Make WordPress Core

Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #35248, comment 6

01/04/2016 05:42:47 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #35248, comment 6

    v1 v2  
    1 but i think this thing is not designed very well and maybe it is not too late to change that, becaus, as i known out from wikipedia several days ago, rfcs are not always very strict laws, there are RFCs with different status, though i do not know of what type are ones about trailing dot, and trailing dot is not widely used but used in "bind" dns server configs etc. i think
     1but i think this thing is not designed very well and maybe it is not too late to change that, because, as i known out from wikipedia several days ago, rfcs are not always very strict laws, there are RFCs with different status, though i do not know of what type are ones about trailing dot, and trailing dot is not widely used but used in "bind" dns server configs etc. i think
    221) trailing dot should not differ by its behaviour from other dots. first dot cannot create additional subdomain, so last dot also should not behave like it is itself something like a domain.
    332) also, ambiguity of domain without last dot is bad thing.