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Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#31399 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Add "Longform" to post-formats

Reported by: sethmatics's profile sethmatics Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.1.1
Component: Post Formats Keywords:
Focuses: template Cc:


I think that a popular new kind of blog post that we call "long form" should be included in the list of available formats. Typically long form posts have a "full width" style and are designed for everygreen posts that are, naturally longer then the 300-500 word blog posts. Other things we do on long form posts are add custom fonts, different ways to display images and featured images.

This online blogging company sbnation does a good job with longform, but they have a custom CMS. I'm hoping to match this feature in our Fansided WordPress blogs.


Change History (13)

#1 @kraftbj
10 years ago

Related: #15392 (ability to add custom post formats, different as this is a request for a specific standardized addition)

#2 @SergeyBiryukov
10 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Post Formats

#3 @philiparthurmoore
10 years ago

Hi @sethmatics. How would this be much different than Standard?

I'd much rather see custom post formats handled than see yet another specific post format added into an already underdeveloped and nonstandardized set of post formats.

#4 @sethmatics
10 years ago

I've already read about the notion that "custom post formats shouldn't be added at will by plugins". I understand and agree, but there is currently no post-format for whats already a "standard in blogging" known as the long form. I mentioned already how long form differs from a standard 300-500 word blog. Its more like a story, and as such formatting is completely different. Did you look at the example url? Did you compare that to a "standard" blog article from the same site?

Its no different the "status" for example which is often used to promote "tiny" blog articles, that are really status updates. Status updates require a different format in the themes to display them properly, and even filter them. Longform is no different in formatting change needs.

#5 @sethmatics
10 years ago

Also, it may be undesirable to force people to either "hack core" or use post formats in a way you didn't intend by "disabling" developers from customizing them.

Note that renaming post formats to suit our needs is now a thing:

I'd rather see a hook/filter that allows people to add their own, then to see people using the translation function to rename existing post formats for alternative purposes...

#6 @philiparthurmoore
10 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. I ignored your 300-500 note there (sorry). I guess I'm not completely sold on more specific post formats being added for this; it makes just as much send (in my mind) for a custom post type (longform) to handle this. I'm not a decision maker about this stuff, by any means, but wanted to ask for clarification so that I understand where you were coming from. Cheers.

P.S. I agree that we should have more power over adding post formats. I tried to say that in my previous comment but I'm re-reading it and it's not very clear.

#7 @ocean90
10 years ago

  • Keywords close added

I don't see us adding a new post format to core. See also

Why can't "longform" be a category/term or a CPT?

#8 @kraftbj
10 years ago

For the sake of discussion, what would the environment need to be like to consider an addition? I don't know if "longform" should be a new format or not, but I haven't seen a conversation (or overlooked it) about extending the standard (as opposed to unlimited plugin flexibility).

#9 @sethmatics
10 years ago


Why can't the other post formats be custom post types? status certainly could be a post type. its the same reason. because its not really a different post type, its just a different "format" for a post. I do not understand your argument for that? If post format wasn't built to change the layout/formatting between a 300-500 word post, and a 1500-2500 word post, then what the heck are post formats for? and yes, I've already read nacin's article. I don't see how "longform" doesn't fit the post format standardized mold.

#10 @sethmatics
10 years ago

A link indicating its "standardization" among writers.

Last edited 10 years ago by sethmatics (previous) (diff)

#11 follow-up: @nacin
10 years ago

I probably dedicate a few hours a week to reading journalism, much of it of the long-form variety. Ultimately, this is what the "standard" post is designed to represent — a traditional post, article, or story. The other post types all represent very specific types of content. Even an aside is designed to be an abridged, quick piece of text that characteristically lacks a title. But there's little that is inherently different between a 500-word post and a 50,000-word post.

We haven't changed the original formats since they were introduced in 2011, and I don't see us making any changes along these lines at this point. Thanks for the suggestion!

#12 in reply to: ↑ 11 @DrewAPicture
10 years ago

  • Keywords close removed
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

#13 @sethmatics
10 years ago

Ok @nacin, thanks for considering it.

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