Make WordPress Core

Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#35545 new defect (bug)

Unexpected behavior of wp.shortcode.regexp

Reported by: tobiashoessl's profile TobiasHoessl Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.4.1
Component: Shortcodes Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


Using the _.memoize-Function for wp.shortcode.regexp (defined in /wp-includes/js/shortcode.js) leads to somewhat surprising behavior of the returned Regexp-Object:

> wp.shortcode.regexp("foo").exec("[foo]bar[/foo]")
-> ["[foo]bar[/foo]", "", "foo", "", undefined, "bar", "[/foo]", ""]

> wp.shortcode.regexp("foo").exec("[foo]bar[/foo]")
-> null

> wp.shortcode.regexp("foo").exec("[foo]bar[/foo]")
-> ["[foo]bar[/foo]", "", "foo", "", undefined, "bar", "[/foo]", ""]

> wp.shortcode.regexp("foo").exec("[foo]bar[/foo]")
-> null

I would expect the call to return the same result every time and not "null" every second time. This happens because the Regexp-Object is recycled and Regexp just seems to behave this way. However when using wp.shortcode.regexp-Function without knowing the internal behavior of the Regexp-Object, this comes rather surprising. Maybe not caching this object might be a better choice here.

For example, the Shortcode-UI-Plugin ( seems to have a problem because of this.

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