Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#32144 closed defect (bug) (fixed)
get_terms with child_of
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 4.2.2 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 4.2 |
Component: | Taxonomy | Keywords: | fixed-major |
Focuses: | performance | Cc: |
Hello, I have a problem with the "get_terms" when I use "child_of" since I installed version 4.2 of wordpress. The error is as follows
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in on line 3958.
The term used in 'child of "a lot of childs (More than 800) and up to 2 levels and is itself a child of another term.
The line in question is in /wp-includes/taxonomy.php this:
// Do not recurse if we've already APPROBATION the term as a child - this Indicates a loop. if (in_array ($ term-> term_id, $ ancestors)) { continue; }
I tried disabling all plugins and activating the twentyfifteen theme, simply by adding taxonomy declaration in the function.php file of the theme:
/ * * TAXONOMIES * / add_action ('init', 'create_dossier_taxonomies', 0); create_dossier_taxonomies function () { // Add new taxonomy, make it hierarchical (like categories) $ Labels = array ( 'Name' => _x ('Folders', 'general taxonomy name'), 'Singular_name' => _x ('File', 'taxonomy singular name'), 'Search_items' => __ ('Search Folder') 'All_items' => __ ('All files') 'Parent_item' => __ ('directory') 'Parent_item_colon' => __ ('Parent Folder:') 'Edit_item' => __ ('Edit File') 'Update_item' => __ ('Update folder') 'Add_new_item' => __ ('Add Folder') 'New_item_name' => __ ('New folder name') 'Menu_name' => __ ('File') ); $ Args = array ( 'Hierarchical' => true, 'Label' => $ labels 'Show_ui' => true, 'Show_admin_column' => true, 'Query_var' => true, 'Rewrite' => array ('slug' => 'file') ); register_taxonomy ('file', array ('post', 'short'), $ args); // Add new taxonomy, make it hierarchical (like categories) }
When I commented these lines I have no problem. Looking in the version 4.1.3, I feel that the function in question has been rewritten. It would there be a problem with "in_array"?
Sorry for my english...
Attachments (1)
Change History (10)
↓ 3
10 years ago
Ok, first thank you for your reply! The term in question is at level 1 of the taxonomy. It contains more than 800 childs (889).Not very nested. Some of the child have a lower level with a few children (10 at most). I tried to replace in_array by isset. The site no longer crashes but all terms are not apparent.
The structure :
Dossier (taxonomy)
--artiste (the term with 800 childs)
--localisation (less child, no problem)
in reply to:
↑ 2
↓ 4
10 years ago
Replying to shifty51:
Ok, first thank you for your reply! The term in question is at level 1 of the taxonomy. It contains more than 800 childs (889).Not very nested. Some of the child have one lower level with a few children (10 at most). I tried to replace in_array by isset. The site no longer crashes but all terms are not apparent.
The structure :
Dossier (taxonomy)
--artiste (the term with 800 childs)
--localisation (less childs, no problem)
Thanks for the additional details. When you said you tried to replace in_array by isset, did you try something like 32144.diff? If not, would you mind giving it a spin to see if it solves your problem? If so, I'll try to run some more precise benchmarks.
in reply to:
↑ 3
10 years ago
Replying to boonebgorges:
Replying to shifty51:
Ok, first thank you for your reply! The term in question is at level 1 of the taxonomy. It contains more than 800 childs (889).Not very nested. Some of the child have one lower level with a few children (10 at most). I tried to replace in_array by isset. The site no longer crashes but all terms are not apparent.
The structure :
Dossier (taxonomy)
--artiste (the term with 800 childs)
--localisation (less childs, no problem)
Thanks for the additional details. When you said you tried to replace in_array by isset, did you try something like 32144.diff? If not, would you mind giving it a spin to see if it solves your problem? If so, I'll try to run some more precise benchmarks.
I tried just to change this part of the code.
if ( isset( $ancestors[ $term->term_id ] ) )
With all of your changes, it works!
Thank you! Will it is likely that this change to take effect in future versions?
10 years ago
- Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 4.2.2
Thanks, shifty51!
I've run some basic tests, and it looks like the performance benefit of switching to a keyed array + isset are very dramatic. For sites with a large number of terms in a taxonomy hierarchy with three or more terms, the difference can be several orders of magnitude. I created about 6000 terms, made 3000 of them a child of $foo, and then another 1000 a child of one of $foo's children. Then I ran get_terms( array( 'child_of' => $foo, 'hide_empty' => false ) )
. Results:
without 32144.diff: 26s
with 32144.diff: ~0.4s
Because this problem has a potential to be pretty big on certain sorts of sites, and because it was introduced in 4.2, I'm moving to 4.2.x consideration.
10 years ago
- Owner set to boonebgorges
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
In 32326:
If you're experiencing memory issues with this
check, it suggests that you have a very large number of taxonomy terms, arranged in very deep hierarchies. Is this right? Can you give some numbers here - about how many folders do you have, and are they very very nested?I can see a change we could make that should improve performance here (switch from
, and flip the array), but before making this change, I want to be sure that this isn't a symptom of a deeper problem.