: improve gallery styles for IE7 and IE8, props kovshenin and obenland. Fixes #23996.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.