Make WordPress Core

Opened 9 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#37466 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Add oEmbed support for Office Mix

Reported by: gungeekatx's profile GunGeekATX Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Embeds Keywords: has-patch
Focuses: Cc:


Office Mix is a Microsoft site where users can share Powerpoint presentations. The have oEmbed support ( It appears though that they're not respecting the maxwidth and maxheight parameters (

I'll add a patch to this and can try to track down a developer at Microsoft to look at the width & height so we can get this provider included in a future release.

Attachments (1)

37466.diff (833 bytes) - added by GunGeekATX 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

9 years ago

#1 @swissspidy
9 years ago

Huh, I think that's the first time I've heard of OfficeMix. Looks like their support for oEmbed is fairly new and not even supports that provider.

We have a certain standard for oEmbed providers in core. In order to add a new one to the existing whitelist, they must:

  • be well-established, popular, and mainstream services,
  • properly and fully implement the oEmbed specification,
  • and clearly be a trusted provider.

See for a more complete checklist.

Not respecting the maxwidth and maxheight parameters is clearly a bummer (see also #34737), so it would be good to be able to talk to their developers.

It's worth noting that OfficeMix embeds kinda already work in WordPress thanks to oEmbed discovery and OfficeMix using an <iframe>. I only encountered a few problems:

  • The iframe tries to add a WebTrends tracking cookie, which it can't because of the sandboxing
  • It tries to load some JavaScript which doesn't exist
  • It also runs some deprecated features according to the console log.

@GunGeekATX Thanks for your patch! Note that the table of oEmbed providers would need to be updated as well in the according DocBlock.

#2 @swissspidy
8 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch needs-refresh added
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Future Release

Here's the oEmbed announcement on the Office Blogs running on WordPress, showing a demo:

Apart from that, it looks like there's no documentation.

#3 @bradleyt
5 years ago

  • Keywords close added

Office Mix Preview is no longer supported by Microsoft:

I suggest this ticket should be closed.

#4 @desrosj
5 years ago

  • Keywords needs-refresh close removed
  • Milestone Future Release deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

Going to close this as Microsoft is no longer supporting Office Mix.

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