Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #29660, comment 11

12/16/2015 10:43:13 PM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #29660, comment 11

    initial v1  
    11It's really unfortunate that this doesn't get as much attention since it's a persistent problem. The biggest issue I think is that the errors being generated don't reflect the exact issue, where it's originating from, or the cause. Right now it's all the same generic message.
    3 I can replicate errors like this in `pre_get_posts` just as I can in ''any'' other form but it doesn't tell me ''why'' it's happening. The duplicate ticket above [#33729] errors out whenever passing strings to `is_category()` and the category isn't found. That's not very intuitive and to get around it I have to use some pretty funky logic. If it is decided that the core errors aren't worth fixing then I think we should also dump additional information to the developers as to ''why'' the errors occur. Though, personally I think that since the functions are being used correctly then the solution should be patching the core functions to reflect these cases.
     3I can replicate errors like this in `pre_get_posts` just as I can in ''any'' other form but it doesn't tell me ''why'' it's happening. The duplicate ticket above #33729 errors out whenever passing strings to `is_category()` and the category isn't found. That's not very intuitive and to get around it I have to use some pretty funky logic. If it is decided that the core errors aren't worth fixing then I think we should also dump additional information to the developers as to ''why'' the errors occur. Though, personally I think that since the functions are being used correctly then the solution should be patching the core functions to reflect these cases.