Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #28216, comment 10

06/03/2015 11:54:51 AM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #28216, comment 10

    v3 v4  
    1010The biggest reason for wanting DI support for things like Widgets is that I can treat the widgets as simple-wiring of my own services into WordPress. I treat Plugins exactly the same; simple-wiring of a domain model into WordPress. Therefore, when I test, my focus is on a WordPress-agnostic domain model. When I write integration tests with WordPress and my custom model, I'm making sure that when a widget is "booted" it calls the right methods on my services. I do not necessarily care to invoke my services as part of that test... I just want to have spies tell me if things aren't called as expected.
    12 This can certainly be achieved through setter-injection, but is more conventional to implement through constructor injection. More importantly, constructor injection FIRMLY declares that X widget wiring has a dependency on some service layer. Setter injection does not do so explicitly. In addition (and probably more importantly, as @Denis-de-Bernardy said), injecting as described above requires the client injecting to intimately understand not-only my Widget and its internal dependencies to be able to inject, but also must intimately be aware of WordPress internals, side-stepping the Core's framework for registration of Widgets. If that ever changed, client's would be broken. It is always preferable for clients to be able to rely on a stable abstraction.
     12This can certainly be achieved through setter-injection, but is more conventional to implement through constructor injection. More importantly, constructor injection FIRMLY declares that X widget wiring has a dependency on some service layer. Setter injection does not do so explicitly. In addition (and probably more importantly, as @Denis-de-Bernardy said), injecting as described above requires a client to intimately understand not-only my Widget and its internal dependencies to be able to inject, but also must intimately be aware of WordPress internals, side-stepping the Core's framework for registration of Widgets. If that ever changed, clients would be broken. It is always preferable for clients to be able to rely on a stable abstraction.
    1414'''Anywho...''' I typed all that out just to give a more in-depth use-case than we currently had. Also, I've made the changes to enable this and would GLADLY contribute upstream.. However, this would be my first contribution to core and I wanted to make sure it was cool for a sideline observer to send code for someone elses Trac ticket! :)