#32170 closed defect (bug) (fixed)
List table: sortable column headers accessibility
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 6.3 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 4.2 |
Component: | Administration | Keywords: | has-patch commit |
Focuses: | ui, accessibility | Cc: |
List tables can be sorted activating the links in the sortable table headers (if any), in ascending and descending order. See screenshot:
For screen reader users, there's no indication at all the columns can be sorted. A far as I see, this feature is not even mentioned in the Help tab. There are just some links and users don't have a clue what they're meant for. Screen readers will read out, for example:
column 2 Title link column 6 Comments link column 7 Date link
It would be very beneficial to add a clear, concise, information about the header links purpose.
- which columns are sortable
- which order users will get when activating the links (descending or ascending?)
- the current sorting and order
Also sighted users would probably benefit from a clear indication of the initial sorting. In fact, the arrow is displayed only when you change the default sorting so you already have to know the columns are sortable. Displaying the arrow in the initial view could help, as it's done in all similar applications I can think of.
I would also suggest to review the ordering associated with the "first click" on a header link. For example, in the Posts table clicking the Comments header the first time gives an ascending order by Comments count, showing the Posts with 0 comments first, while probably would be more useful to have the Posts with the higher number of Comments displayed first.
Any thoughts and patches more than welcome.
Attachments (11)
Change History (85)
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by matthew. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by rianrietveld. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
The attached patch adds screen reader text that says "Sorted in %s order. Click to sort %s" according to the current sort order, and adds that to the link text.
It also makes the sort icon visible by default for any column where the sort has been changed.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by joedolson. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
- Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 4.3
- Owner set to afercia
- Status changed from new to assigned
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by joedolson. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
I fear we can't do it this way.Unfortunately, any text added in the table headers (which have scope=col
) will be read out again by screen readers for each table cell in that column.
Also, unrelated to the patch but makes things a bit more difficult, in the initial view $current_order
is always set to "asc" even when, for example in the Posts screen, is "desc".
if ( isset( $_GET['order'] ) && 'desc' == $_GET['order'] ) $current_order = 'desc'; else $current_order = 'asc';
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10 years ago
Blah. That's a good point, and nasty. The only solution I can think of to that is to move the sorting link out of the table heading, but that's an ugly thing o do, as well, and will make it harder to find.
If we set up the text as an aria-describedby or aria-labelledby and associated it with the link, do you think that should be read as part of the th scope?
(Not *is* it read, necessarily - I'm thinking more about whether or not it *should* be read, in principle.)
in reply to:
↑ 8
10 years ago
Replying to joedolson:
If we set up the text as an aria-describedby or aria-labelledby and associated it with the link, do you think that should be read as part of the th scope?
Theoretically, it shouldn't. Looks promising, will try and let you know :)
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
@afercia and I have been brainstorming and we came up with the following idea:
We make a drop down menu above the list table and add the rows that can be sorted, like
<option>Title ascending</option> <option>Title descending</option> <option>Comments descending</option> <option>Comments ascending</option>
Then we hide this drop down menu with screen reader text.
The advantage is that a screen reader user now can tell by the selected option, how the table is sorted.
The main reason for removing this info outside header (TH) is because else it will read out for every cell in the table.
Then, to reduce the noise for screen readers even more we can add aria-hidden to <span class="sorting-indicator"></span> to prevent the dash icon to be read out
<span class="sorting-indicator" aria-hidden="true"></span>
in reply to:
↑ 8
10 years ago
Replying to joedolson:
If we set up the text as an aria-describedby or aria-labelledby and associated it with the link, do you think that should be read as part of the th scope?
Experimented a bit in the last days and couldn't find a clean way to add aria-describedby
on the table headers and at the same time to avoid the description being read out when navigating through the table cells. Basically, anything inside a table header will be read out as the header content.
To keep it simple, maybe we should just provide information about the sortable headers and a separate control outside the table and then hide this with screen-reader-text.
In addition to what Rian pointed out in the previous comment, here's a summary and some other points discussed in our brainstorming session:
- add info in the Help tab
- make visually clear the difference between sortable and not sortable columns
- add screen-reader-text before the table about sorting and order
- show the arrow on the currently sorted column, if any
- on hover and focus show the arrows on sortable columns
- use aria-sort, while not universally supported, WordPress is in the position to actually encourage web standards adoption; as far as I know, it works at least in JAWS and NVDA
10 years ago
Thinking some information could be added in an aria-describedby attribute on the table itself:
<table aria-describedby="table-desc" ...
that would be read out just one time when entering the table, similarly to the old, now discouraged, summary attribute.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
Updated patch, first pass. I guess there are things to discuss and better practices to follow, but it's a start. Happy for any feedback and improvements.
To keep things simple, I've decided to not create a new method to get additional information about sortable columns. get_sortable_columns()
appeared to me the most logical place to add them to. This way, the new information will be available also in get_column_info()
where there's already a filter that custom post types and custom taxonomies can use to add their own things. See screenshot:
Added a new method print_table_description()
(similar to print_column_headers()
, there's a bit of repetition in the code here) to print out the table information. For now, the new info is visible for testing purposes right before the tables, maybe we'll hide them with screen-reader-text
About header links, couldn't find any clean way to add orderby and asc/desc feedback and at the same time to avoid that being read out when navigating through the table cells. Open to any suggestions. I'm tempted to just keep the plain links and add some hint in the table description, something like: "Activate the table header links to change order." Accessibility team, any thoughts?
Finally, aria-sort
will make compliant screen readers announce the asc/desc order for the currently sorted column. Added bonus, the arrow is now correctly displayed also in the initial view.
- add some info in the Help tabs
- consider to visually increase the difference between sortable and non-sortable columns
- improve documentation :)
Tested with NVDA, when entering the table it will read out, for example:
table with 22 rows and 7 columns Table ordered by Date. Descending order. <-- `aria-describedby` row 1 column 1 Select All checkbox not checked column 2 link Title column 3 Author column 4 Categories column 5 Tags column 6 link Comments column 7 sorted descending <-- `aria-sort` link Date
10 years ago
See point 3 in this NVDA bug report: http://community.nvda-project.org/ticket/3566
Accessibility team, any thoughts more than welcome. See also:
Maybe abbr
is not universally supported yet, but looks like is going to stay with us in the future, see the HTML 5.1 working draft
10 years ago
Adding abbr to a th seems like a good idea, if it's in the HTML5 specs, and it doesn't break anything, why not.
10 years ago
I definitely give preference to meeting specifications, even if the assistive tech isn't supporting it properly. It's a better long-term strategy than attempting a work around.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by rianrietveld. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
In the updated patch:
- hide the table description paragraph with
- add some
in the table header cells to indicate which columns are sortable and which order users will get when activating the link - use the th abbr attribute as alternative, shorter, label for the header cell, as per discussion in the accessibility team
Would greatly appreciate feedback from native English speakers about all the new text proposed in the patch and suggestions for better wording.
10 years ago
- Keywords dev-feedback added
Will try to summarize for devs and committers:
- we need to give feedback about the current tables 'order by' and 'asc/desc order', also in the initial view
- we also need to make clear which columns are sortable and what will happen when users click on the table header links
- hence, we need to get additional information about the sortable columns extending what is set in
- a new method
prints a hidden table description, referenced as target for the tablearia-describedby
Of course we're totally open to discuss a different implementation and better practices, any thoughts more than welcome.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by davidakennedy. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #design by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
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10 years ago
- Keywords commit removed
There's a lot going on here, will take a look
10 years ago
Refreshed patch after recent responsive list table changes see 33016. Also, the initial asc or desc order defaults now to "false" because there are tables that don't have a column corresponding to the initial order, e.g. Comments (initially sorted by comment date but there's no "date" column).
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by afercia. View the logs.
10 years ago
in reply to:
↑ 34
10 years ago
Replying to wonderboymusic:
There's a lot going on here, will take a look
@wonderboymusic anything we can do to help this ticket move on? :)
10 years ago
- Milestone changed from 4.3 to Future Release
Given the size of the patch and how it changes the way sortable columns work, I feel like we should give this more time rather than trying to squeeze it in late in the beta cycle.
9 years ago
There's some good work in this ticket, so kudos everyone!
I just ran across another case where these arrows act strangely: wp-admin/network/users.php
To start, the arrow is backwards. Clicking the "Registered" column header sorts the same direction, but inverts the arrow. Clicking again inverts the arrow again, and orders the other direction. It's pretty weird.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by afercia. View the logs.
8 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by joedolson. View the logs.
22 months ago
22 months ago
- Milestone changed from Future Release to 6.3
- Owner set to joedolson
- Status changed from assigned to accepted
I'm assigning this to myself and milestoning for 6.3. That may be ambitious, but there was a lot of work done here and I think we should be able to move it on. There's been a fair amount of progression in support for sortable states in tables for ARIA, so we may have better options now.
21 months ago
Refreshed patch. This is just a starting point. I'm going to re-implement this using aria-sort & some revisions to the visual indicators.
21 months ago
aria-sort was already in the previous patch; I just overlooked it when refreshing. However, this patch incorporates some visual changes:
1) Sort arrows are always visible. This helps make it more obvious that sorting links are controls; otherwise the distinction between a linked header and an unlinked header is very minimal.
2) Both up and down arrows are visible by default. Neither are highlighted if the column is not used for sorting, if a sort is active, the sort direction currently engaged is highlighted.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by joesimpsonjr. View the logs.
21 months ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by joedolson. View the logs.
20 months ago
20 months ago
- Keywords needs-testing added
@joedolson I found this approach to be way too verbose. I took a try at it for the generic list table class. Let me know if you think this is an okay approach. I also refreshed the patch a bit so it applies more cleanly.
The caption approach is inspired by: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/table/examples/sortable-table/
20 months ago
I can see this less-verbose approach being useful for users with a high level of comfort with how list tables work, but I'm not sure it includes enough information.
In the more verbose patch, since the sortability information is after the header name, it seems like highly skilled users can still move past without being bothered by the verbosity, while less skilled users will get all the information they need.
Do you think screen reader users with a lower skill level would still get as much information as they need with the less verbose information?
20 months ago
@joedolson I think so because the information is still in the caption. It sets expectations for users what will happen when selecting the link. Besides, I would bet that screen reader users who are less advanced might take the word "click" out of context so either way, its not a perfect solution. Generally, I like to use "select" or "activate" in place of "click". I wish we could get another opinion on this though... Either way, I think the caption approach is better over using aria-describedby due to the way Voiceover on Mac handles defined ARIA descriptions.
20 months ago
@alexstine I actually think that the instruction 'Click' is unnecessary. It should just say "Sort descending" or "Sort ascending" without any action verb. "Sort" is an action verb, so I don't think an additional action is needed.
But I do think that having information about what activating a header control will do. If the header isn't currently sorted, right now the user has no way of knowing which way it will be sorted on activation.
20 months ago
@joedolson Fair enough. It might be be less verbose to remove the click meaning already given via the link. Do you have time to adjust it from your latest patch? If not, I can work on this soon.
20 months ago
@alexstine Uploaded a new patch that should be a reasonable compromise in verbosity. Less than the original, but a bit more than yours.
This ticket was mentioned in PR #4666 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @joedolson.
20 months ago
Adds aria sort attributes & state descriptions to list tables.
Trac ticket: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32170
20 months ago
@joedolson I think it is implied that a column can be sorted with just "Sort X" so I tried it in my latest patch. Do you think that is good enough? That mirrors what aria-sort does for us. Having the word "Sortable." feels redundant.
20 months ago
- Keywords commit added; needs-testing removed
Yeah, I debated that one for myself for a while. That works for me.
@joedolson commented on PR #4666:
20 months ago
Resolved in r55971
20 months ago
The function print_table_description()
added in [55971] has a @since
thats says 4.3.0
, is that correct? Should it be 6.3.0
This ticket was mentioned in PR #4670 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @kebbet.
20 months ago
Minor fix, updates docblock for print_table_description()
20 months ago
In the follow up PR, I also added translator comments for the screen-reader-texts.
20 months ago
@joedolson [55971] introduces a backward compatibility issue for all plugins extending WP_List_Table
and overriding get_sortable_columns()
Indeed, these plugins do not provide all the keys expected in
see list( $orderby, $desc_first, $abbr, $orderby_text, $initial_order ) = $sortable[ $column_key ];
list( $orderby, $desc_first, $abbr, $orderby_text, $initial_order ) = $sortable[ $column_key ];
This results in the error Undefined array key 2
20 months ago
Further debugging this issue, I must add that an additionnal condition to reproduce the bug is to set $this->_column_header
before the method get_column_info()
is called by WordPress. Given that this method has been introduced in WP 3.1, this may be frequent in old plugins and also seems to be popular in more recent plugins, probably copying code from older ones: See https://wpdirectory.net/search/01H3HDSAM828TE3JKYKNMMCS2E
20 months ago
Thanks @kebbet! I completely forgot that we were now adding those translator comments; good catch.
@chouby Looking into making this backwards compatible.
20 months ago
- Keywords reporter-feedback added
Patch incorporates changes from @kebbet, fixes a mismatched closing tag on the caption
element, and switches the use of list()
to a set of isset()
checks on the new sortable parameters. list()
An alternate solution would be to insert the missing keys into the array, but I think that this is more readable.
If you want to test this, @chouby, that would be great. I tested against only one of the listed plugins (Complianz).
20 months ago
@joedolson I confirm that 32170.11.diff fixes the issue I noticed previously.
Add screen reader text for sort directions; turn on sort icon