Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #34196, comment 20

10/09/2015 08:33:19 PM (9 years ago)
Shapeshifter 3


  • Ticket #34196, comment 20

    v4 v5  
    1010For what it's worth, I've been through 12-15 Themes (free and commercial) in the past 3 years adding to the same content (Featured Images and Videos). My current method of uploading images is to crop the largest that I find so that it is center-focused regardless of the Theme size that I am using. I have been a very strong believer in Mobile First Web Design which is based on design created from the "bottom up". That said, I'm of the opinion that Images (particularly Featured) should be uploaded from the "top down". Let the end user upload an image 1200 px or larger in the beginning, and then let the RICG Responsive Image Plugin integration take it from there.
    12 Example: I currently have two themes installed on this site: I upload a 1200px x 700px featured Image using the Kelly Theme by Automattic, center focus it by cropping, and then use a Child Theme of Twenty Thirteen to display. The second theme uses the Masonry layout where the images are much smaller.
     12Example: I currently have two themes installed on this site: I upload a 1200px x 700px featured Image using the Kelly Theme by Automattic, center focus it by cropping, and then use a Child Theme of Twenty Thirteen for actual display. The second theme uses the Masonry layout where the images are much smaller.
    1414The reason I do it this way is to allow me to switch back to Kelly or any other Full-Width Display Theme whenever I want to WITHOUT HAVING TO RESIZE MY FEATURED IMAGES AGAIN. If, I had chose a smaller image in the beginning and then tried to expand may end up looking crappy.