Make WordPress Core

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 20 months ago

#39364 new enhancement

Introduce a trigger to handle a custom queue job and run them

Reported by: shivapoudel's profile shivapoudel Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.7
Component: Upgrade/Install Keywords: has-patch dev-feedback 2nd-opinion
Focuses: javascript, administration Cc:


While I was creating a plugin which imports theme demos. I have to utilize the wp.updates for AJAX way to import and delete the demo packs but unfortunately there are no any trigger which I can utilize to update the queue job for demo by using its action and data in wp.updates.queueChecker. As a fix I have introduced a trigger in a patch file :)

Any procedure to the extend self-executing anynonmous function wp.updates.queueChecker below with only trigger $document.trigger( 'wp-updates-queue-job', job ); is much appreciated :)

( function( $, wp ) {
	var $document = $( document );

	wp = wp || {};

	 * The WP Updates object.
	 * @type {object}
	wp.updates = wp.updates || {};

	 * Sends an Ajax request to the server to delete a demo.
	 * @param {object}             args
	 * @param {string}             args.slug    Demo Pack.
	 * @param {deleteDemoSuccess=} args.success Optional. Success callback. Default: wp.updates.deleteDemoSuccess
	 * @param {deleteDemoError=}   args.error   Optional. Error callback. Default: wp.updates.deleteDemoError
	 * @return {$.promise} A jQuery promise that represents the request,
	 *                     decorated with an abort() method.
	wp.updates.deleteDemo = function( args ) {
		var $button = $( '.theme-actions .delete-demo' );

		args = _.extend( {
			success: wp.updates.deleteDemoSuccess,
			error: wp.updates.deleteDemoError
		}, args );

		if ( $button && $button.html() !== wp.updates.l10n.deleting ) {
				.data( 'originaltext', $button.html() )
				.text( wp.updates.l10n.deleting );

		wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.deleting, 'polite' );

		// Remove previous error messages, if any.
		$( '.theme-info .update-message' ).remove();

		$document.trigger( 'wp-demo-deleting', args );

		return wp.updates.ajax( 'delete-demo', args );

	 * Updates the UI appropriately after a successful demo deletion.
	 * @typedef {object} deleteDemoSuccess
	 * @param {object} response      Response from the server.
	 * @param {string} response.slug Slug of the demo that was deleted.
	wp.updates.deleteDemoSuccess = function( response ) {
		wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.deleted, 'polite' );

		$document.trigger( 'wp-demo-delete-success', response );

	 * Updates the UI appropriately after a failed demo deletion.
	 * @typedef {object} deleteDemoError
	 * @param {object} response              Response from the server.
	 * @param {string} response.slug         Slug of the demo to be deleted.
	 * @param {string} response.errorCode    Error code for the error that occurred.
	 * @param {string} response.errorMessage The error that occurred.
	wp.updates.deleteDemoError = function( response ) {
		var $button      = $( '.theme-actions .delete-demo' ),
			errorMessage = wp.updates.l10n.deleteFailed.replace( '%s', response.errorMessage ),
			$message     = wp.updates.adminNotice( {
				className: 'update-message notice-error notice-alt',
				message:   errorMessage
			} );

		if ( wp.updates.maybeHandleCredentialError( response, 'delete-demo' ) ) {

		$( '.theme-info .theme-description' ).before( $message );

		$button.html( $ 'originaltext' ) );

		wp.a11y.speak( errorMessage, 'assertive' );

		$document.trigger( 'wp-demo-delete-error', response );

	 * Pulls available jobs from the queue and runs them.
	wp.updates.queueChecker = function() {
		var job;

		if ( wp.updates.ajaxLocked || ! wp.updates.queue.length ) {

		job = wp.updates.queue.shift();

		// Handle a queue job.
		switch ( job.action ) {
			case 'install-plugin':
				wp.updates.installPlugin( );

			case 'update-plugin':
				wp.updates.updatePlugin( );

			case 'delete-plugin':
				wp.updates.deletePlugin( );

			case 'install-theme':
				wp.updates.installTheme( );

			case 'update-theme':
				wp.updates.updateTheme( );

			case 'delete-theme':
				wp.updates.deleteTheme( );


		$document.trigger( 'wp-updates-queue-job', job );

})( jQuery, window.wp );

Attachments (1)

39364.diff (321 bytes) - added by shivapoudel 8 years ago.
Introduce trigger to handle a custom queue job :)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

8 years ago

Introduce trigger to handle a custom queue job :)

#1 @shivapoudel
8 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch dev-feedback 2nd-opinion added

#2 @shivapoudel
7 years ago

@swissspidy @dd32 Can you introduce a trigger for custom queue job by plugins :)

$document.trigger( 'wp-updates-queue-job', job );

Its been about 11 months (nearly a year) I have using code to resolve this issue :)

Last edited 7 years ago by shivapoudel (previous) (diff)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-upgrade-install by costdev. View the logs.

20 months ago

#4 @costdev
20 months ago

I've pinged a Security team member to see if they have time to take a look at this one and potential implications.

Additional props: @afragen @pbiron

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-upgrade-install by costdev. View the logs.

20 months ago

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