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Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#24718 closed feature request (maybelater)

.webp imageformat support for upload and media gallery

Reported by: fierevere's profile fierevere Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: minor Version: 3.6
Component: Media Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


PHP 5.5 introduced imagecreatefromwebp() in GD extension, when linked with libvpx.
Google actively press this image format into wide use,
would be nice if WordPress will support it with image uploader filter and Edit Media.

Change History (19)

#1 @wycks
12 years ago

  • Severity changed from normal to minor

There is a plugin that accomplishes this:

Since webp doesn't work natively in FireFox or IE I doubt this will gain any ground in the near future.

#2 @fierevere
12 years ago

webp works in FireFox 22 and maybe in earlier versions that include libvpx
that plugin is far from native support for releasing upload filters for .webp and enabling image editing in media gallery, this plugin is just a browser support for decoding .webp images with javascript, as i understood

I doubt this will gain any ground in the near future.

ofc you may doubt, but Google offering pagespeed service with proxying and CDN on their side, they convert images to .webp

#3 @wycks
12 years ago

Webp is still being evaluated by Firefox (native)and if it's eventually added it probably won't be before ff24, you can follow the progress here:

I stand corrected though on the timeline, now that FaceBook has entered the ring and posted in the above mozilla thread it might get adopted sooner, since they really want to use it.

Version 1, edited 12 years ago by wycks (previous) (next) (diff)

#4 follow-up: @fierevere
12 years ago

I can watch it working without any problem on my FF22 @ Linux,
and it works for very long time for Chrome/Chromium,
and since PHP 5.5 has support for .webp in GD why dont implement it in wordpress?
just mime filter and support for media edit, wouldnt be much hard work.

ofc, can look at slow hosters and statistics
where PHP 5.5 is not visibly present at all, but why dont be 1 step ahead?

Last edited 12 years ago by fierevere (previous) (diff)

#5 in reply to: ↑ 4 ; follow-up: @fierevere
12 years ago

PS: Its not a forum, i dont need help, i posted a wishlist and i wont discuss it with someone who is not a developer status and acting like rude troll with resetting priorities and trying to tell that "something is not needed in wordpress"

If someone can make a commit into trunk, it will be nice, i dont think it will be you wycks, so please leave this ticket discussion for someone who actually can make this commit.

#6 @markoheijnen
12 years ago

I think for now this is plugin material. PHP 5.5 is just out so not a lot of people will benefit from this. It also can lead to misassumptions when people upload an .webp image and expect the ability to edit it or/and have a decent fallback. So I do think better support for this format is key to implement this in WordPress.

WordPress can't deliver this support since loading javascript to have better support for .webp isn't a solution for core. Also something what the FaceBook engineer mentioned in the FireFox ticket was serving .jpg instead of .webp when the browser doesn't support it. This also wouldn't work well when you cache pages. So this seems server configuration.

I do want to point out that I don't think wycks is rude here. I think the priority is minor since the adoption isn't good enough for now and it can take a while to get there. And this discussion is needed. Even with people that can't commit.

#7 in reply to: ↑ 5 @nacin
12 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to maybelater
  • Status changed from new to closed

Replying to fierevere:

If someone can make a commit into trunk, it will be nice, i dont think it will be you wycks, so please leave this ticket discussion for someone who actually can make this commit.

Actually, I don't think it will be anyone.

#8 @nacin
12 years ago

There's no need to be rude to other contributors. wycks' contribution here was legitimate and helpful, and even if it weren't, I don't think he needs to be belittled.

#9 @wycks
12 years ago

I was just pointing out the challenges with webp, not sure why I came across as rude. The main push for webp are upstream providers who save bandwidth and much less so the user base, though there is certainly a push to change this.

FaceBook is having issues with webp support since photos downloaded onto desktop/devices cannot be opened by the majority of it's users(not natively supported by Microsoft).

Also mod_pagespeed (and mod nginx) support serving of webp to browsers that support it with fallback (.jpg) to browsers that don't (

#10 @fierevere
12 years ago

as you wish, nacin, it wasnt an urgent request anyway, just disappointed that i cannot upload any .webp into gallery and edit it natively while PHP support available.

#11 @JustinSainton
12 years ago

As mentioned, there is a plugin that already does this.

#12 @markoheijnen
12 years ago

That plugin doesn't let you edit .webp files

@fierevere: You can make that happen without changing core. Look into WP_Image_Editor and extend the GD version.

#13 @SergeyBiryukov
11 years ago

#27789 was marked as a duplicate.

#14 @tlongren
10 years ago

Just curious if there's been any more thought or discussion about adding native support for webp.

I've read over this entire ticket and understand there's plugins to accomplish this. Eventually, WordPress should handle webp without the need for a plugin, but wondering when that time will be.

I'd say now would be a good time, as webp is being used much more widely now than it was 8 months ago (when the last comment was made on this ticket).

#15 @markoheijnen
10 years ago

Till now I don't think it was discussed more. It's also not something I have seen a lot and unsure if it's more widely adopted now but I will do some more research. After doing a quick scan only Chrome/Opera still supports it still unsure what other browsers will do.

However I will look into it to see how easy it is to implement something into my plugin "Improved Image Editor".

#16 follow-up: @dovydas
10 years ago

To add support for webp I had to add 'webp' to wp-includes/functions.php in 3 places. It was as simple as that. Now I can upload and display webp images without using any plugin.

The only thing that's missing - image editor.

I believe that uploading, editing and displaying webp images should be in the core. More advanced features, e.g. checking browser supported formats and choosing what format to display - this should be provided by plugin.

#17 in reply to: ↑ 16 @BenRacicot
10 years ago

Replying to dovydas:
I agree. The benefits are FAR TO GREAT to be ignoring this new image format. WEBP images are half'ing my image weight and load just fine on all browsers with the small JS script.I do hope that core developers continue to revisit this.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-media by joemcgill. View the logs.

5 years ago

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