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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#27195 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

Disappearing image captions on pasted images from Google Docs

Reported by: tobiaskjrsgaard's profile TobiasKjrsgaard Owned by: azaozz's profile azaozz
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.8.1
Component: Editor Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


When you paste an image from Google Docs the width and height attributes in the resulting <img> tag contains the three characters "px;" at the end as shown below:

<img alt="" src"(…)" width="200px;" height="150px;">

Having these three extra chars in the attribute fields somehow makes the filter that adds image captions fail. Whenever I try adding captions they turn up fine in the TinyMCE editor, but as soon as the post is published the caption is stripped from the string and I'm left with the original <img> tag.

I suspect that a solution could be a minor modification to image_add_caption() function i media.php - specifically the lines posted below. However, I'm not confident that my skills are adequate enough to implement this fix.

if ( ! preg_match( '/width=["\']([0-9]+)/', $html, $matches ) )
	return $html;

Attachments (2) (3.6 MB) - added by ericlewis 11 years ago. (1.8 MB) - added by kvignos 10 years ago.
Screencast of bug in TinyMCE

Change History (12)

#1 follow-up: @ocean90
11 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Hello TobiasKjrsgaard, thanks for the report.

I could reproduce the issue in 3.8.1, but not in the current trunk. We have a new TinyMCE version and a new modal for adding a caption which seems to have fixed your mentioned issue.

Can you try this on the latest Nightly again and confirm that it's fixed please?

#2 @bravokeyl
11 years ago

I could (kind of) reproduced this on's giving width and height as NaN and stripping out caption first time..When we change the height and width of image
it displays correctly

#3 in reply to: ↑ 1 @TobiasKjrsgaard
11 years ago

  • Keywords close added; reporter-feedback removed

Thanks. I just tested this in the latest nightly build and it works like a charm… Sorry for the inconvenience.

#4 @ericlewis
11 years ago

  • Keywords close removed
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

I can't even copy and paste an image from Google Docs into WordPress. Is this expected behavior now?

Attaching a screencast.

#5 @ericlewis
11 years ago

  • Resolution invalid deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

11 years ago

#6 follow-up: @wonderboymusic
10 years ago

  • Component changed from Media to Editor
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 4.1
  • Owner set to azaozz
  • Status changed from reopened to assigned

Can you take a look?

I can copy paste from all over the place no problem, but Google Docs' images do get stripped.

4.0.21 Release Notes:
"and a bunch of bug fixes regarding paste from Word/Open office/Google docs etc."

#7 in reply to: ↑ 6 @TobiasKjrsgaard
10 years ago

Replying to wonderboymusic:

Can you take a look?

I can copy paste from all over the place no problem, but Google Docs' images do get stripped.

4.0.21 Release Notes:
"and a bunch of bug fixes regarding paste from Word/Open office/Google docs etc."

I just tested this in 4.0 and it seems that the bug is back :(

#8 @kvignos
10 years ago

WP 4.1 uses TinyMCE 4.1.6. It appears that this release of TinyMCE 4.1.6 does not support pasting from Google Docs. You can replicate the same behavior in the TinyMCE demo here:

Screencast attached.

This does not appear to be a WordPress Core bug.

Tried to report to TinyMCE but their bug report form doesn't seem to be working in Safari or Chrome.

10 years ago

Screencast of bug in TinyMCE

#9 @robbintt
10 years ago

The bug is in the TinyMCE paste plugin. This can be verified by removing the word 'paste' from the plugins in this jsfiddle:

Deleting the paste plugin folder (effectively turning off the tinymce paste plugin) from wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/ fixes this bug.

It looks like this is either a paste configuration setting issue in wp-includes or an issue with the paste plugin in tinymce.

Last edited 10 years ago by robbintt (previous) (diff)

#10 @azaozz
10 years ago

  • Milestone 4.1 deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

As far as I understand, the (second) problem is that TinyMCE 4.x disables pasting of image source (base64 encoded) inside the post text. This is a really bad practice. Makes the post huge and very inconvenient to load for the site visitors (1MB image is usually about 1.2MB base64 encoded, that's roughly 200,000 words), and is very search engine unfriendly. Also this is not supported in all browsers.

Images in Google Docs don't exist on the Internet. They are local to the document and cannot be inserted anywhere else by using the <img> tag. To properly use images from there, the users will have to upload them to their site and insert them into the post from the Media Library, same as any other image. This means there will be several more steps while writing but will ensure everything works well.

There are WordPress plugins that "catch" these base64 encoded images and save them properly, then replace them in the post content. If somebody needs to paste images from a word processor or Google Docs regularly, that would be the best solution.

Last edited 10 years ago by azaozz (previous) (diff)
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