1 | | We took some cues from the theme details modal in other places (#29012, #28655) but it's not feeling quite right in the context of the WordPress admin or our general "feel", particularly the largeness and the background color in the default scheme. Let's try smaller icons instead, along with arrows without the horizontal. Example, please ignore the wonky spacing: |
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3 | | [[Image(http://f.cl.ly/items/3p3c2q3d1O0R0v1J3c2m/Image%202014-08-06%20at%2010.48.19%20PM.png)]] |
| 1 | We took some cues from the theme details modal in other places (#29012, #28655) but it's not feeling quite right in the context of the WordPress admin or our general "feel", particularly the largeness and the background color in the default scheme. Let's try smaller icons instead, along with arrows without the horizontal. |