Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #36202, comment 10

01/03/2018 08:13:36 AM (7 years ago)


  • Ticket #36202, comment 10

    initial v1  
    1 Sorry for the late replay. Tested [attachment:36202.diff] and seems to me it works just on the menus screen and just for the "Boxes" checkboxes, not for the "Show advanced menu properties" ones.
     1Sorry for the late reply. Tested [attachment:36202.diff] and seems to me it works just on the menus screen and just for the "Boxes" checkboxes, not for the "Show advanced menu properties" ones.
    22On `edit.php` doesn't work as intended since, as you pointed out, `immediate` is set to true so on a first click the request is triggered immediately and any subsequent click in the following 2 seconds doesn't trigger a new request: nothing happens. You have to wait two seconds to actually trigger a new requests. The columns disappear just because the `hidden` CSS class gets applied but, for example, when quickly unchecking the columns, wait a few seconds, and then refresh the page, their state is not saved. Just the first one is saved.
    33Preventing the form submit when clicking "Apply" is not so ideal, I think, since it could lead to unexpected results and mislead users. They could think everything is saved, while it is not.