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Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 3 months ago

#37261 new enhancement

Consider removing the `$start` argument from `WP_UnitTest_Generator_Sequence`

Reported by: frank-klein's profile Frank Klein Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: lowest
Severity: normal Version: 4.4
Component: Build/Test Tools Keywords: needs-patch
Focuses: Cc:


As a follow up to [35244] and [37299], I wonder whether the $start argument in WP_UnitTest_Generator_Sequence still makes sense.

Currently the class handles two things:

  • Global increments (via the static incrementor variable).
  • Local increments (via the $start argument).

So I'd propose to remove the $start argument. A different, simpler class could be used for local increments instead.

Change History (1)

#1 @desrosj
3 months ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added
  • Priority changed from normal to lowest

Apologies that this one went so long without receiving a reply.

Looking at the test suite as it stands today, the only place where WP_UnitTest_Generator_Sequence is used with a $start value specified is the WP_UnitTest_Factory_For_Network (source).

Marking as the lowest priority. If someone cares enough to take a look and create a patch it can be considered. There should be some research performed to determine what use of the parameter is in the wild, just in case the class is being used in other test suites (maybe by a plugin).

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