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Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#38869 new enhancement

Change "Site Default" in User Profile Options for Language to "Site Setting"

Reported by: transl8or's profile transl8or Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.7
Component: I18N Keywords: has-ui-feedback needs-patch
Focuses: Cc:


In is the original text-string "Site Default" the very first choice in the dropdown menu for the custom user profile language choice.

Wouldn't it be better to change that to "Site Setting"?

Because it does mean that a user profile might have the same language as it is set under Settings > General in the admin. It is not necessarly a default language, that is choosen in the general site settings for the Website frontend appearance, which might justify the string "Site Default" there.

Attachments (5)

language.jpg (86.5 KB) - added by Presskopp 8 years ago.
language-settings.png (60.1 KB) - added by melchoyce 7 years ago.
UserProfile-UserLanguageChoice2.jpg (25.1 KB) - added by transl8or 7 years ago.
UserProfile-Changes.jpg (18.4 KB) - added by transl8or 7 years ago.
User Profile Language DropDownMenu
38869.diff (904 bytes) - added by jainnidhi 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (20)

#1 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

  • Component changed from Users to I18N

Related: #38871

#2 @swissspidy
8 years ago

Thanks for creating this ticket, it's always great to get feedback from polyglots on such things!

I'm not sure about "Site setting" as "setting" is rarely used as a noun in translatable strings. What about using "Site Language"? Like the label on the settings screen, but probably still with a context. Although now that I think of it, "default site language" doesn't sound like a great context.

#3 @Presskopp
8 years ago

The help context contains: You can set the language ...

Maybe after making a decision here we should also adjust this to the chosen string, like
"You can set the default language ..."

Also the attribute "global" comes up my mind, fwiw.

#4 @transl8or
8 years ago

  • Keywords ui-feedback added

@swissspidy @presskopp Maybe the user scenario I created does help to find a decision...

On whatever we decide to change that, I'd like to have it clear in the UI that this "Text-String" in the Profile Settings is connected to the General Settings Screen.

Version 0, edited 8 years ago by transl8or (next)

8 years ago

#5 @Presskopp
8 years ago

I made a raw mockup of my actual thoughts. Would be nice if language setting had an anchor, and also if "Site Language" setting would move above "Timezone" #38562

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #design by karmatosed. View the logs.

8 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-i18n by presskopp. View the logs.

8 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #design by melchoyce. View the logs.

7 years ago

#9 @melchoyce
7 years ago

  • Keywords has-ui-feedback added; ui-feedback removed

Steps to reproduce for English (US) folks:

  1. Go to Settings —> General
  2. Change Site Language to something else and save
  3. Go to Users —> Your Profile
  4. You should now see a “Language” dropdown under Keyboard Shortcuts

I think "Site Default" makes sense, but it needs to be clarified what that default is, as @Presskopp suggests. See language-settings.png for a suggested implementation, where the default site language is appended to the end of the "Site Default" select option.

I'd also suggest removing the default site language from the list, so it's not duplicated.

For example:


  • Site Default: English (United States)
  • Deutsch
  • English (UK)
  • Polski

#10 @transl8or
7 years ago

I agree on the suggestion from @melchoyce removing the default site language from the list, so it's not duplicated.

Also, I agree on the point to clarify what the default is, and also in which context.

Here' how I see it and remember a discussion long ago:

  • In the context of the software WordPress the default (language) is always

a) english, because it's in core.
Everyone who's happy to be an admin and with english on the frontend and backend does not even need to install another language and will not see these options in this dropdown menu on the user profile page.

  • In the context of a simple user in another country (maybe with a role less then an Administrator, that is just a Contributor, Author, or Editor) you dont know all this.

The default for this user then might probably be the language of the frontend.
And this "Site Frontend Language" has the be
B) Installed
C) Set by an Administrator in Settings > General
D) Created through content via posts and pages in that language

That's the reason why I think its not good to name that 'Site Default'.
That's not really a default, after all the installation, configuration and creation hassle.

And if the Administrator knows there is an user/author that prefers another language as personal default, because its his native language or unpolite like in the case of nonformal german, then there has to be
E) another language installed for that user

[Additionally just imagine that some users even don't know that some parts of the frontend come from the handcrafted, individuell posts/pages of an author and some parts like the post navigation (Previous Post, Next Post) come from an translated translation file of the theme or from core thru an installation script. Oh my! ]

I think it should be clear that in the User Profil Settings the user can either (always) choose english or only from a language that is installed and/or set there for the site. The later one is on the top of the dropdown menu and not duplicated.

If there would be no place problems there, I would name that "Language that is set for the Site Frontend".

My suggestion still is "Website Setting: xxxxxx " or "Site General Setting: xxxxxx " or even "Site Language: xxxxxx"

As this is also corresponding with the help tap text we have another alternative wording:
"You can select the language you wish to use while using the WordPress administration screen without affecting the language site visitors see."

Language (for your administration screen)

  • " language site visitors see ": Deutsch (Sie)
  • English (United States)
  • Deutsch
  • French
  • Català

#11 @swissspidy
7 years ago

I'd also suggest removing the default site language from the list, so it's not duplicated.

Worth pointing out that these "duplicate" entries serve different purposes.

When the site language is set to English (US) and I pick "Site Default" as my user language, an empty string is saved to the database.

Now, when the site language changes to German, my user language will be German as well because I simply inherit the site language.

However, when I explicitly choose English (US) as my user language and the site language changes to something else, my user language will still be English.

#12 @transl8or
7 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out @swissspidy

(Can someone provide a Nassi-Shneidermann-Diagram of that now :) Sorry, just kidding)

I more and more tend to rename that string "Site Language", as you first suggested.

Also, I think we for sure need an indicator in the Use Profile Dropdown, like @melchoyce suggested probably best with the : seperator, because it's not really clear what language is set as the Site Languae if you look at that Dropdown.
As soon as you enter the Menu the blue marked line immediatly moves and you can't expect from people that they realize that the language that is marked the very first moment you open the dropdown, is the set Site Language.

I add a screenshot where I have set the Site Language to formal german (Deutsch (Sie)) and the User Language is set to turkish, but shut then be set to chinese for example.

It better is something like


  • Site varsayilani: Türkce
  • English (United States)
  • Deutsch
  • Deutsch (Sie)
  • Türkce
  • ....

Of course if 'Site varsyilani' is the turkish word for 'Site Default' it should be the turkish word for 'Site Language' then. Does that make sense?

#13 @transl8or
7 years ago

Next try with an example where the site language is Chinese (taiwan zh_TW) and user backend language is English.

Left side of following screenshot shows how the dropdown currently is; right side like it should be then.

7 years ago

User Profile Language DropDownMenu

7 years ago

#14 @jainnidhi
7 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

#15 @swissspidy
2 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added; has-patch removed
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