Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #27003, comment 2

02/04/2014 05:11:06 PM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #27003, comment 2

    v1 v2  
    11Slightly off topic, but since the ticket mentions "cleanup of multisite load" in its title: there's a lot of code in wp-includes/ms-*.php that runs very early and assumes that WP is already installed. When it isn't and you're hoping to get redirected to wp-admin/install.php, it ultimately fails with an extremely misleading database connection error.
    3 Would it be desirable (in a separate ticket, of course) to make so that adding the relevant multisite defines in advance, when installing WP, would make the installer just work and set things up with multisite already up and running? Desirable or not, I raised the question here because a few `isset()` calls here and there are currently needed to avoid E_NOTICE errors when loading `wp-admin/install.php`, so might as well add them in advance during the cleanup.
     3Would it be desirable (in a separate ticket, of course) to make it so that adding the relevant multisite defines in advance, when installing WP, would make the installer just work and set things up with multisite already up and running?
     5Desirable or not, I raised the question here because a few `isset()` calls here and there are currently needed to avoid E_NOTICE errors when loading `wp-admin/install.php` with these defines around, so might as well add them in advance during the cleanup.