Make WordPress Core

Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#26035 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-includes/js/autosave.js

Reported by: seanchayes's profile seanchayes Owned by: nacin's profile nacin
Milestone: 3.8 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Build/Test Tools Keywords: has-patch
Focuses: Cc:


Resolving reported JSHint errors:

[L18:C14] W109: Strings must use singlequote.
[L109:C6] W033: Missing semicolon.
[L285:C29] W109: Strings must use singlequote.
[L295:C74] W109: Strings must use singlequote.
[L295:C64] W069: ['content'] is better written in dot notation.
[L300:C32] W109: Strings must use singlequote.
[L300:C19] W069: ['auto_draft'] is better written in dot notation.
[L309:C21] W109: Strings must use singlequote.
[L315:C2] W033: Missing semicolon.
[L350:C13] W069: ['post_title'] is better written in dot notation.
[L351:C13] W069: ['content'] is better written in dot notation.
[L353:C13] W069: ['post_title'] is better written in dot notation.
[L354:C13] W069: ['content'] is better written in dot notation.
[L367:C9] W069: ['catslist'] is better written in dot notation.
[L370:C13] W069: ['post_name'] is better written in dot notation.
[L373:C13] W069: ['parent_id'] is better written in dot notation.
[L376:C13] W069: ['comment_status'] is better written in dot notation.
[L379:C13] W069: ['ping_status'] is better written in dot notation.
[L382:C13] W069: ['auto_draft'] is better written in dot notation.
[L523:C18] W069: ['save_time'] is better written in dot notation.
[L524:C18] W069: ['status'] is better written in dot notation.
[L8:C23] W117: 'switchEditors' is not defined.
[L15:C44] W117: 'autosaveL10n' is not defined.
[L40:C55] W117: 'tinymce' is not defined.
[L44:C24] W117: 'autosaveL10n' is not defined.
[L57:C24] W117: 'autosaveL10n' is not defined.
[L71:C18] W117: 'ajaxurl' is not defined.
[L89:C9] W117: 'doPreview' is not defined.
[L93:C5] W117: 'doPreview' is not defined.
[L120:C22] W117: 'tinymce' is not defined.
[L160:C15] W117: 'wpAjax' is not defined.
[L210:C13] W117: 'doPreview' is not defined.
[L219:C25] W117: 'makeSlugeditClickable' is not defined.
[L219:C68] W117: 'makeSlugeditClickable' is not defined.
[L220:C22] W117: 'ajaxurl' is not defined.
[L235:C21] W117: 'makeSlugeditClickable' is not defined.
[L243:C38] W117: 'autosaveL10n' is not defined.
[L310:C14] W117: 'ajaxurl' is not defined.
[L325:C46] W117: 'tinymce' is not defined.
[L343:C17] W117: 'tinymce' is not defined.
[L345:C13] W117: 'tinymce' is not defined.
[L570:C59] W117: 'tinymce' is not defined.
[L589:C13] W117: 'wpCookies' is not defined.
[L611:C58] W117: 'wpCookies' is not defined.
[L617:C13] W117: 'wpCookies' is not defined.
[L635:C23] W117: 'switchEditors' is not defined.
[L681:C55] W117: 'tinymce' is not defined.
[L686:C56] W117: 'switchEditors' is not defined.
[L123:C48] W098: 'e' is defined but never used.

Attachments (1)

26035.patch (4.1 KB) - added by seanchayes 11 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

11 years ago

#1 @seanchayes
11 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

#2 @nacin
11 years ago

  • Owner set to nacin
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 26202:

Fix JSHint errors in autosave.js.

props seanchayes.
fixes #26035.

#3 @nacin
11 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 3.8

Moving fixed JSHint error tickets to 3.8.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.