Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #27916, comment 4

05/12/2017 07:19:25 PM (7 years ago)


  • Ticket #27916, comment 4

    initial v1  
    1 So this is redirecting to the referring page and raises some questions around the desired user experience. The current implementation may be the best case scenario. I would consider this an edge case in the publishing workflow where it is arguably a fair "punishment" for not saving drafts, which would be the ideal and intended workflow.
     1So this is redirecting to the referring page and raises some questions around the desired user experience. The current implementation may be the best case scenario. I would consider this an edge case in the publishing workflow where it is arguably a fair consequence for not saving drafts, which would be the ideal and intended workflow.
    3 The only alternatives that come to mind would be to force the user to the draft page on first auto-draft, either by window state change or redirect; or rework how the nonce is validating for all actions on post-new.php. Forcing the user to a new page during editing doesn't seem like a good experience, and at a glance the latter option may require some pretty far-reaching changes into core and feels like more trouble than it's worth.
     3The only alternatives that come to mind would be to force the user to the draft page on first auto-draft, either by window state change or redirect; or rework how the nonce is validating for actions on post-new.php. Forcing the user to a new page during editing doesn't seem like a good experience, and at a glance the latter option may require some pretty far-reaching changes into core and feels like more trouble than it's worth.