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Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#27002 new defect (bug)

Scheduling not working when editing posts

Reported by: timgoleman's profile timgoleman Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.8.1
Component: Posts, Post Types Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


I didn't see this the list but I have had this happen to me more than once. I have posts scheduled 2-3 weeks in advance to work on them and set for Feb 22 at 14:00 posting time. While working on the post the button that should be "schedule" says "publish" If you click the publish butting it will publish it immediately rather then que it for posting via scheduling. I have to go in change the time or date, click the ok button below scheduling and then change it back.

This has happened more than once for me. If the post does publish it is still listed as the original date rather than the date it publishes. I have to double check them but I don't always catch them. This has happened on both firefox and Safari. Today is February 3 but the post says it was posted on February 22, 2014. It is now set to private

Attachments (1)

Safari.jpg (80.4 KB) - added by timgoleman 11 years ago.
Screen shot of post

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Change History (4)

11 years ago

Screen shot of post

#1 @mordauk
11 years ago

It looks like there is an issue with scheduling a privately published post.

A scheduled post usually looks like this:

Now take that scheduled post and set it's visibility to Private, and it looks like this:

The "Published" on is in the future, so clearly it should still be scheduled, but it is actually privately published.

Looks like a legitimate bug to me.

I seems reasonable to me that a post should be able to be scheduled for a private publication, though I'm not sure the current post status infrastructure supports that, since a scheduled post is simply one that has a date in the future and a post status of future and a private post is simply one that has a post status of private.

I see two potential fixes:

  1. Don't allow scheduled posts to be set to private
  2. Don't allow private posts to be set with a publication date in the future

Neither is very great.

#2 @helen
11 years ago

If the issue is with private posts, then this is a duplicate of #7745.

#3 @iseulde
10 years ago

  • Component changed from Date/Time to Posts, Post Types
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