Make WordPress Core

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#39617 new enhancement

Improve the Dashboard Screen and Welcome dashboard widget

Reported by: lukecavanagh's profile lukecavanagh Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.7.1
Component: Administration Keywords:
Focuses: ui, administration Cc:


Currently the welcome dashboard widget only offers a few options, it does not cover making sure that a new has added a site name, site description, set permalinks or made sure that a user has created their first page and post on the site.

Giving users a better flow from the dashboard screen would help them get started on their site.

Attachments (4)

WP Welcome Dashboard Widget.png (47.5 KB) - added by lukecavanagh 8 years ago.
Welcome Widget
WP Dashboard Widgets.png (180.8 KB) - added by lukecavanagh 8 years ago.
Dashboard Screen
Schermata 2017-02-05 alle 17.16.49.png (235.6 KB) - added by gusepo 8 years ago.
Dashboard welcome improvements
wp dashboard.png.001.png (587.2 KB) - added by gusepo 8 years ago.
Dashboard welcome redesign

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

8 years ago

Welcome Widget

8 years ago

Dashboard Screen

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by hardeepasrani. View the logs.

8 years ago

#2 @hardeepasrani
8 years ago

You're asked to add a site title and description when installing WordPress, so don't think that needs to be there too. And for permalinks, it's more of a choice, so you don't need to change unless you want.

But yea, making a post is more important.

#3 @lukecavanagh
8 years ago


The number of sites I have come across where a user has not changed the permalinks from default from ?p=123 to sample-post always surprises me.

Last edited 8 years ago by lukecavanagh (previous) (diff)

#4 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

WordPress already tries to enable pretty permalinks on install if possible, see #6481.

#5 @lukecavanagh
8 years ago


Good to know.

#6 @gusepo
8 years ago

Hi all,
I'd like to contribute to this ticket, what is the expected output?
I've a couple of ideas I'd like to test, are PNG layout ok?

#7 @lukecavanagh
8 years ago


PNG is fine add those as attached files to the ticket, thanks.

8 years ago

Dashboard welcome improvements

8 years ago

Dashboard welcome redesign

#8 @gusepo
8 years ago

I made 2 quick sketches:

  1. this is built on actual layout
  1. this is a redesign, I tried to give a bit of warmth with a background (the image is from pexels )

My insights:

  • the widget has to take the screen height to limit visible elements and focus just on essential actions
  • split actions in 3 categories
  • tell user which one is the current theme and how to change it

#9 @lukecavanagh
8 years ago


Thanks for sharing those two mockup designs.

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