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Opened 10 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#28278 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Smart Excerpt

Reported by: greatblakes's profile GreatBlakes Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.9.1
Component: Posts, Post Types Keywords: needs-patch dev-feedback close
Focuses: Cc:


I've been using an enhanced excerpt function in all of my themes for the past few years, so I thought I'd post it here to see if it's worth considering. The problem I was running into was that the_excerpt didn't allow for a few parameters that I wanted to customize per iteration. The "Continue Reading" text, the excerpt length, and whether the ellipses should appear.

On top of that, I didn't like having to choose between the_excerpt() and get_the_excerpt, so I enhanced my function to accept a post ID as the first parameter, and if not, it would fallback to the current post ID (so it could be used both inside or outside the loop).

Then, I decided that instead of just using the excerpt from a post, it should pull the content if the excerpt was left empty. This would allow my to call my function for all instances, and the user could decide if they want a specific excerpt to appear for a specific post.

I'm not sure if this would be better left as a plugin or not, and if not, I'm also not sure if I'm advocating an update to the_excerpt or if it would be an additional function like smart_excerpt() or something. Anyway, here's my code:

//Pulls the excerpt for the current (or designated post ID). If no excerpt is present, it pulls from the content instead.
//Several ways to implement this:
	//Inside the loop: echo nebula_the_excerpt('Read more »', 20, 1);
	//Outside the loop: echo nebula_the_excerpt(572, 'Read more »', 20, 1);
//First parameter is the post ID (optional). Allows it to be called outside the loop. Must be an integer!
//Second parameter is the "Read More" text (optional).
//Third parameter is the length (optional).
//Fourth parameter is the ellipsis (optional). Boolean.

function nebula_the_excerpt( $postID=false, $more=false, $length=55, $hellip=false ) {

	if ( $postID ) { 
		if ( !is_int($postID) ) {
			if ( $length == 0 || $length == 1 ) {
				$hellip = $length;
			} else {
				$hellip = false;

			if ( is_int($more) ) {
				$length = $more;
			} else {
				$length = 55;

			$more = $postID;
			$postID = false;
		} else {
			$the_post = get_post($postID);

	if ( $the_post ) {
                if ( $the_post->post_excerpt ) {
	                $string = strip_tags($the_post->post_excerpt, '<p>');
                } else {
	                $string = strip_tags($the_post->post_content, '<p>');
        } else {
                if ( get_the_excerpt() ) {
                    $string = strip_tags(get_the_excerpt(), '<p>');
                } else {
                    $string = strip_tags(get_the_content(), '<p>');

	$string = string_limit_words($string, $length); //Note that this function is just a string limiter. I can post the code if needed.

	if ( $hellip ) {
		if ( $string[1] == 1 ) {
			$string[0] .= '&hellip; ';

	if ( isset($more) && $more != '' ) {
		$string[0] .= ' <a class="nebula_the_excerpt" href="' . get_permalink($postID) . '">' . $more . '</a>';

	return $string[0];

Currently, It is not the most condensed snippet there is, and I'm sure some better programmers could optimize it considerably, but the general idea is there.

Change History (5)

#1 @GreatBlakes
10 years ago

I've recently made some pretty heavy adjustments to enhance this function:

//Several ways to implement this:
	//Inside the loop (or outside the loop for current post/page): nebula_the_excerpt('Read more &raquo;', 20, 1);
	//Outside the loop: nebula_the_excerpt(572, 'Read more &raquo;', 20, 1);
function nebula_the_excerpt( $postID=0, $more=0, $length=55, $hellip=0 ) {
	if ( $postID && is_int($postID) ) {
		$the_post = get_post($postID);
	} else {
		if ( $postID != 0 || is_string($postID) ) {
			if ( $length == 0 || $length == 1 ) {
				$hellip = $length;
			} else {
				$hellip = false;
			if ( is_int($more) ) {
				$length = $more;
			} else {
				$length = 55;
			$more = $postID;
		$postID = get_the_ID();
		$the_post = get_post($postID);
	if ( $the_post->post_excerpt ) {
		$string = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($the_post->post_excerpt), '');
	} else {
		$string = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($the_post->post_content), '');
	$string = string_limit_words($string, $length); //Note that this function is just a string limiter. I can post the code if needed.
	if ( $hellip ) {
		if ( $string[1] == 1 ) {
			$string[0] .= '&hellip; ';
	if ( isset($more) && $more != '' ) {
		$string[0] .= ' <a class="nebula_the_excerpt" href="' . get_permalink($postID) . '">' . $more . '</a>';
	return $string[0];

#2 @eherman24
10 years ago

I personally believe it would be best left as a plugin as not all WordPress themes make use of the excerpt field. Maybe wait for other, more seasoned, core developers to chime in.

Last edited 10 years ago by eherman24 (previous) (diff)

#3 @chriscct7
9 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch dev-feedback added

#4 @grapplerulrich
8 years ago

  • Keywords close added

It is very unlikely that get_the_excerpt and the_excerpt will be replaced by another function.

I believe the whole custom function could be replaced with filters and conditionals. If want a different excerpt length on a certain page you can use a conditional. With the following code example I can change the excerpt length just on the category archive.

prefix_custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    if( is_category() ) {
        $length = 25;
    return $length;

add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'prefix_custom_excerpt_length' );

#5 @andraganescu
5 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

Hi @GreatBlakes and thank you for your submission. As @grapplerulrich noted above it is very unlikely that the functions themselves will be replaced.

Given the age of this ticket and that no patch has been added I will close it as wontfix.

Thanks again for your suggestions!

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