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Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#29775 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

Media manager bug

Reported by: rudybrinkman's profile rudybrinkman Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.0
Component: Media Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:



the media manager still seems to have a bug, weeks after the release of 4.0 and several users reporting it. The solutions offered (switching off plugins and so on) don't work.

Anyway -- here's what happens: with a clean, no plugins added, install on a server with 8GB Ram, CloudLinux, Apache 2.x, up to date MySQL when you click on the media-manager it starts loading (rotating icon). And it keeps doing that. No images shown, uploading of images doesn't work (no error message) but in the mean time, the server runs wild. The proces runs something with 'ajax' and makes the server bog down (load up to 20.0, stopped it by restarting apache).

This simply doesn't happen with the 3.x branch so it is Wordpress code causing it. The apache error log doesn't show any errors, the process simple runs wild or loops.

I've reported this before on the forums (as well as other users) but the moderators are very reluctant to addmit anything is wrong and blaim the 'faulty plugins'. As I've said, no plugins are active. On another site where there were plugins active, I've switched them all off and no change in the situation.

I manage dozens of Wordpress sites for clients and have a lot of experience in using Wordpress.. this is clearly an issue in the wordpress code.

Uploading new images of files doesn't work either. It shows broken images or a blue 'image' that can't be inserted in the posts or pages (button not enabled).

Attachments (1)

wordpress 40 error.pdf (77.7 KB) - added by rudybrinkman 10 years ago.
Additional information after testing on three different server setups. Incluiding apache output and screencapture of error screen

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (39)

#1 follow-up: @kitchin
10 years ago

As a workaround, you can filter the query that populates the grid, with 'ajax_query_attachments_args'. That's not going to be easy. You'd have to run the query, pick out the large/bad items and change the query. There's one more filter after the image is processed but it's probably too late: 'wp_prepare_attachment_for_js'.

You can force list view instead of grid using 'get_user_option_media_library_mode'. Or make it default:

add_filter( 'get_user_option_media_library_mode', 'my_get_user_option_media_library_mode' );
function my_get_user_option_media_library_mode( $result ) {
	if ( ! $result ) $result = 'list';
	return $result;

With users uploading 16 megapixel photos, breakage is not surprising, and the ultra-javascript interface makes it hard to control.

#2 @mariastigsnaeseriksen
10 years ago

Hi - I have the same problem! It's a big problem - wordpress 4.0! When I upload an image, nothing happens, but if I update the media library the image adds between 50 and 200 times in the media library and the whole site goes down. I have several sites live where it does not work. Any suggestions on how to improve it?

#3 in reply to: ↑ 1 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to kitchin:

As a workaround, you can filter the query that populates the grid, with 'ajax_query_attachments_args'. That's not going to be easy. You'd have to run the query, pick out the large/bad items and change the query. There's one more filter after the image is processed but it's probably too late: 'wp_prepare_attachment_for_js'.


you can't expect people to fix the faulty code. This is an issue with the source code, so the creators of that need to fix it.

#4 @kitchin
10 years ago


#5 @closemarketing
10 years ago

#29757 was marked as a duplicate.

#6 @wonderboymusic
10 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

"you can't expect people to fix the faulty code. This is an issue with the source code, so the creators of that need to fix it."

I appreciate your frustration, but this is most definitely an isolated issue related to your setup. Of the millions of people running WordPress, this is not a widely reported issue.

  • Anything in the JS console?
  • Anything in the Apache error logs?
  • Anything weird in the Apache access logs?
  • What are your file/folder permissions for wp-content/uploads?
  • What is a public site that is affected, can I have the URL?

I will help you resolve this.

#7 @lucasstark
10 years ago

Last edited 10 years ago by lucasstark (previous) (diff)

10 years ago

Additional information after testing on three different server setups. Incluiding apache output and screencapture of error screen

#8 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

I've added some additional information after testing on three different servers/setups. My conlusion is that it does have a problem but it's not simple to find or fix and seems to be related to Apache mod_lsapi.

#9 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback removed

Anything in the JS console?
-- I don't know what you are referring to here;

Anything in the Apache error logs?
-- nothing weird

Anything weird in the Apache access logs?
-- nothing weird, it does show the reference to the upload script several times but nothing weird I'd say..

What are your file/folder permissions for wp-content/uploads?
-- unchanged, when I set them to 775 or 777, no difference. I've changed them to all possible settings but as you can see in the update/test report I've uploaded that's probably not the cause.

What is a public site that is affected, can I have the URL?
-- several sites, the one I've used in the first test is
This site has images and pdf-files as 'media', and can't upload anything because of the error in WP since it was upgraded.

Last edited 10 years ago by rudybrinkman (previous) (diff)

#10 @kitchin
10 years ago

Does it work if you switch to List View? Second icon under "Media Library."

JS Console:

#11 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

When you click on 'media' JS console only shows this:

Consider using 'dppx' units, as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: print, not all, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi)

Since the server runs wild again, had to restart apache, and it showed this after that

POST 500 (Internal Server Error)

Of course that is probably correct since I have to restart Apache every time this happens :(

There's no difference between the options, trouble starts as soon as you click on 'media' in the left menu bar in the admin.

#12 follow-up: @SergeyBiryukov
10 years ago

Does the issue still happen with all plugins disabled and a default theme (Twenty Fourteen or Twenty Thirteen) activated?

#13 in reply to: ↑ 12 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to SergeyBiryukov:

Does the issue still happen with all plugins disabled and a default theme (Twenty Fourteen or Twenty Thirteen) activated?

Yes - as I've said a clean install with no plugins active has the same issues, or, as in the case of the example site, an install upgrade from 3.9.2. -> 4.0, with all plugins (only the default askimet and hello dolly plus BrutoForce protect available) deactivated ..

I cannot find any other reason than a relation to apache mod_lsapi.

#14 follow-up: @kitchin
10 years ago

I'd still like to know if this happens in List View. If you don't have time to click the icon, try temporarily disabling it in your theme's functions.php:

add_filter( 'get_user_option_media_library_mode', 'my_get_user_option_media_library_mode' );
function my_get_user_option_media_library_mode( $result ) {
	return 'list';

About the JS console: make sure it is open before you load the page, and try different browsers.

#15 in reply to: ↑ 14 ; follow-up: @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to kitchin:

I'd still like to know if this happens in List View. If you don't have time to click the icon, try temporarily disabling it in your theme's functions.php:

add_filter( 'get_user_option_media_library_mode', 'my_get_user_option_media_library_mode' );
function my_get_user_option_media_library_mode( $result ) {
	return 'list';

About the JS console: make sure it is open before you load the page, and try different browsers.

Yes it makes no dierence, as I said in comment 11: "There's no difference between the options, trouble starts as soon as you click on 'media' in the left menu bar in the admin."

It doesn't matter i I choose list or grid. In both cases the icon keeps rotating, it doesn't show any images.

#16 in reply to: ↑ 15 ; follow-up: @helen
10 years ago

Replying to rudybrinkman:

It doesn't matter i I choose list or grid. In both cases the icon keeps rotating, it doesn't show any images.

That seems strange - the list mode is generated in PHP, not JS, and there's nothing there that would show a spinner while loading. I suspect that's why kitchin asked.

#17 in reply to: ↑ 16 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to helen:

Replying to rudybrinkman:

It doesn't matter i I choose list or grid. In both cases the icon keeps rotating, it doesn't show any images.

That seems strange - the list mode is generated in PHP, not JS, and there's nothing there that would show a spinner while loading. I suspect that's why kitchin asked.

The trouble starts as soon as the 'media'-link is clicked in the left menu bar in the admin panel (see the updated report including screen shot and several tests in the PDF-file). You need to do that first i'm afraid and as soon as that's clicked, the server (Apache httpd-proces for that task) runs wild.

Ps, just a question and with all due respect, but is anyone looking into this matter? Or are we still discussing it if it's an error or not? It's clearly an issue with the code, if you ask me? Esp. since the previous version(s), including very old ones, don't have this issue. It's only in Wordpress 4.0.

#18 follow-up: @helen
10 years ago

There are two different views for the media library that do two quite different things behind the scenes. If you experience the loading spinner in both list and grid views, then we are facing something quite unknown. I suspect you have not, in fact, tried the list view. The view switcher is on the left side of the bar with the search and other filters in it. Also, based on your PDF, I take it the "Add New" link you are referring to is the one at the top of the screen, not the separate menu item.

I would also like to know if this is the case in the "Add Media" modal when editing a post/page/content, as it shares a significant amount of code.

We are attempting to figure out consistent steps to reproduce. By continuing to ask you for more feedback, we are looking into it. I am not personally looking at whether or not this is related to mod_lsapi, and it is unclear to me whether or not anybody else is.

#19 in reply to: ↑ 18 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to helen:

There are two different views for the media library that do two quite different things behind the scenes. If you experience the loading spinner in both list and grid views, then we are facing something quite unknown. I suspect you have not, in fact, tried the list view. The view switcher is on the left side of the bar with the search and other filters in it. Also, based on your PDF, I take it the "Add New" link you are referring to is the one at the top of the screen, not the separate menu item.

I've tried it trough

  • the 'media' optioin on the admin menu on the left;
  • both views;
  • from the post message option.

I've been working as a software tester and instructor for a few years .. ;) so I did try all options.

#20 @kitchin
10 years ago

If you can use the filter in #comment15 that will (I think) ensure the new media viewer, Grid, is not loaded and does not start making Ajax calls. Really, that will only tell us that List is unaffected, which is very likely. But it allows us to confidently go to the next step: debugging the calls Grid makes.

The way Grid works is that your browser gets a minimal amount of HTML, from a traditional WWW page load. Then the javascripts on the page start loading most of the content you see, by making further requests back to the server. So it may be important to isolate what the javascripts are doing and how WP is responding to them.

#21 in reply to: ↑ description ; follow-up: @jeremyfelt
10 years ago

Replying to rudybrinkman:

Anyway -- here's what happens: with a clean, no plugins added, install on a server with 8GB Ram, CloudLinux, Apache 2.x, up to date MySQL when you click on the media-manager it starts loading (rotating icon). And it keeps doing that. No images shown, uploading of images doesn't work (no error message) but in the mean time, the server runs wild. The proces runs something with 'ajax' and makes the server bog down (load up to 20.0, stopped it by restarting apache).

I think this issue may be related to #29566, which was fixed in [29724] and resolved my version of this issue that I noticed today in WordPress 4.0 when I had orphaned attachments. A PHP Notice was breaking the AJAX response even though a successful query was being returned. I am not sure about the server load issue you're seeing, but it's probably worth a shot.

Uploading new images of files doesn't work either. It shows broken images or a blue 'image' that can't be inserted in the posts or pages (button not enabled).

I'm not sure if this relates or is something different. If an attempt was made to upload an image while the previous AJAX response was broken, I could see it having issues.

#22 in reply to: ↑ 21 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to jeremyfelt:

I think this issue may be related to #29566, which was fixed in [29724] and resolved my version of this issue that I noticed today in WordPress 4.0 when I had orphaned attachments. A PHP Notice was breaking the AJAX response even though a successful query was being returned. I am not sure about the server load issue you're seeing, but it's probably worth a shot.

How do I install this patch? Is it an official patch? I'd be happy to test it.

#23 @leedman
10 years ago

This sounds completely related to my issue, although my issue goes on to result in my browser crashing. When I tried accessing the Media Library a few days ago, it simply crashed before loading all the thumbnails of the current uploads. FTP to take a look at what might be happening from a file-upload standpoint.

Putting the bits and pieces together, numerous issues similarly experience as others, right up to the latest incident with browser crashing, I have come to the conclusion the WordPress Media Library is actually pulling in the original file, resizing it to the thumbnail view for display in the Media Library Asset manager.

Could it be so?

#24 follow-up: @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

This ticket has now been submitted 2 months ago. Any change a developer will look into it? How long on average does it take before developers do? I'd love to see this issue fixed, clients are waiting for it.

#25 in reply to: ↑ 24 ; follow-up: @helen
10 years ago

Replying to rudybrinkman:

This ticket has now been submitted 2 months ago. Any change a developer will look into it? How long on average does it take before developers do? I'd love to see this issue fixed, clients are waiting for it.

Four committers, who are all developers, have commented here. Without clear steps to reproduce the issue, there's no real way to know what needs fixing. It's still unclear to me what you're doing, exactly - perhaps a screencast would be helpful.

#26 in reply to: ↑ 25 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Four committers, who are all developers, have commented here. Without clear steps to reproduce the issue, there's no real way to know what needs fixing. It's still unclear to me what you're doing, exactly - perhaps a screencast would be helpful.

I did include a report with system information and screencapture but will do a screenrecording so you all can see it and put it online somewhere a.s.a.p.

#27 follow-ups: @kitchin
10 years ago

In Dashboard / Users / Your Profile, the first item is a checkbox:
[_] Disable the visual editor when writing

I wonder if we'd accept a patch that added a second checkbox:
[_] Disable the grid media display in the Media Library

It's quite parallel to the editor UI, with two square tabs, the first of which is default (Visual Edit, Media Grid), and which due to very heavy js could conceivably cause errors or slowdowns in the browser. The only way to switch on first use, if crashy, is to use the profile checkbox.

#28 in reply to: ↑ 27 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to kitchin:

I wonder if we'd accept a patch that added a second checkbox:
[_] Disable the grid media display in the Media Library

That wouldn't really fix it, worse: you'll be giving the user a change to switch it on, while the are not aware of what they are causing when switching it on.

Imho it's like this: 3.9.x was working fine. People upgrade to 4.x and suddenly clicking on the media link crahes your site and in some cases even the server because (see my initial report plus the attached pdf file with information) the ajax process is running wild all of the sudden.

Now, that does indicate a code change, doesn't it? So, i'd suggest to review the code change and find what has changed and if there are changes, was there a need for that? If not, reverse them and roll out a patched version.

I'll be going to take a few risks soon by testing again on a site and capture what happens in a video.

Version 0, edited 10 years ago by rudybrinkman (next)

#29 in reply to: ↑ 27 @johnbillion
10 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Replying to kitchin:

I wonder if we'd accept a patch that added a second checkbox:
[_] Disable the grid media display in the Media Library

If we've introduced a feature which can crash people's browsers and servers then we will fix that issue, not introduce an option to disable it.

Let's wait and see what rudybrinkman comes back with. At the moment this does seem to be an isolated issue.

rudybrinkman: I know you've heard it before, but double-checking that all plugins are definitely deactivated on the affected site (that includes removing any plugins you may have in your mu-plugins directory) and that a default theme is enabled will help a lot. Cheers!

#30 @kitchin
10 years ago

Wonder why "Disable the visual editor when writing" was put there in the first place. I'm guessing to address the same UI concern: you can't turn off the feature unless you can use it.

It's unchecked by default.

#31 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

I've uploaded a screencapture/video to my dropbox account. As you can see, I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. It all goes wrong as soon as you use the 'media' links in the admin menu (see video for details).

Ps, in the end of the video you see how high the server load is going up. If i don't restart apache within a few minutes, after clicking on 'media' or trying to upload a picture it will crash the server since it will keep filling up the memory.

Dropbox link:

#32 follow-up: @wonderboymusic
10 years ago

Thank you for the video - you left out one key piece: the JS console. Can you inspect that and see what is happening, any errors?

#33 follow-up: @johnbillion
10 years ago

Yep thanks for that video, it's a big help.

In an effort to narrow down where the problem lies, can you switch to "List mode" and see if the page loads ok? List mode is the grey icon below (I noticed you erroneously clicked the blue grid mode icon a second time when you said you switched modes).

Once you're in list mode, can you test if uploading files from there works as expected or whether it still hangs? Also, does an upload work from this screen once you've killed the resource-hogging processes?

#34 in reply to: ↑ 32 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to wonderboymusic:

Thank you for the video - you left out one key piece: the JS console. Can you inspect that and see what is happening, any errors?

that was answered before in this thread.

#35 in reply to: ↑ 33 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

Replying to johnbillion:

Yep thanks for that video, it's a big help.

In an effort to narrow down where the problem lies, can you switch to "List mode" and see if the page loads ok? List mode is the grey icon below (I noticed you erroneously clicked the blue grid mode icon a second time when you said you switched modes).

Once you're in list mode, can you test if uploading files from there works as expected or whether it still hangs? Also, does an upload work from this screen once you've killed the resource-hogging processes?

Tested though it's of course not a good idea to do so since it calls the same scripting (admin-ajax.php). Makes no differences same thing happend.

I´ve been digging trough the error messages and finally found somtehing, it is causing errors because the script takes too long and too much memory so it seems. The user/site was having 2Gb of memory and 'unlimited' resources:

[lsapi:error] [pid 1043094:tid 140230313806144] [client *ip-address removed*:54406] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path}/public_html/cms/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1497, referer:

And there's also an error linking to this entry:

As you can see they say: "If you also see that user is hitting CPU limit at the same time at the same time as entry processes limit, raising just entry processes limit will not help. User is using too much resources, and you should either increase both, CPU and entry process limits, or user should optimize their script, or user should be upgraded to VPS or something similar."

Anyway - I've upgraded the user to 4 GB of ram memory and 'unlimited' resources. Still the same problems exists (the media-link not working, and so on) and after uploading an image it ends with "http error" on screen. And the usage of CPU is still extreme:

  43534 baktueel  30  10  158m  47m 4812 R 93.6  0.6   1:42.96 /usr/local/bin/

So the script does finish now but it's still using 93.6% CPU, when it's got all these resources but it ends with an error and still doesn't function (in neither one of the views). See the below logging for the reasons; it still runs out of the time of 30 seconds (that should be more than enough for a script to finish loading a few images though)

[Wed Dec 10 22:52:20.561788 2014] [lsapi:error] [pid 29333:tid 139861013096768] [client {ip-address}:54654] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path to domain}/ on line 1497, referer:
[Wed Dec 10 22:53:04.122262 2014] [lsapi:error] [pid 29334:tid 139861107505472] [client {ip-address}:54660] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path to domain}/ on line 1497, referer:
[Wed Dec 10 22:54:00.413020 2014] [lsapi:error] [pid 29333:tid 139860908198208] [client {ip-address}:54670] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path to domain}/ on line 1497, referer:
[Wed Dec 10 22:54:30.618190 2014] [lsapi:error] [pid 29333:tid 139860992117056] [client {ip-address}:54675] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path to domain}/ on line 1497, referer:
[Wed Dec 10 22:55:21.519313 2014] [lsapi:error] [pid 29333:tid 139861128485184] [client {ip-address}:54686] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path to domain}/ on line 1497, referer:
[Wed Dec 10 22:56:47.393895 2014] [lsapi:error] [pid 29333:tid 139860950157632] [client {ip-address}:54705] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path to domain}/ on line 1497, referer:
[Wed Dec 10 22:57:17.686628 2014] [lsapi:error] [pid 29333:tid 139861149464896] [client {ip-address}:54707] [host] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /{path to domain}/ on line 1497, referer:

I looked at the code that is reported as the problem, line 1497 (functions.php) is in this part:

	// We need to find the permissions of the parent folder that exists and inherit that.
	$target_parent = dirname( $target );
	while ( '.' != $target_parent && ! is_dir( $target_parent ) ) {
		$target_parent = dirname( $target_parent );

The while statement. I do have some idea what it does, but not exactly.

Anyway -- I hope this helps. I've done all the testing and tweaking I could possibly do on a live, production, server.

Last edited 10 years ago by rudybrinkman (previous) (diff)

#36 @kitchin
10 years ago

I'd be interested in seeing what inserting this debug line produces in your error_log:

while ( '.' != $target_parent && ! is_dir( $target_parent ) ) {
	if ( @$debugx++ < 11 ) error_log( "debugx=$debugx, target='$target', target_parent='$target_parent'" );
	$target_parent = dirname( $target_parent );

The expected result is nothing in the error log, unless wp-content/uploads/2014 is missing (the code inside the loop is only reached when two or more levels of directory are missing). So to check the debug code is working, you could also insert this error_log() line at the start of the function (line 1468 in WP 4.0.1):

function wp_mkdir_p( $target ) {
	error_log( "wp_mkdir_p: target='$target'" );
	$wrapper = null;

#37 @rudybrinkman
10 years ago

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

I've ran an update of the CentOS (basic system with Cloud Linux on top of it) a few daysa go, as we regularly do. After that re-installed Wordpress 'from scratch' on the site I've used as an example here and one site was updated from an older version using wordpress (so both sites running WP 4.x branche).

A customer did the same, running a lot of plugins - some of his plugins don't work anymore but that's a plugin issue.

Anyway -- to my utmost surprise everything is running smoothly now. So there was somehow a conflict with the OS and wordpress so it seems. But impossible to recreate or to nail it. The customer site as well as the two sites I manage for customers on this server now all run smoothly.

Sorry for all the trouble, I've been working on the site that I've rebuild from scratch all day and evening and monitored the server and apache processes running and nothing suspicious happened.

As far as I'm concerned this topic can be closed.

#38 @iseulde
10 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback removed
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.