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Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#40882 new defect (bug)

Characters omitted when copying and pasting from Word

Reported by: janthony636's profile janthony636 Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.7.5
Component: Editor Keywords: needs-testing
Focuses: Cc:


I have been preparing WordPress pages by arranging the information in Microsoft Word 2016, and then copying it from Word and pasting it into WordPress. My pages almost all include citations that I've copied from Google Scholar and pasted into Word.

I noticed recently that in the citations, the following characters would be missing:

  • the (nonbreaking) space that follows the italicized publication name
  • the volume number that follows after that
  • the period that follows after that

When I first noticed this, I went back through 70+ pages and it looked like these characters had been omitted every time.

Note that when this happened again on another page yesterday, I decided to report a bug. I had already deleted the Word source file, so I tried to reproduce the behavior with a small new Word file. I found that I was never able to reproduce this behavior.

Today I saw this behavior again on yet another new page. This time I've saved the Word source file, and I've confirmed that this happened again when I copied and pasted again.

Please fix this if at all possible. Copying and pasting is such a reliable operation normally in every modern application that it's fairly easy to not realize that in WordPress this operation introduces errors that need to be fixed.


Attachments (1)

2003 Emotional Convergence Between People Over Time.docx (105.5 KB) - added by janthony636 8 years ago.
Example of a file that causes the error when I copy from the file and paste into WordPress

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

8 years ago

Example of a file that causes the error when I copy from the file and paste into WordPress

#1 @joyously
8 years ago

Can you elaborate on the steps to reproduce?
Are you in Visual mode or text mode of the editor? Did you toggle the button to paste from Word (or text)?

Last edited 8 years ago by joyously (previous) (diff)

#2 @janthony636
8 years ago

I’m running WordPress 4.7.5 in Google Chrome in Windows 7 Home Premium.

Steps to reproduce using attached file: (my site that's running WordPress)
+ New, Page
Double-click 2003 Emotional Convergence Between People Over Time.docx (the demo file I attached to the original ticket)
Ctrl-a, Ctrl-c
Click on the workspace of the WordPress visual editor

Resulting characters in reference 2 (near the bottom of the page):
Anderson, Cameron, Dacher Keltner, and Oliver P. John. "Emotional Convergence Between People Over Time." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology5 (2003): 1054-1068.

#3 @noisysocks
4 years ago

  • Keywords needs-testing added
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