Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #33381, comment 99

03/02/2017 05:37:18 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #33381, comment 99

    v1 v2  
    1 Exactly. Given enormous popularity of WordPress and thus scale of such migration, probably everyone is fully aware that it won't be matter of one month - let it be even a year (or more if it's justified), but apparently it can't be stressed enough - ''let's come up with a plan''. A scheudle. Define PHP 5.2 version share which is acceptable for you, if you're uncomfortable with blindly sticking to a date. Anything what can actually be discussed and we could reasonably respond to.
     1Exactly. Given enormous popularity of WordPress and thus scale of such migration, probably everyone is fully aware that it won't be matter of one month - let it be even a year (or more if it's justified), but apparently it can't be stressed enough - ''let's come up with a plan''. A scheudle. Declare PHP 5.2 version share which is acceptable for you, if you're uncomfortable with blindly sticking to a date. Anything what can actually be discussed and we could reasonably respond to.
    33Repeating that it's ''"too early"'' and refusing to make any decisions seems like pretending that there is not problem at all. It's far from being constructive, not so say it's immature.