Make WordPress Core

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#41468 new defect (bug)

Provide contextual info about what "attached" and "detached" means regarding media objects

Reported by: mor10's profile mor10 Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Media Keywords:
Focuses: ui Cc:


From user testing:

"I have no idea what it means when it says an image is 'Attached' to a post. Does it mean the image is in the post? Does it mean if I 'Detach' the image from the post it will go away from the post? I'm worried a client might 'Detach' an image from a post to remove it, or 'Attach' an image to add it. What is this for? How can an image be 'Unattached' to the post it is displayed in anyway?"

Change History (1)

#1 @afercia
8 years ago

  • Focuses ui added
  • Version trunk deleted

See the original ticket for some important background:

Make it possible to manually detach/attach post images #6820

where this issue has been discussed extensively and one of the option discussed was to "completely remove both Attach and Detach in the future".

Related tickets:
Time for a wp_post_relationships table? (closed as maybelater) #14513
Allow many-to-many relationship between posts and attachments (closed as maybelater) #10657

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