Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #33967, comment 17

09/30/2016 02:34:09 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #33967, comment 17

    v1 v2  
    44-Display the username of the first user of the site
    55-If there are other users in this site, display a link to those users and the number of users
     6-in excerpt mode : Display username of 10 first user of the site and a see more users link
    78My patch is not finished yet, it needs some help :
    8 -First, the both links are currently displaying in inline way, I am not familiar with CSS classes from the admin, so it will be usefull to get a hand on this.
    9 -Secondly, about the changes I have made in the code, have we got a better option for performance purpose about the get_sites func call I made every request instead of the previous behavior with 12 hours of cache ?
    10 -Third, the wording "+ %s more users" (where %s is the number of users) is still good for you ?
    11 -Fourth, Do we display the first user or the first 5 users of the site like previously suggested ?
    12 -Fifth, about the excerpt view, I didn't really understood what you want to do (according to the other ticket), at the moment, I display the first 10 users, and then, the number of more users.
     9-First, about the changes I have made in the code, have we got a better option for performance purpose about the get_sites func call I made every request instead of the previous behavior with 12 hours of cache ?
     10-Second, the wording "+ %s more users" (where %s is the number of users) is still good for you ?