Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4010, comment 28

04/03/2013 08:48:34 PM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #4010, comment 28

    initial v1  
    11Aaron, yes the "flickering" I mentioned is the same issue you've reported. I've added some notes to a separate issue which I think is related to the problem with large blogs, it could also be the answer to the status bar issue.
    3 On a technical point, what is happening is that the pressing of the button starts up 2 processes. The first runs the import and the second periodically reads the status. The status is being passed between these two in the form of writing and reading a wordpress option. I was finding that it was not being updated into the DB so I update with a dummy value and then back to the actual value, this has the side effect you are seeing. I believe this is related to a core issue but it may also be due to the size of data being stored which is the issue 6369 mentioned above.
     3On a technical point, what is happening is that the pressing of the button starts up 2 processes. The first runs the import and the second periodically reads the status. The status is being passed between these two in the form of writing and reading a wordpress option. I was finding that it was not being updated into the DB so I update with a dummy value and then back to the actual value, this has the side effect you are seeing. I believe this is related to a core issue #13480 but it may also be due to the size of data being stored which is the issue 6369 mentioned above.
    55Does it eventually finish? How long does take to get to 1000 posts and 6000 comments?