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Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 16 months ago

#39918 new enhancement

Whitelist audioBoom oEmbeds

Reported by: arunaudioboom's profile arunaudioboom Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.8
Component: Embeds Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:



is disabling links within our iframe player on some wp sites, try the social icons on the audioBoom player in this article

What are the steps to getting audioBoom whitelisted so that no changes are made to the oEmbed codes?

Change History (6)

#1 @Soean
8 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Hey @arunaudioboom,
can you please answer the questions from Whitelisting oEmbed providers. This will help to decide if a provider gets whitelisted.

#2 @arunaudioboom
8 years ago

Thanks @Soean

Is the service is popular enough for core developers to have heard of it before? Is it “mainstream?”
We are one of the largest podcast platforms in the world with audioBoom hosted content driving over 80m interactions a month.

If similar services are already supported, how does this service compare in terms of size, features, and backing?
Is there a current list of whitelisted providers for me to review?

Does this service have a large following on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media? Is its Twitter account verified?
Our verified Twitter account has 62.8k followers and our Facebook pages has 284k followers.

Is its oEmbed endpoint clearly established and properly documented? (Sometimes, they are just a developer’s pet project that may not be supported.)
We have had oEmbed implemented for a number of years and this is already being used on wp sites.

Does the oEmbed endpoint work with WordPress’ oEmbed auto-discovery? If not, could it be made to work with additional HTML tags or attributes being whitelisted?
We are currently working with WordPress' oEmbed auto discovery.

Does the service make an effort to build relationships with developers, such as through robust APIs?We work with developers and give access to our API which is documented here

How old is the service? audioBoom in it's current form was established in 2014

Does it have a well-established Wikipedia article?

Has anyone written a WordPress plugin that leverages the service in some way, whether adding it as an oEmbed provider, creating a shortcode, or leveraging other APIs of the service? Do these plugins have any noticeable adoption or traction that would indicate usage and demand? We currently support an auto posting feature which will generate new wp posts with players when a user uploads a new piece of audio content. The majority of audioBoom embeds on wp sites however are now generated using oEmbed.

#3 @Soean
8 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback removed

Thanks for your feedback.

Is there a current list of whitelisted providers for me to review?

Last edited 8 years ago by Soean (previous) (diff)

#4 @arunaudioboom
8 years ago

Currently there are no whitelisted podcast focussed providers. Mixcloud and Soundcloud are the whitelisted services which most closely match audioBoom however our focus is on spoken word content rather than music.

#5 in reply to: ↑ description @dd32
8 years ago

Replying to arunaudioboom:


is disabling links within our iframe player on some wp sites, try the social icons

For historical purposes, the issue being hit in this case is:
Blocked opening '' in a new window because the request was made in a sandboxed frame whose 'allow-popups' permission is not set.

#6 @swissspidy
16 months ago

Request looks reasonable, it would help make those links work. The player itself works already. However there don't seem to be any current developer docs.

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