Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #32095, comment 20

04/25/2015 08:31:39 PM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #32095, comment 20

    initial v1  
    1 After a conversation in Slack, Otto posted a link to a plugin he whipped up for people to add the Title field back ... he admits it's relatively untested, but if it works for people he'll likely add it to the repo. I definitely fall in the camp of "wish this was discussed more before it was removed" since I too use title tags all the time (and created one of the apparently-duplicate tickets about the issue) but at least we can easily add it back with this for now.
     1After a conversation in Slack, Otto posted a link to a plugin he whipped up for people to add the Title field back ... he admits it's relatively untested, but if it works for people he'll likely add it to the repo. I definitely fall in the camp of "wish this was discussed more before it was removed" since I too use title tags all the time (and created one of the apparently-duplicate tickets about the issue) but at least we can easily add it back with this for now. Works for me on the 1 website I've installed it on so far.
    33Otto's plugin: [ Click here]