Make WordPress Core

Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#26394 closed enhancement (fixed)

In update_option if option is missing add the option with autoload no

Reported by: codix's profile codix Owned by: boonebgorges's profile boonebgorges
Milestone: 4.2 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.7
Component: Options, Meta APIs Keywords: has-patch 2nd-opinion
Focuses: performance Cc:


Right now if an option is not added with add_option and subsequently updated it will be added as autoload yes. This would work fine in most cases. But it becomes a problem if the total size of autoload options exceed 1024*1024-42 bytes with memecache with default configuration and object cache with memcache backend. Also storing 1024*1024 bytes of data per blog in a very large multi site environment is not best use of resources.

I propose update_option to add options with autoload no as many developers just use update_option to even add options.

Attachments (5)

patch.diff (726 bytes) - added by codix 11 years ago.
26394.diff (400 bytes) - added by nofearinc 11 years ago.
patch refresh
26394.2.diff (2.0 KB) - added by MikeHansenMe 10 years ago.
26394.3.diff (3.3 KB) - added by MikeHansenMe 10 years ago.
Added unit tests and docs.
26394.4.diff (3.7 KB) - added by MikeHansenMe 10 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (25)

11 years ago

#1 @SergeyBiryukov
11 years ago

  • Version changed from trunk to 3.7

11 years ago

patch refresh

#2 @nofearinc
11 years ago

I've uploaded a SVN diff of the patch for compatibility. Did you use git diff --no-prefix to get the patch as it should be the right way to do it?

Additionally, I agree with your concerns, but given the fact that add_option sets autoload as yes by default, I'm not sure if that the patch is not against the defaults expected in add_option.

#3 @uglyrobot
11 years ago

I agree that 'yes' should be the default, but it would be AWESOME to be able to add an autoload argument to update_option(). As said almost no one uses add_option() first.

#4 @jartes
11 years ago

  • Cc joan@… added

#5 @nacin
11 years ago

  • Component changed from Performance to Options and Meta
  • Focuses performance added

#6 @MikeHansenMe
10 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

26394.2.diff adds an additional argument that has a default of 'yes'. This will allow existing code to continue working as it has but allows specific 'no' cases to add the additional arg.

Last edited 10 years ago by DrewAPicture (previous) (diff)

#7 @DrewAPicture
10 years ago

  • Keywords needs-docs needs-unit-tests added

The new parameter is optional so that should be reflected in the parameter description. We'll also need to add a changelog entry to the DocBlock, e.g.

@since 4.2.0 The `$autoload` parameter was added.

Also, we probably need unit tests for this.

10 years ago

Added unit tests and docs.

#8 @boonebgorges
10 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added; has-patch needs-docs needs-unit-tests removed

MikeHansenMe - Thanks for the tests, but they'll need to be a bit more specific. The tests should test that autoload is set correctly for the new options - you should be able to check this with wp_load_alloptions() and some sort of direct cache check, or perhaps by checking $wpdb->num_queries before and after a get_option() call. In particular, it'd be great to see a test that demonstrates how the default value of $autoload is 'yes'.

#9 @MikeHansenMe
10 years ago

@boonebgorges I will get some better unit tests written for this.

#10 @MikeHansenMe
10 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added; needs-patch removed

26394.4.diff changes the tests to check query count. autoload = 'yes' increments by 1 because of query:

SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wptests_options WHERE autoload = 'yes'

the additional query from the autoload = 'no' test is

SELECT option_value FROM wptests_options WHERE option_name = 'test_update_option_default' LIMIT 1

#11 @boonebgorges
10 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 4.2

Thank you, MikeHansenMe - I'm going to do a bit of cleanup (there is some ugliness in MS tests related to #31130) and go with it.

#12 @boonebgorges
10 years ago

  • Owner set to boonebgorges
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 31628:

Introduce $autoload parameter to update_option().

When creating an option via add_option(), the $autoload param allows you to
tell WP whether the option should be loaded as part of the 'alloptions' cache
during every pageload. update_option(), when used with a non-existent option
calls add_option() internally. The new $autoload param in update_option()
is passed along to add_option() in cases where the option does not yet exist.

The associated unit tests are skipped on multisite due to an issue that causes
WP_INSTALLING to force cache misses. See #31130.

Props codix, nofearinc, MikeHansenMe.
Fixes #26394.

#13 @dd32
10 years ago

This change feels strange, I think most developers will expect that passing this parameter will update the autoload status in the database for an existing option.

I think we really need to handle passing it for an existing option. We could reduce the weight of that change by requiring the value changes as part of the update.

#14 @DrewAPicture
10 years ago

  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

#15 @boonebgorges
10 years ago

dd32 - It never dawned on me that one would want to use this to change autoload for existing options, but on reflection I totally agree.

We could reduce the weight of that change by requiring the value changes as part of the update.

Yeah. There would be a lot of questions about return values and hooks if it were possible to update autoload without also updating value. I'll try to make the requirement clear in the docs.

#16 @boonebgorges
10 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

In 31640:

Allow $autoload setting to be changed for existing options using update_option().

[31628] made it possible to pass an $autoload param to update_option() that
applies when the option does not yet exist in the database. The current
changeset introduces parity for existing options: the $autoload setting
for existing options can be changed via the $autoload parameter. For internal
simplicity, $autoload is ignored for existing options when $value is not
also changed.

This changeset also moves update_option() tests into their own class.

Props dd32.
Fixes #26394.

#17 @DrewAPicture
10 years ago

#18244 was marked as a duplicate.

#18 @ocean90
9 years ago

In 33703:

Tests: Fix a typo in function names for $autoload tests.

Autoload is "no" if the $autoload param for update_option() is 'no' or false.

see #26394.

#19 @westonruter
9 years ago

In 35305:

Customizer: Allow new option settings to not be saved as autoloaded by passing an autoload arg value of false.

The autoload argument value is passed along to update_option() which has accepted an $autoload parameter since [31628].

Props westonruter, dlh.
See #26394.
Fixes #33499.

#20 @theode
9 years ago

  • Keywords 2nd-opinion added

I want to know why we not set update_option()'s $autload parameter to "false" by default? because it broke the #WordPress after 260'000 entries in wp_options with $autoload = true, simply because developer forgot to set it to false.

wp-include/option.php tried to load them all

Last edited 9 years ago by theode (previous) (diff)
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