Make WordPress Core

Opened 9 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#35293 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Emoji Regex in wp_encode_emoji() is wildly inaccurate

Reported by: pento's profile pento Owned by: pento's profile pento
Milestone: 4.9 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.2
Component: Emoji Keywords:
Focuses: performance Cc:


It's just plain wrong, it misses masses of edge cases.

We should figure out how to keep the regex from twemoji.js in sync, instead.

Attachments (11)

35293.patch (1.3 KB) - added by ocean90 9 years ago.
35293.2.patch (3.0 KB) - added by ocean90 9 years ago.
Support for diversity
35293.diff (4.0 KB) - added by pento 9 years ago.
35293.2.diff (2.8 KB) - added by pento 9 years ago.
35293.3.diff (48.9 KB) - added by pento 8 years ago.
35293.4.diff (54.6 KB) - added by pento 8 years ago.
35293-performance.php (184.9 KB) - added by pento 8 years ago.
35293.5.diff (124.5 KB) - added by pento 7 years ago.
35293.6.diff (124.5 KB) - added by pento 7 years ago.
plugin-35293.php (78.9 KB) - added by pento 7 years ago.
35293.png (3.9 KB) - added by peterwilsoncc 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (60)

#1 @pento
9 years ago

wp_encode_emoji() should be all possible emoji (when they're encoded as an HTML entity for storing in a utf8 database), wp_staticize_emoji() should match the twemoji regex.

#2 @pento
9 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Emoji

#3 @kirasong
9 years ago

Since there isn't an initial patch for this, punting from 4.5.

@pento, feel free to re-milestone if you'd like to tackle this.

#4 @jorbin
9 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 4.5 to Future Release
  • Owner set to pento
  • Status changed from new to assigned

9 years ago

#5 @ocean90
9 years ago

@pento Any updates on this? Looks like wp_staticize_emoji() doesn't support Unicode 8.0 and 9.0 andwp_encode_emoji() needs an update for 9.0. Attached a simple test in 35293.patch.

#6 follow-up: @pento
9 years ago

I don't have any good options at the moment.

The best I have is to add a grunt build rule to update the regex based on the current regex in twemoji.js. That's pretty fragile, though - changes to twemoji.js's formatting would break it. In theory, it would only break when updating twemoji.js, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad?

This would also be a good time for precommit rules - if the twemoji.js regex is updated, but the corresponding PHP one isn't, die horribly.

9 years ago

Support for diversity

#7 in reply to: ↑ 6 @ocean90
9 years ago

Replying to pento:

The best I have is to add a grunt build rule to update the regex based on the current regex in twemoji.js. That's pretty fragile, though - changes to twemoji.js's formatting would break it. In theory, it would only break when updating twemoji.js, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad?

I don't think that this is a big issue, the current formatting exists since version 1.0.0. We could also write our own task to generate the regex:

In 35293.2.patch I added support for diversity, doesn't work for new Emoji though.

#8 @johnbillion
9 years ago

Related, we already have a test that ensures our PHP and JS regexes for shortcode attributes match:

9 years ago

9 years ago

#9 @pento
9 years ago

  • Keywords emoji removed

35293.2.diff is the framework for generating the PHP regex from the twemoji.js regex.

Proceeding from here is... tricky. The Twemoji regex uses UTF-16 code points, which PHP didn't support until PCRE 8.3.2 (PHP 5.4.14). There's no way to nicely convert the code point ranges to a PHP-compatible regex.

The main problem with using the method from twemoji-generator.js is that it requires a local copy of the Twemoji images, to check which images Twemoji supports. It also takes us a further step away from the actual regex we need to build, creating potential inconsistencies.

I would not be adverse to providing an accurate regex for PHP versions that support it, and a more approximate fallback for those that don't.

#10 @pento
8 years ago

#37761 was marked as a duplicate.

8 years ago

#11 @pento
8 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch needs-testing needs-unit-tests added
  • Milestone changed from Future Release to 4.8.1

35293.3.diff Works!

A few things to note:

  • The fallback regex that wp_emoji_regex() returns is wrong, since it now matches entire emoji, instead of individual bytes making up an emoji.
  • The regex that the Gruntfile task generates can probably be optimised a bit - it really only needs to unravel surrogate pair code points (\ud800-\udfff), rather than every code point.
  • Needs unit tests. So. Many. Unit Tests.

8 years ago

#12 @pento
8 years ago

  • Keywords needs-unit-tests removed

In 35293.4.diff:

  • Expand the fallback regex in wp_emoji_regex().
  • Add unit tests.
  • Improve inline docs.

I tested optimising the regex that the Gruntfile task generates, but ran into a couple of problems - it didn't really save much space, and the code points still need to be unravelled for the entities regex, as that can't use character ranges for matching.

#13 @pento
8 years ago

35293-performance.php tests the performance of the old and new approaches.

These functions aren't used in directly user-facing situations, the closest we have is RSS feeds. wp_staticize_emoji() is run on each post in an RSS feed, to convert emoji characters to images. So, to simulate an RSS feed, the old and new versions of wp_staticize_emoji() were run 10 times - once for each post in the feed. The time differences below are for 10 runs of each function.

(Percentages refer to the percentage of characters in the string that are emoji.)

Short Posts (100 characters)

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 2.5ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.1ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().

Medium Posts (1000 characters)

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.3ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.5ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.4ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().

Long Posts (10,000 characters)

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.1ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 42.1ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 55.5ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 132ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().

Epic Posts (100,000 characters)

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.9ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 3830.6ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 4555.5ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 11294.4ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().

I ran the 50% numbers for fun, sadly, I don't expect many people to be writing huge posts that are half emoji. :-)

The interesting numbers are the 0% and 1% cases, which I suspect would be the most common. For short and medium posts, the difference is negligible. For longer posts, however, the new approach is exponentially faster.

#14 @pento
8 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

In 41043:

Emoji: Port the Twemoji regex to PHP.

Previously, wp_encode_emoji() and wp_staticize_emoji() used inaccurate regular expressions to find emoji, and transform then into HTML entities or <img>s, respectively. This would result in emoji not being correctly transformed, or occasionally, non-emoji being incorrectly transformed.

This commit adds a new grunt task - grunt precommit:emoji. It finds the regex in twemoji.js, transforms it into a PHP-friendly version, and adds it to formatting.php. This task is also automatically run by grunt precommit, when it detects that twemoji.js has changed.

The new regex requires features introduced in PCRE 8.32, which was introduced in PHP 5.4.14, though it was also backported to later releases of the PHP 5.3 series. For versions of PHP that don't support this, it will fall back to an updated version of the loose-matching regex.

For short posts, the performance difference between the old and new regex is negligible. As the posts get longer, however, the new method is exponentially faster.

Fixes #35293.

#15 @pento
8 years ago

  • Keywords fixed-major added; needs-testing removed
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Reopening for merging to 4.8 branch.

#16 follow-up: @ocean90
8 years ago

Micro-optimization: _wp_staticize_emoji() now calls the two filters for each emoji, previously it was just once for the whole $text. Should it be cached in a static variable?

#17 @pento
8 years ago

In 41045:

Emoji: Fix some failing unit tests in PHP 5.2 and 5.3.

  • Older versions of PHP don't know how to html_entity_decode() emoji.
  • The fall back regex was a little too broad, catching characters that aren't emoji.

See #35293.

#18 in reply to: ↑ 16 @pento
8 years ago

Replying to ocean90:

Micro-optimization: _wp_staticize_emoji() now calls the two filters for each emoji, previously it was just once for the whole $text. Should it be cached in a static variable?

People who use lots of emoji deserve the fastest possible experience. No optimisation is too micro for them.

#19 @pento
8 years ago

In 41046:

Emoji: Store the results of the emoji_url and emoji_ext filters in statics.

Previously, these filters were being run once per post, but the changes in [41043] caused them to be run once per emoji found.

We will not stand idly by while this kind of unfair performance penalty is placed on the emoji literate. The filters are now run once only, emoji aficionados everywhere can rest easy, knowing their posts will be just as performant as their emoji-less cousins.

Props ocean90 for noticing this severe oversight.
See #35293.

#20 @pento
8 years ago

Going to leave this ticket open for a bit, before I backport to the 4.8 branch - just in case any bugs come up.

#21 @pento
8 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

In 41069:

Emoji: Port the Twemoji regex to PHP.

Previously, wp_encode_emoji() and wp_staticize_emoji() used inaccurate regular expressions to find emoji, and transform then into HTML entities or <img>s, respectively. This would result in emoji not being correctly transformed, or occasionally, non-emoji being incorrectly transformed.

This commit adds a new grunt task - grunt precommit:emoji. It finds the regex in twemoji.js, transforms it into a PHP-friendly version, and adds it to formatting.php. This task is also automatically run by grunt precommit, when it detects that twemoji.js has changed.

The new regex requires features introduced in PCRE 8.32, which was introduced in PHP 5.4.14, though it was also backported to later releases of the PHP 5.3 series. For versions of PHP that don't support this, it will fall back to an updated version of the loose-matching regex.

For short posts, the performance difference between the old and new regex is negligible. As the posts get longer, however, the new method is exponentially faster.

Merges [41043], [41045], and [41046] to the 4.8 branch.

Fixes #35293.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by westonruter. View the logs.

8 years ago

#23 @westonruter
8 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 4.8.1 to 4.9
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Moving out of 4.8.1 milestone due to impending [41069] revert on 4.8 branch from @westi.

#24 @westonruter
8 years ago

  • Keywords fixed-major removed

#25 @westi
8 years ago

There is a typo in wp_staticize_emoji2 in the performance testing - props @jmdodd - with it fixed I see these numbers:

Short Posts

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.4ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.3ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 1.3ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 0.7ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().

Medium Posts

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 1.2ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 5.8ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 6.4ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 9.2ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().

Long Posts

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 10.4ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 34.3ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 47.5ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 20ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().

Epic Posts

0%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 119.4ms faster than wp_staticize_emoji2().
1%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 1992.9ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
10%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 2290ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().
50%: wp_staticize_emoji() is 6918.2ms slower than wp_staticize_emoji2().


This is with PHP 5.6.30 (cli) (built: Feb 7 2017 16:06:52) but anyway this isn't ready yet.

#26 @westi
8 years ago

In 41201:

Emoji: Revert [41069] as the new Regular Expressions performance on balance significantly worse that the old ones.

See #35293 props @jmdodd

#27 @pento
8 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch removed

Alright! Thank you to everyone who handled this, I'm going to be doing some performance testing.

The baseline test (comparing previous behaviour, and the current state of the trunk) is here:

Note: "New" refers to whichever variation of the new code is currently being tested. "Old" refers to the old code.

There are a couple of interesting things to note:

  • Performance for all tests on PHP 5.4-5.6 is fairly similar. New is always much slower, except for a handful of edge cases.
  • There's a big jump in performance on PHP 7.0, then small improvements in both PHP 7.1 and PHP nightly. New is about the same speed as Old, or faster as the post length or emoji percentage increases. An interesting exception is on the zh_TW posts, with 0% emoji - New is significantly faster.

So, I'm going to be exploring a few different options for improving performance on old PHP, while not killing performance on new PHP.


Short circuit the New staticize function, when there are no emoji. Adding a fast-but-possibly-matches-non-emoji test may allow 0% en_US tests to run faster, with only a minor penalty on other languages, or posts containing emoji.

Add the following code at the start of wp_staticize_emoji2():

        if ( ( ( function_exists( 'mb_check_encoding' ) && mb_check_encoding( $text, 'ASCII' ) ) || ! preg_match( '/[^\x00-\x7F]/', $text ) ) && false === strpos( $text, '&#x' ) ) {
                // The text doesn't contain anything that might be emoji, so we can return early.
                return $text;



  • Negligible impact on all tests in PHP 7.0+
  • Negligible impact on PHP 5.4-5.6, non en_US languages.
  • Negligible impact on PHP 5.4-5.6, en_US, 1% and 10% emoji.
  • Significant performance improvements on PHP 5.4-5.6, en_US, 0% emoji. On Long posts, processing time decreased from 360ms to 0.2 ms. Super Long decreased from 3700ms to 0.9ms.

Conclusion: Test 1 changes should be included.

#28 @pento
8 years ago


Remove the u modifier from the entities regex. It was mistakenly included in the original patch, but isn't required.



  • All versions of PHP saw similar results.
  • Slight penalty on en_US posts. Some variation, but generally no more than 10%.
  • Range of ~10% penalty on short post to ~10% improvement on de_DE. Improves with post length.
  • Range of negligible change to 10% improvement on zh_TW. Improves with post length.

Conclusion: Test 2 should be included. The en_US penalties are lower for the most common cases (0% and 1% emoji), and and the additional few ms on shorter posts aren't an issue.

#29 @pento
8 years ago


Convert the regex to match against UTF-32 byte patterns. My theory is that fixed byte length characters will be faster to match, as they're also faster to process in the mb_*() functions.



  • It's slower across all PHP versions, string lengths, languages, and emoji usage.

Conclusion: Test 3 should not be included.

#30 @pento
8 years ago


Regexen are clearly slow, and there are 2661 emoji in the Twemoji library. Let's try putting it in an array, and str_replace() with each element in said array.



  • For PHP 5.4-5.6, this faster than the baseline for every test except short posts, where time is up from <10ms, to ~30ms.
  • For Long and Super Long posts, the difference is dramatic - down from 500ms to 40ms, and 4600ms to 100ms, respectively.
  • For PHP 7.0+, the difference is similar, but less dramatic - the baseline was already usably fast.
  • Compared to Old, there's still some work to do - there are several cases where Old processes in <5 ms, where New takes 30+ms. For longer posts, however, New is faster.

Conclusion: Test 4 is worth attempting to optimise further.

#31 @pento
8 years ago

Test 4.1

Based on Test 4, the staticize regex now runs as an array, too, along with some minor optimisations.



  • Moderate improvements across the board for 0% emoji, as the staticize emoji loop doesn't run if there are no html entities to check.
  • Longer posts that do contain emoji are slightly slower than in test 4.

Conclusion: There are still some optimisations to be made, but we're in the ballpark, at least.

#32 @pento
8 years ago

Test 4.2

While testing, I realised that the staticize code splits by HTML tags, but the test data had no HTML. I've added that in, which caused 4.1 to become a bit slower.

Fortunately, I was also able to optimise the loss, and a bit more, away by making staticize check if there's an instance of the current emoji to replace, before building the HTML string to replace it with.



  • This test was generally faster than 4 and 4.1, despite the slower test data.
  • Applying a similar optimisation to wp_encode_emoji2() seems to have no benefit.

Conclusion: Still on the right track.

#33 @pento
8 years ago

Test 5

Combine Test 4.2 with the early bail from Test 1.



  • As expected, test 5 results are approximately the same as Test 4.2, except for the en_US, 0% emoji tests. These tests are much faster.

Conclusion: This takes care of the primary uses cases - shorter posts, and longer posts with no emoji. There's still some work to be done on longer posts that do contain emoji, but it's looking solid.

#34 @pento
8 years ago

Test 6

The slowest part of the code seems to be encoding, so reducing the number of characters to replace would be prudent. This test breaks the emoji down into their individual characters, and encodes each one separately. This reduces the number of items to encode from 2661 to 1186, but probably increases the number of str_replace() calls each loop has to do.



  • Performance changes seem to be fairly consistent across all PHP versions.
  • Moderate improvements for short-medium posts with 0% or 1% emoji.
  • Severe performance penalties for very long posts with lots of emoji. For example, PHP 7, en_US, 10% emoji, super long post increased from 2700ms to 3400ms (though is still faster than the old code, which took 3700ms).

Conclusion: Likely good to include, the performance penalties are for fairly severe edge cases, which haven't bitten us prior to the work on this ticket.

#35 @pento
8 years ago

TEST 6.1

After Test 6, try replacing the str_replace() with a simple preg_replace(). PHP's string functions are relatively slow for UTF-8, PCRE may be able to do things faster.



  • Moderate to significant performance improvements across the board.
  • New is now close or better than Old for the primary uses cases: between 10ms slower and 20ms faster for 0% emoji, Short to Long posts, all languages, all PHP versions.
  • For secondary use cases (Short - Medium posts, all languages, 1% emoji), New is still slower, but not unworkably so. Old is usually 0.5-2ms, New is between 1-20ms, depending on PHP version.
  • For the edge cases that were causing severe performance issues on (super long posts, 0% emoji), New is now significantly faster than Old across all languages for PHP 5.4-5.6, and en_US on PHP 7.0+. It's still slower for non-en_US PHP 7.0+, but not server-crashingly slow.

Conclusion: Test 6.1 fixes up a lot of the performance penalties from Test 6, particularly the ones that cause issues.

#36 @pento
8 years ago


Over 90% of sites use a version of MySQL that supports utf8mb4, which means that they'll be storing emoji as characters in their database, rather than HTML encoded entities. As such, it seems wasteful to HTML encoded emoji before replacing them, when we can probably skip the entire encoding process and replace the actual characters with their corresponding <img> tag.



  • At best, this is slightly faster for a few cases. In all other cases, it's much slower. This is primarily caused by the optimisations added earlier to short circuit expensive parts of the code no longer working.

Conclusion: This path is worth exploring a bit further, to see if the short circuits can be re-added, but may end up being a dead end.

#37 @pento
8 years ago

Test 7.1

Inspired by 6.1, use preg_replace() for replacing the emoji characters, instead of str_replace().



  • The same speed or slower than Test 7 across almost all cases.

Conclusion: preg_replace() was not useful here, not worth using.

#38 @pento
8 years ago

Test 7.2

Add a very loose regex match, for ranges of characters that contain emoji. If something matches in these ranges, there might be emoji to process. If nothing matches, there are definitely no emoji.



  • Some small performance improvements, but nothing significant. Mostly still slower than Test 6.1.

Conclusion: There are some other options to explore here.

#39 @pento
8 years ago

Test 7.3

Looping over the entire emoji array for every block in staticize is pretty wasteful. Instead, looping over it at the start to create a smaller array of emoji that we'll probably be replacing means we reduce the size of the inner loop significantly.



  • We're now about the same or significantly faster on all tests, when compared to 6.1.
  • When compared to the old behaviour, 7.3 is about the same, or a bit slower for primary use cases.

Conclusion: Despite now being the fastest, the optimisation applied here could be applied to 6.1, too. That'll need more testing to compare.

Last edited 8 years ago by pento (previous) (diff)

#40 @pento
8 years ago

Note: This code currently suffers the same bug as in #41584.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by ocean90. View the logs.

7 years ago

7 years ago

#42 @pento
7 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

I'm back! 35293.5.diff is looking okay, it's not quite as fast as the original code, but it's in the same ballpark, and within a few ms for the most common cases.

Now, it needs testing. :-)

7 years ago

7 years ago

#43 @pento
7 years ago

  • Focuses performance added
  • Keywords needs-testing added

plugin-35293.php Is a plugin-ised version of this change, so it can be more easily tested.

35293.6.diff is just a fresh patch to apply cleanly against trunk.

7 years ago

#44 follow-up: @peterwilsoncc
7 years ago

When testing for 4.8.1, @westonruter discovered a bug, from #core

I create a post with:
This is an emoji: 🤗✨🤷‍♂️❤️✅
But then when the post refreshes after saving it comes back with:
This is an emoji: ✨‍♂️❤️✅

I was able to recreate the above forcing wpdb:has_cap( 'utf8mb' ) to return false, ie forcing the database to use utf8.

After applying this patch, the returned value was as in the screen shot in 35293.png.

#45 in reply to: ↑ 44 @pento
7 years ago

Replying to peterwilsoncc:

I was able to recreate the above forcing wpdb:has_cap( 'utf8mb4' ) to return false, ie forcing the database to use utf8.

I can reproduce this behaviour like this, but I can't reproduce it if it I also convert the wp_posts.post_content character set to utf8. wp_insert_post HTML encodes the character according to the post_content field character set, not the DB connection character set. Things are going to get weird if your connection is utf8 but your database is utf8mb4, just like it does with any mis-matched connection/storage character sets.

#46 @pento
7 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

In 41701:

Emoji: Bring Twemoji compatibility to PHP.

This was previously attempted in [41043], which unfortunately had severe performance issues, the regex it used was fatally slow on long posts.

This version now uses an array of all emoji that Twemoji supports, which maintains the accuracy of [41043], while being the same speed or only a few ms slower than the code prior to [41043].

As with [41043], the grunt precommit:emoji task detects when twemoji.js has changed, and regenerates the array.

Props jmdodd for feedback, suggestions, and insults where appropriate.
Fixes #35293. 🤞🏻

#47 @pento
7 years ago

Note: Unlike the earlier attempt, I'm not planning on backporting this to the 4.8 branch.

#48 @pento
7 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch needs-testing removed
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Whee, broken in PHP < 5.4, because html_entity_decode() doesn't know how to decode emoji entities into emoji characters.

#49 @pento
7 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

In 41702:

Emoji: Fix incorrect emoji encoding in PHP < 5.4.

[41701] included a bug with PHP < 5.4. Prior to then, html_entity_decode() decoded into ISO-8859-1, when we actually need it to use UTF-8.

Fixes #35293.

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